The Consort is Sick, We Must Pamper Her

Chapter 1127: Heng'er, can you come and take a look at your mother?

The banquet with the royal family members was naturally festive, and Chu Yue also looked specifically at the location of King Qin Xuan.

He came here alone. Princess Qin still didn't come with him. She had the experience of last year, so she didn't dare to bring Chu Jia over again this year.

I was alone over there, but it seemed that he had a very good relationship with the Old Shou Prince of Prince Shou's Mansion, and there were people nearby who had a conversation with him, but it was not cold.

Chu Yue knows a thing or two about this situation, because the emperor Qin Heng gave his nephew Qin Xuan an errand.

An errand is not a very good errand, but it is an attitude that represents the emperor's attitude towards him.

The scandal that broke out before has lost the royal face, and the emperor never gave him a good face, but now that the emperor has a good attitude, everyone naturally dared to talk to him.

The banquet was full of singing and dancing, and Qin Heng came to Weiyang Palace to rest after it was over.

As for the other imperial concubines, they will go back and forth.

Chu Yue I drank some fruit wine that night, because I was in a good mood. Although I regretted that my son was not around, there was nothing to do, so I couldn't always have a bitter melon face, right?

After drinking fruit wine, that face is really beautiful.

Qin Heng found that every time the woman sat in the confinement, her body and bones seemed to glow with a second spring, and now it was like a ripe peach, really fascinating.

Naturally, Qin Heng would not be wronged by himself. Chu Yue was not something he could get if he wanted it.

Struggling and resisting again, she looked like a chaste woman, but Qin Heng succeeded in the end.

There is no need to say everything about the process. Qin Heng always liked her tricks.

In the middle of the night, Chu Yue didn't even want to lift a finger, and fell asleep.

Qin Heng also wanted to put his arms around her to sleep with satisfaction, but there was a complaint from Manager Feng.

This was called Qin Heng frowning slightly. If there was no urgent matter, Fengbai would not disturb him, so Qin Heng also came out.

"What's the matter?" Qin Heng frowned.

"Long live master, there is an urgent letter from Tianyin Guan. The slave dare not delay, and can only disturb the long live master." General Feng said.

But he was also very surprised. Long live the Lord hasn't slept until this meeting. It's been an hour and a half since he came back from the dinner party.

I have to say that this person in Weiyang Palace is really favored. How can he be able to have such a big attraction to Long Live Lord?

He looked at the other palaces, although they are all very good, but the attraction to Long live Lord is relatively ordinary, but it is optional, just looking for a novel look.

Qin Heng didn't know the thoughts of the attendant, frowned, and said, "Why did Tianyinguan send urgent letters?"

Of course he knows where Tianyin Guan is, it is the place where the first emperors and concubines live, and all the concubines have moved there.

"The minion doesn't know, Long live Lord read the letter, maybe it says something inside." General Feng said in a convenient way.

Qin Heng opened it and looked at it, but soon his eyebrows became serious.

Manager Feng hesitated when seeing the face of Lord Long live: "Master Long live, what's wrong?"

"Fengbai, go and pass on Mother Yan!" Qin Heng said.

Manager Feng was stunned, not daring to delay, and said, "The minion will pass!"

Sister Yan lives in Panlong Temple, and the emperor specially gave her permission to live here for the elderly.

It's this hour, and naturally it has already stopped. In the past two years, Mother Yan has been getting old faster.

However, Madam Yan is the best ending, because Long live Lord takes care of her very much and asks the imperial physician to check her pulse.

"Mother Yan, Tianyinguan sent an urgent letter to Lord Long live tonight. After reading this, Lord Long live changed his face." Manager Feng said.

Mother Yan, who had just dressed up, was taken aback when she heard the words, and could not help but said, "An urgent letter from Tianyinguan?"

"Yeah, it's impossible for someone to live over there. Long live Lord will immediately ask our family to invite you to see you." Manager Feng said.

Mother Yan immediately knew it in her heart.

Manager Feng looked at her and found out: "Mother, tell us about it?"

"What's more to say, you will know what you should know soon." Mother Yan said: "Come on quickly, don't let Grandpa Long live wait long."

Although Qin Heng respected Mother Yan very much, she never relied on the old to sell the old, and this is the reason why she can stay in the Panlong Hall for a long time.

Coming to Weiyang Palace, Mother Yan's face was still a little blue, and Qin Heng was already waiting in the study.

"Mother, drink a cup of hot tea to warm up your body first." Qin Heng said in a detour.

Xiao Xuanzi poured a cup of hot tea for Mother Yan.

"Thank you, long live master." Mother Yan took it and held it in her hand, and immediately felt much better.

"It's really hard work for you to come here so late, but I can only ask you about this tonight," Qin Heng said.

"Long live, can it be convenient to show the letter to the old slave?" Mother Yan nodded.

"Please see, mother." Qin Heng gave her the letter.

Mother Yan also went out to teach Chu Yue before Chu Yue officially entered the palace. Of course, she was literate, so she took the letter and read it word by word, and then slowly said: "The Emperor Do you want to ask, why does Mrs. Man want you to take a look at her before she dies?"

"Yes." Qin Heng looked at Mother Yan.

The last sentence of the letter was: "I'm going to die, Heng'er, can I come and see my mother?"

Qin Heng was not calm after seeing this sentence.

This concubine man, Qin Heng, didn't know her, and she had never even heard of it before, but she dared to send him such a letter in this tone.

Even though Qin Heng had accepted the disappearance of his mother and concubine since he was young, how could he not think too much? He didn't believe that the princess man would burn and write such a letter and send it back.

But if you want to ask about this kind of thing, it's natural to find Mother Yan, and other people, including General Feng, are unaware.

"Long live master, although the first emperor once gave the password, if the long live master wants to know, the old slave will also tell the long live master." Mother Yan said.

"Mother, just say it." Qin Heng nodded.

"After Long Live's biological mother gave birth to Long Live, it was indeed bleeding. The blood that was taken out was one after another. The old slave also saw it with his own eyes." said Mother Yan.

Qin Heng said nothing.

"The old slave won't go into details during the process, but in the end it was also good luck, and luckily stopped the blood. The old slave didn't know how Taifei Man had persuaded the first emperor, but in the end the first emperor was kind enough, just to make things easier It is said that Princess Man did not survive, so she has not mentioned it for so many years." Madam Yan said softly.

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