The Consort is Sick, We Must Pamper Her

Chapter 1124: Love to read the three princes

Because I have a second brother, I can often go out of the palace to play at the second brother's house in the future, and the fifth princess will come to Xiao Weiyang to show off.

Xiao Weiyang expressed disdain, but don't say anything, she is somewhat envious in the mainland.

Chu Yue learned from the palace man and summoned her daughter over and said with a smile: "Why, I envy your fifth sister to have a brother?"

"A little bit, not much, just a little bit." Xiao Weiyang said with a gesture.

Her cousin has a lot of things, but he can't compare with her own compatriot, but there is no other way.

Because she is the biggest.

Chu Yue smiled and said: "The eldest prince and the second prince are also your emperor brothers. If you want to go out of the palace, you can do the same."

"I've been to Brother Dahuang twice, and it's not bad, but I didn't plan to go to Brother Erhuang." Xiao Weiyang said.

"Why?" Chu Yue said.

"Fifth Sister, I don't even bother to go, otherwise she thought I was so rare." Xiao Weiyang pouted.

Chu Yue smiles, so don't underestimate the children, they are not big, but they are also a small river and lake, not much different from the world of adults.

But let alone, time is really fast. In a blink of an eye, the princes are going out of the palace to build a mansion one by one.

"Brother Dahuang's backyard is not very peaceful." Xiao Weiyang suddenly whispered.

"Huh?" Chu Yue looked at her.

"Last time we went there, we happened to be jealous of Brother Da Huang's concubine, and Brother Si Huang, he was the most unlucky. He was drugged when he went to the Da Huang brother's mansion to eat, but he lay in bed for two days. "Xiao Weiyang said.

"Is there anything else?" Chu Yue frowned.

"It's the little trick of a woman in the backyard. Brother Da Huang asked one concubine to go to the kitchen to prepare, and the other concubine stumbled her. Brother Si Huang now dare not go to the house of Da Huang to eat." Xiao Weiyang Tao.

"When did it happen?" Chu Yue asked.

"Just a while ago, but the concubine who was drugged was beaten to death by Brother Dahuang, and then sold out." Xiao Weiyang said.

Chu Yue shook his head, this concubine is really brain-dead.

"I heard about it." Xiao Weiyang continued.

"Huh?" Chu Yue looked at her.

"Brother Dahuang has a maid who secretly climbed the bed, and she seems to be pregnant after being favored by Brother Dahuang!" Xiao Weiyang said.

Chu Yue: "..." She remembered clearly that the eldest prince was only thirteen this year.

"But I didn't keep it. Brother Dahuang hasn't married the eldest prince and concubine, and before the wife enters the door, where can they have children." Xiao Weiyang said.

Chu Yue deeply feels that my daughter is too precocious!

"Who are you listening to?" Chu Yue asked.

"Is it necessary to hear about it? I can listen to it wherever I want. I also heard that Brother Sanhuang likes to read Xiaohuangshu!" Xiao Weiyang said.

Chu Yue took a sip of tea and almost squirted it out.

Bingye and Magpie beside Shili were also dumbfounded, and said hurriedly: "Six princesses, where did you hear it? You can't talk nonsense like this."

"I didn't talk nonsense. Not only did the three emperors love to read it, but it seemed that the two emperors and the four emperors had watched them all. I remembered one time when my father punished them, I guess it was reading the little yellow book!" Said.

"One mouthful of a little yellow book, do you know what a little yellow book is?" Chu Yue stared at her.

"I don't know." Xiao Weiyang shook his head frankly: "But it's always a bad thing, otherwise how could the father punish them?"

Chu Yue can't help but blame the three princes for coming, really teaching bad kids!

So when Qin Heng came over, Chu Yue murmured this: "Yang Yang didn’t know where he heard it, saying that her three emperors like to read Xiaohuangshu is something everyone knows, I My heart trembled and asked her what a little yellow book was. She said she didn't know, but she knew it was a bad thing!"

Qin Heng's face also turned black, and then he sent someone to the prince's office for a surprise inspection.

The three princes are indeed watching again, and they brought them back to the palace when they went out of the palace to play in the mansion of his big emperor. It was the kind of unbearable **** picture!

There are no two princes, four princes or five princes, only the third prince.

And when he was raided, he placed it under his pillow, and there were also double-folded pages. Obviously, he was just looking at it!

The third prince was immediately punished to kneel.

After listening to Chu Yue, I felt that the three princes really owed a lesson. They were fined the last time and committed the crime again this time, and they have become more serious, from the little yellow book to the **** picture!

He said: "The emperor, it is not good to be punished to kneel. It is easy to hurt the knee and leave sequelae. In the future, if you don't grow tall, you will become a dwarf."

"This **** thing, I will punish him by kneeling!" Qin Heng scolded.

He is clean and honest, why did he give birth to such a thing?

"Kneeling is not good enough, let him copy the scriptures to cultivate one's morality," Chu Yue said.

So the third prince was fined and banned, and there was a pile of scriptures for him to copy every word. If he couldn't finish copying, then continue to ban.

The third prince was crying in grief, so he might as well be punished on his knees. If he was punished, he would be fine.

All the princes were fine, but the third prince was fined, and the punishment was so heavy. Of course, Wen Bi, the biological mother, was heartbroken.

Please come directly to Concubine Shu Fei.

Concubine Shu and Concubine Xi were both disgusted and dead. The third prince was really embarrassed and left home this time. Although the emperor blocked the news, few people knew, but they all knew what they were.

Knowing that the three princes were punished severely by the emperor because they peeked at the **** pictures.

Just last time I was punished for taking my brothers to read Xiaohuangshu.

These are all habitual offenders, Wen Bie still has the face to come to intercede, but it is too late for them to hide.

And how do they ask them to intercede with such things? It's not the first time!

"Now that the third prince is still young, it's good to learn how long it is. Wen Bi, don't be used to the third prince. At this age, you will only look at those things. When you grow up, you should take care of it. Otherwise, he will definitely end up with a fascinating impression on the emperor. What future is there for then?" Shu Fei said.

"The emperor disciplines the three princes, whoever dares to intervene, we will be charged with a motherly and miserable son later, we will all be implicated." Xi Fei also said.

So Wen had to go back.

Concubine Xi also left Concubine Shu and returned to her palace.

The fifth prince was already waiting for his concubine, and said: "Mother concubine, the weather is so cold, why don't you go out without keeping warm in your palace, worry about catching a cold."

Concubine Xi smiled and said, "My son is a filial piety, and the mother and concubine know that, don't worry, I have to take the soup woman all the way."

"Mother concubine, my cat is dead again, this time I plan to change to a puppy." said the fifth prince.

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