The Consort is Sick, We Must Pamper Her

Chapter 1112: This baby can do what you want

Three women in a scene, this is true, not to worry about being cold.

Of course, the main thing is that Chu Yue is talking with Qin Jiaoyu. Qin Yun adds a sentence from time to time, with milk and snacks next to it, so I can talk about all aspects.

Entering the palace in the morning, until noon Qin Heng came over for lunch, this was not over yet.

But when Qin Heng came, he stopped talking about that.

Qin Jiaoyu took her youngest home after lunch. Qin Heng didn't leave much for lunch and went back to Panlong Hall to rest.

Chu Yue and Qin Yun came to the study for a lunch break.

"Da Yunyun, I don't think I haven't had it this year." Chu Yue said Da Yunyun, putting her arms around her on the bed.

Qin Yun smiled: "Take your stomach carefully."

"Be careful." Chu Yue said, and couldn't help feeling: "It's no wonder that those who have daughters don't approve of their daughters marrying away. All year round, it's all extravagant to meet.

Although there will be correspondence every month, since I returned from Central Continent last year, I haven't seen each other until now.

In this era, there is no video on the phone. How many people can you see in the future?

"Okay, don't sigh with emotion, go to sleep quickly." Qin Yun said.

"Big bitch, don't you feel sad." Chu Yue said.

"It's not sad, I was very moisturized in Feng's family, there is nothing so sad." Qin Yun said.

Chu Yue said: "Da Yunyun, you hurt my heart."

"I asked you to cut you off with him at the beginning. I knew you were finished in this life, and I was mentally prepared." Qin Yun said.

Chu Yue grieved: "If I knew you were here earlier, I would not provoke him."

Who knows that this dog skin ointment can't be taken off as soon as she touches her hand, what can she do, she is also very helpless.

"Come on, you look ruthless in pants. If you really want to walk ten cows and can't pull you back, don't refuse to welcome you. Go to bed early." Qin Yun said.

Chu Yue said: "You are not used to me now."

"You are about to give birth to your second child. I'm not used to you. I'm used to you. The women in the palace won't be used to you." Qin Yun said.

If it is possible, she also hopes that her little **** can never be bound.

But is it possible? You will be a canary in the harem all your life.

The man surnamed Qin is her birdcage, and he might have to be trapped here for the rest of his life.

Chu Yue smiled and said, "I didn't fail as much as you thought. You haven't heard that the queen's golden seal is now in my hands."

"Is that what you want?" Qin Yun said flatly: "It's not that Yang Yang's accident, you would want her golden seal? And, all your glory in this palace comes from Qin Heng, in case someday If he turns his face ruthlessly, I see what you do."

"He won't." Chu Yue laughed.

Qin Yun said: "I hope he won't, otherwise the distant water can't save the nearby fire, I can't help you even if I want to!"

"Don't worry about this." Chu Yue laughed.

Qin Yun said: "Go to sleep, you should have enough rest in the late pregnancy."

Chu Yue also slept with her Da Yunyun.

When she woke up, Qin Yun was no longer there. She was sleeping by herself. After shouting, Xiaoyan and Zhenzhu came in.

"Where is Yunyun?" Chu Yue said.

"The doctor woman is leading people to check the delivery room and all the decorations of our Weiyang Palace." Pearl said.

They all call for doctors in a unified way.

"Mother Yan has taken someone to check it before, and there is still a lot of trouble." Chu Yue said, got up, drank warm water, and came out.

It felt like I squinted for a while, but the day was grayed out, and Chu Yue couldn't help but froze.

"It's so late?" Chu Yue said.

"Seeing that Niang Niang was asleep, I didn't call Niang Niang." Xiaoyan said.

"I can sleep every day now." Chu Yue said.

Qin Yun brought Xiao Weiyang over and said, "This morning also made you tired. Rest these days later, but you can't exercise less."

"Yeah." Chu Yue nodded, and followed the magpie: "Is dinner ready?"

"It's ready," said Magpie: "Xiao Xuanzi just came over to pass a message, saying that the emperor went to dinner in the Palace of the Concubine Xian tonight, so he won't come here.

"Alright." Chu Yue nodded.

Qin Yun glanced at her twice, and when she saw that she was not jealous, he said, "He often does this?" So much so that her little **** is used to it.

"No, I have eaten here for the past two or three years. I was a fan of love a while ago. When I went to Yan, I often took a bath and dine there. You don’t know, Yan is always dressed like a flower, so cool. She wore a nearly transparent gauze in the weather, which is more sultry than wearing nothing." said Chu Yue.

"Finally, my mother and concubine came and brought my father back." Xiao Weiyang said with a smile.

Chu Yue gave her a blank look and said: "Hurry up and eat first, and then go to study after eating."

"All right." Xiao Weiyang nodded, and she listened to her mother and concubine chatting with her aunt, eating while listening, and didn't want to leave after eating.

Because it was so funny, especially the way her mother and concubine complained while eating acetic acid, and the look in her aunt's contemptuous eyes at her mother and concubine, which made her amused.

But in the end, he was sent to read in the study.

Qin Yun sat drinking chrysanthemum tea and chatting with Chu Yue, Chu Yue smiled and said: "My birth may really be a son. Qin Heng and I have both dreamed about it. This is just a little boy. Monk."

"I dream of everything, but how come you are a little monk?" Qin Yun said.

"I don't know, but I dreamt of being a little monk, who looks strange and cute." Chu Yue said with a smile.

Qin Yun said: "I looked at the fetal appearance of your baby, and I guess it will be as you wish."

"What do you mean?" Chu Yue said.

"Son, this looks like a son." Qin Yun said.

"Go, I didn't have to give birth to a son, I just dreamed of it, don't you know who I dreamed of?" Chu Yue said.

"When you gave birth to Yang Yang before, didn't you mean that you dreamed it? In the end it was not Yang Yang?" Qin Yun said.

"So I love her very much, even if she is partial to her father, I am not patriarchal. Don't compare me with those women who cannot understand." Chu Yue said.

Qin Yun laughed: "Okay, you are still on the line." After finishing speaking, he frowned and said: "This is so much before the birth. If this child is really a son, I think it will disappear in the future. No more."

"Let them let their horses come here, can I still be afraid of them? Let's talk if you can knock me down!" Chu Yue snorted coldly.

Qin Yun saw her fighting spirit, and didn't know if she should be grateful for her resilience, or should feel wronged for her.

But a thousand words can only be translated into one sentence, and she is happy.

"If you are really wronged, just send me a letter. The Feng clan will always be your strongest backing. Qin Heng dare not really deny you face unless he wants to turn my face with me Feng clan!" Qin Yun said.

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