The Consort is Sick, We Must Pamper Her

Chapter 1125: Go back and think behind closed doors!

Only cats and puppies, Xi Fei didn't care, and said: "If you want to raise it, you can raise it. Let the palace staff pick it from the breeding place. Let it be selected carefully. Don't pick those that are easy to die. It is unlucky."

The fifth prince nodded and shook his dangling leg happily.

"This time, your mother and concubine know about the Brother Three Emperor's affairs, and you can see clearly what he is. You will stay away from him in the future, don't you know, don't damage him!" Xifei said.

The last time the princes were punished together, the past has passed, but this time he was punished, especially the people around the third princes, they were replaced and cleaned.

Needless to say, the emperor is really angry.

The fifth prince chuckled softly: "Brother Sanhuang also likes this. On weekdays, he likes to dance and use ink, and then touch his maid's ass."

"Next!" Concubine Xi could not help cursing, and then looked at him: "How did you know? He still does this kind of thing in front of you?"

"No, I saw it accidentally, touching his butt, and kissing his maidservant's mouth. I asked him if he was nauseous. He said I was young and didn't understand that women are made of water. No matter where they are sick, they are too late to like." The fifth prince said.

Concubine Xi was really outraged: "This time the emperor severely punished him, it's really not wrong at all. Now that he is so old, he has learned all these beautiful things without a teacher, and it will be worth it if he grows up!"

Of course, she didn't bother to care about the three princes, and even liked to hear and let them develop.

But the point is that her son also lives with the prince's house!

Isn't it easy to be misled by the third prince? If his son becomes the reincarnation of this pervert, Concubine Xi feels that she will really cry and blind her eyes.

"You can't learn from your three emperor brothers if you don't know, he's all subordinates, you see that he is now directly imprisoned by your father and punished by copying the scriptures!" Xi Fei quickly warned.

"I know, I don't need your mother and concubine to remind you. I can't stand my three emperor brothers. I feel sick when I see him. He sticks out his tongue when he kisses, and so does the maid!" said the fifth prince.

Concubine Xi's head became heavy with anger, and her chest was blocked.

If Wen Bi was in front of her, she would not let Wen Bi, this is really a good son taught!

"You study hard, keep a low profile, don't care about these things, don't deal with the third prince in the future, he is willing to fall, don't take you with you!" Xi Fei immediately said.

"I know, but I also seem to be going out of the palace to build a mansion like Brother Da Huang, and I can be the master of my own house in the future." The Five Prince said.

Concubine Xi said, "You are a prince, and you are still worried about this? When you get old, you can go out and live by yourself, I'm afraid you will not get used to it then."

"I won't get used to it. We don't go to the mansion of the emperor less. I think that the emperor is very happy. He lives by himself and does what he wants." said the fifth prince.

Concubine Xi comforted her, and only then did her son go back.

"Explain to the palace people around the fifth prince, don't let the fifth prince and the third prince get too close in the future!" Xifei said with a black face.

"Don't worry, the maidservant will explain to you." Caier said.

Concubine Xi was so angry that she said: "How old is the third prince now, and I don't know who I learned from these next works!"

The reason why Qin Heng was ruthless this time was not because he had some understanding.

How many brothers are there at the prince's place? In another year or two, the six princes, the seventh princes, and the eighth princes, they will all live there, and they will all be taken to the horizon by then.

So this time the three princes have suffered.

Those maids who are suspected of seducing the prince will not end well. This is a wake-up call!

Qin Heng was about to lose his anger, after all, the punishment was also punished, and the third prince had a good attitude of admitting his mistakes.

But this day, I was going to the martial arts field to be active, so Wen Bie came to find him.

Wen Bi saw the emperor, it was a sad and sad heartbroken.

In fact, the gentleman's care is very good, because she is not a beautiful and charming woman, so she looks a little blessed.

Qin Heng felt a little pity when Yanchang made this posture, but Wen Bie was so, Qin Heng frowned: "What are you going to do?"

"The emperor, the tea has been brewed in the concubine's room. I wonder if the emperor will have time to taste it?" Wen said.

"I'm going to the martial arts training ground. I have no time to go there." Qin Heng said.

Mr. Feng couldn’t help but glanced at this gentleman. He really didn’t know how to wink. It’s not too late for Master Long live to come out of the martial arts field. Long live Master Yanchang will not bother when she comes.

Qin Heng was about to leave when he finished speaking, and Wen's eyes were red, and he said, "Is the emperor now abandoning his concubine?"

Qin Heng frowned and said, "I just want to go to the martial arts field."

"If the emperor wants to go to the martial arts field, when can he go? Concubine first invite the emperor to sit down." Wen said.

After saying this, Mr. Feng knew it was going to be bad. Sure enough, he saw their long live master glanced over at Wen Bi: "Are you trying to intercede for the Third Prince? Wen Bi, the third prince has developed the appearance today, I am not the only one. The questions are all good, do you dare to come to intercede? Loving mothers are often defeated because you are used to it, so that the three princes have not changed after repeated teachings. You should go back and think behind closed doors for three months!"

After speaking, Qin Heng turned to the martial arts training ground, ignoring Wen Bing.

If Wen Bi hadn't been supported by the palace man, she would have fallen into the snow.

This blow was not a big deal to her, and it really hurt her heart.

This stupid thing that Wen Bie did was spread in every palace.

It was both ridicule and contempt, and the emperor's anger was so hard to get rid of, this is to make her provoke her again.

In such an atmosphere, the new year is getting closer.

After Laba, the weather is getting colder day by day, and the snow is heavy.

Qin Heng has recently begun to pay attention, because the annual ancestor worship ceremony is coming.

Because of this, he was also invited by the second prince to have a dinner at Fengqi Palace.

It can be regarded as giving face to the second prince, and of course it also gives face to Fengqi Palace.

It's just that the Fengqi Palace has been emptied so far. If the golden seal is not in the hands of the palace, the middle palace does not have the right to manage palace affairs.

This time the ceremonial ceremony requires the queen to come forward, otherwise the ban is two different things.

All the concubines in the palace can see clearly, but they all want to see the scene of the queen being imprisoned by the emperor.

It’s just that Qin Heng will not make any mistakes in the ceremony of worshipping the ancestors. Empress Xiao is not a person who does not know the general. What the queen should do!

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