The Consort is Sick, We Must Pamper Her

Chapter 1128: Princess Man, Qing Luan

Chu Yue Qin Heng was gone the next day. It was also called Chu Yue. It was a bit surprising, and asked: "Where is the emperor?"

"The emperor returned to Panlong Temple early in the morning." Magpie put on the hot veil and said.

"But what's the matter?" Chu Yue asked.

"There was something last night, the servant girl heard that General Manager Feng came to see the emperor at night, and the emperor also called for a question." Magpie said softly.

Chu Yue originally just asked casually, not wanting to be really troubled, so he said: "Let Xiao Lizi take a look, if Xiao Xuanzi has time, let him come over."

Xiao Xuanzi didn't come over immediately. He watched the night last night. It was Xiao Yaozi who was doing the job today. He went back and rested.

Chu Yue is not reluctant, just wait for Xiao Xuanzi to wake up.

The little kiln only came here around noon, and he looked a little sleepy.

"The vigil last night also worked hard, so there is no need to rush over." Chu Yue said.

She stayed overnight for the **** dragon. Although she did not follow the rules, she knew the rules. The night watch was not allowed to sleep. Although it was a good job, after all, only people close to the emperor could qualify, but it was not. It's easy to live.

Xiao Xuanzi smiled and said, "The slave is not tired."

Chu Yue first asked the magpie to cook him a bowl of milk with a plate of dim sum, and said: "Eat some padding before talking about the side."

"The minion really didn't eat, so I won't be polite to the empress." Xiaoxuanzi laughed.

"It's polite to me," Chu Yue said.

Xiao Xuanzi smiled and ate. He also knew that Niangniang didn't care about the details. He said while eating: "Niangniang, Long live master received a secret report last night and it was sent urgently from Tianyinguan."

Chu Yue froze for a moment. She is not now when she first entered the palace, and said, "Isn't Tianyin Guan where the first emperors and concubines lived?"

"Yes." Xiao Xuanzi nodded. He said that after drinking the milk, he took the veil from the magpie, and whispered: "Manny, last night, the letter was sent by Long live Lord's biological mother, wanting Long Live to go. Look at her for the last time."

"What?" Chu Yue paused.

"Xiao Xuanzi, are you right? The emperor's biological mother?" Magpie was also busy in a low voice.

Xiao Xuanzi said to Chu Yue: "Niang Niang, I’m not wrong, it was sent by Long Live Ye’s biological mother, Mrs. Man. She was already very sick, so I wanted Long Live Lord to see. Her last side."

Chu Yue couldn't help but said: "But wasn't the emperor's biological mother gone when she was born as early as the emperor?"

So Qin Heng was brought up by his father and grew up in Panlong Palace since he was a child.

Xiao Xuanzi said: "Don't talk about me in this matter, it's my foster father, and even Long Live Grandpa thinks that way. They thought she was gone long ago. This is not the only time I invited Madam Yan to last night. Come and ask? Mother Yan knows about this, and she also told Master Long live what happened back then."

"What is the look of the emperor?" Chu Yue asked.

"The minion can't be said, the emperor is also very surprised, but it doesn't seem to be too happy, after all, the situation on the side of Princess Man is not very good." Xiao Xuanzi said.

"The emperor didn't go there personally, but who did he send?" asked Chu Yue.

"I sent a message to Chang Lehou early in the morning. It should be that Chang Lehou went to Tianyin Guan to treat the sick man." Xiao Xuanzi said.

Chu Yue nodded and said: "I know these things in my heart, but I don't know how to tell them. You should go back and do the work first."

"The slave will retire first." Xiao Xuanzi nodded.

He went back first, and the magpie couldn't help but said: "Manny, if you are always happy to be there, Princess Man will definitely be fine. Do you think Mrs. Man is coming back?"

"When she comes back, it's not the Princess Man, but the Queen Mother." Chu Yue frowned slightly.

Magpie pursed her mouth and said, "I just don't know what it is."

Chu Yue doesn’t care too much. Although it’s Qin Hengsheng’s mother, he still knows what kind of character Qin Heng is. Chu Yue, of course, is filial. Where can you get close to Princess Man after you meet?

If Concubine Man is acquainted, and live her life well after returning to the palace, it will also make Qin Heng respect her for three points, because she is the biological mother regardless of the others.

But if it was an uneasy temperament, it would exhaust the little emotion left in Qin Heng's heart.

After all, Qin Heng is now in his prime and is in power, and there is really nothing that Princess Man can hold.

Although I heard everything from Xiao Xuanzi's side, Chu Yue also regarded herself as ignorant, and she didn't know whether the man was an enemy or a friend, so she reserved her opinion.

Qin Heng didn't come here for lunch at noon. Chu Yue knew that he needed a little time to digest this matter, so he ignored him.

I didn't do anything else at this time, Chu Yue danced in the study by itself.

On the side of Tianyinguan.

Concubine Man was indeed seriously ill, and Yun Xian served her.

"According to Heng'er's filial piety, this meeting will definitely have sent Chang Le Waiting over. I shouldn't be able to die. Don't worry." Princess Man said while drinking the medicine.

Although he is nearly sixty years old, his face is young because of his kindness, and he looks very kind.

Yun Xian knew exactly what kind of person this Concubine Man was, and said, "I'm not worried, but the concubine has been too hard."

"How can I be trusted without hard work?" Princess Man said flatly.

Yun Xian stopped talking.

Concubine Man looked at her and said, "Remember, you are the Qingluan raised by my side. From now on, you are not called Yunxian, but Qingluan."

"Qing Luan knows." Qing Luan nodded.

"Qingluan was raised by me since I was a child. This is something Tianyin Guan knows about. It's just that my Qingluan has grown up with clouds. They don't know what Qingluan looks like." He said to her, "It's quite different from you."

"Last year, Mrs. Man rescued me, otherwise I don't know what it was like now." Qing Luan put down the medicine bowl and knelt down for her.

"Get up." Princess Man looked at her twice and said, "Following the princess, you will have a bright future, but the princess does not like to be disobedient, you have to remember this clearly."

"This is natural, and Qingluan is not a person who doesn't know good and bad. Everything about Qingluan is given by the toffee, so naturally the toffee is obedient." Qingluan said.

"When you return to the palace, this princess will give you the opportunity to send you to the sky. Whether you can grasp the rest is up to you. The concubine Yue in the palace, the concubine who is capable of inquiring It's clear that no one in the palace is her opponent." Princess Man said.

"Qingluan also knows that she can't compete with the imperial concubine Sun and Moon in the posture of Pu Liu, but if given the opportunity, Qing Luan will take it well." Qing Luan said.

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