The Consort is Sick, We Must Pamper Her

Chapter 1113: Produce in advance!

Chu Yue knows that in the eyes of her big bitch, she must be having a bad life.

Because she couldn't understand her current thinking at all.

Chu Yue can understand the fact that she can't understand her, because she knows that she has changed too much. If she changed her former self, she would never understand her current self.

It's just that it's okay to say that she has fun in hardship, or that she has tears in her laughter, but she is actually fine.

Qin Heng, the scumbag, did make her angry sometimes, but sometimes he also moved her.

Day, isn't that the way it is.

The next day, Xiao Xuanzi sent a small kiln over here. Last night, he gave Master Long live the vigil, and Master Long live himself rested in the study room of Jade Palace.

Qin Yun heard it too. After the little kiln went down, he said: "So Concubine Xian and the others are willing to act as your shield to share the pressure for you?"

"Cough cough, let's not talk about this." Chu Yue changed the subject: "Yunyun, I have eaten a lot of sweets recently. I always have a dry mouth and can't get pregnancy diabetes, right?"

"Not so, that sugar is still acceptable," Qin Yun said.

Nowadays, Chu Yue belly months are no longer small, can the belly of more than eight months be small? Grandmother Jiang from the Yongle Hou Mansion was very worried and asked Li Mo'er, the big cousin, to come in and see her.

I also brought a lot of things in, but Chu Yue asked the magpie to give them one point, because there were too many supplements, and she couldn't finish it here.

But let's not say that since Qin Yun came here, Chu Yue really relieved his appetite, so it didn't take long before the whole face of Chu Yue was rounded up.

Qin Heng glanced at her and gave her a few glances to let her understand.

"Why, the emperor is beginning to despise me for getting fat?" Chu Yue detoured.

"Qin Yun comes over and you just eat like this. When she is away, you can go on this diet and that diet. Letting you eat more is enough. I don't know, I think I have treated you badly for not letting you eat!" Qin Heng Leng snorted.

Qin Yun didn't give him a good face when he came here, and his attitude was particularly cold. Of course, he didn't need her enthusiasm, just take care of him as a woman.

But you don't need to ask to know that Qin Yun must be dissatisfied with his sister's eating so thin, and this dissatisfaction vented on him.

"Where can I be, the emperor always keeps me full, whether it's the mouth above or..." Chu Yue approached his ears, and suddenly dragged onto the high speed.

Qin Heng didn't know what he had thought of, his elegant face also blushed slightly, and he whispered, "Naughty."

"Just mess around." Chu Yue gave him a light punch.

Qin Heng smiled lightly and put her in his arms, and said, "Give me a big fat boy, and I will take care of you in the future."

"Do you want this to be a princess?" Chu Yue looked at him.

"The left and right are still young, just continue to give birth. I have seen people who are not younger than forty are still giving birth. Old clams give birth to pearls, prolonging their lives." Qin Heng said.

Chu Yue directly refused to chat with him.

That night, the old teacher came to Panlong Temple to look for Qin Heng.

Qin Heng was surprised. He had stopped originally, but didn't want the old national teacher to come, so he ordered someone to invite the old national teacher in.

"The emperor, come out," the old teacher said.

Qin Heng heard the report from Xiao Xuanzi that the old national teacher let it out instead of entering the house. Although he was slightly puzzled, Qin Heng put on his cloak and came out.

Although it has been several years since the old national teacher left the palace, the old national teacher has basically not changed in the past few years.

And compared to the previous year, he has a bit of a fairy style.

Seeing the old national teacher like this, Qin Heng was also emotional, because his father wanted to become such a person when he was old.

Because of this, I was finally deceived by that fake Taoist!

"Old Chinese teacher." Standing in front of the old Chinese teacher, Qin Heng also respectfully saluted the old Chinese teacher.

"The emperor is polite." The old national teacher also nodded back to him. He looked at Qin Heng very satisfied, and said: "The emperor was taught by the emperor himself, and it is as good as the emperor when he was young. ."

"It's getting late, why doesn't the national teacher enter the hall? The cold wind is not small outside." Qin Heng smiled and said.

"I won't go in. I came here tonight. I want to take the emperor to see the celestial phenomenon." said the old master.

"The sky?" Qin Heng was taken aback for a moment, and looked up to the sky. Although the cold wind was whistling, the sky tonight is indeed good, with stars shining in the sky.

"How does the emperor feel about the astronomical phenomenon tonight?" the old teacher asked.

"Naturally it is excellent." Qin Heng nodded. At this moment, a meteor flashed from the sky, and Qin Heng was taken aback for a moment: "What was that just now?"

"The emperor doesn't care about it, just keep watching." The old teacher said.

Qin Heng listened to him and continued to look at the boundless sky before saying, "Which one does the old master want me to look at?"

The old teacher smiled and pointed to him: "How about that star, the emperor?"

Qin Heng followed along and looked at it for a while before he said: "Although this star is dazzling, it is flickering and flickering. It seems that there are signs of falling, not like it can stay above the stars for a long time."

"The emperor, have you seen the birthdate horoscope given to you by the old minister?" The old teacher said.

"I've seen it, but neither I nor the imperial concubine understand what this means?" Qin Heng asked puzzledly, and then said: "After the calculation, the eight characters mean tonight?"

"The imperial concubine of Weiyang Palace should have been activated." The old teacher said.

Qin Heng's face changed when he heard this: "It's activated? It's only more than eight months for the imperial concubine now!"

But this was only finished, Xiao Xuanzi had hurried in carrying Xiao Lizi, Xiao Lizi knelt on the ground: "The emperor, the concubine is about to give birth!"

"How did you serve? The imperial concubine has only been more than eight months now, how can it be so much in advance!" Qin Heng said with a tight face.

He didn't care about the old national teacher anymore, he was going to pass.

"Don't worry about the emperor, the imperial concubine will give birth safely." The old teacher said.

Qin Heng only then thought of him, and even more of the eight-character birthdays given by the old Chinese teacher. Could it be that child's eight-character?

"You all go down." Qin Heng waved his hand.

Xiao Xuanzi, Xiao Lizi and they all retreated. Qin Heng looked at the old national teacher and said, "Old national teacher, what is going on? This child and the old national teacher let me see another star. what relationship?"

Naturally, he wouldn't be so stupid that the old national teacher was so good and came over to him and said that these were just simply telling him about the sky.

His imperial concubine's pulse condition has always been good, but this was suddenly activated tonight, and the old teacher had already predicted it, so it was clearly counted.

Qin Heng was naturally anxious about his concubine.

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