The Consort is Sick, We Must Pamper Her

Chapter 1146: Concubine Celuan, lives in the Dragon Palace

Overnight, the Qingluan girl next to the Queen Mother was canonized as a concubine.

Almost an airborne existence, he was named Luan Concubine and moved into Xiwu Garden.

When the news reached the harem, the whole harem was shaken.

It was that Empress Xiao couldn't sit still for a while: "Is the emperor really canonized the concubine Luan to stay in Xiwuyuan?"

"Yes, now the entire Xiwu Garden has begun to rehabilitate, and it won't be long before I can move from Cining Palace." Zisu said.

Empress Xiao ridiculed: "This palace knows that the Queen Mother will come back this time, and she won't be able to settle down in a corner. You see, through the Weiyang Palace, this is what happened!"

Zisu said: "Niang, this is a concubine when you enter the palace. Such a holy favorite is far less than the concubine Yue."

Empress Xiao waved her hand: "Even if Concubine Luan's beauty is really outstanding, the main reason for the emperor is to look at the Queen Mother. It's just Xiwuyuan, which is no less than Weiyang Palace, in the Emperor Panlong Palace. after that!"

At this moment, the court lady Jade from outside came in to report, and said, "Niang, Concubine Luan was taken into the Panlong Palace by the emperor!"

"What?" Empress Xiao stopped.

"Speak clearly, when did this happen?" Zisu was also busy.

"Just now, Concubine Luan was taken over to Panlong Hall by General Feng. Before Xiwu Garden was repaired, Concubine Luan lived in Panlong Hall. I heard... I heard that this was a special favor from the emperor. Yes!" Jade said.

Zisu's expression tightened: "Manny, this concubine Luan could not be reincarnated as an enchantress. In just one night, the emperor's attitude changed so much!"

Empress Xiao had calmed down at this meeting, she frowned, and said: "My palace looks at the way the emperor is doing now, why is it like angering Weiyang Palace?"

"Zhiqi?" Perilla was stunned.

"Let's take a look, this palace now only needs to watch the theater quietly." Empress Xiao said coldly without saying much.

But the people in the harem did not have the composure of her, because the concubine Luan was really too powerful.

She was promoted to be a concubine overnight, and she also stayed in the Emperor's Panlong Palace. The most important thing is that although she was born humble, but the queen mother was raised with one hand, which meant that there was a queen mother behind her back.

Is it normal for a concubine to grow up like this?

Wen Bi, who had been punished by the foot restraint, couldn't sit still. Hearing that Concubine Xi was also coming close to Qingli Palace, she saw Concubine Xi and Shu.

"Did the two empresses heard about the palace?" Wen Bi said after seeing the ceremony.

"Have you heard of Wen Bi?" Shu Fei asked.

"The concubine has naturally heard of it. The concubine has a hard life. She has worked so hard to give birth to three princes for the emperor. They have raised such a big son, but they are still a concubine after so long. No matter how bad I am, I'm also the housekeeper. What is it, it's just a caomin, but I was promoted to be a concubine overnight, and my concubine must salute when I see you later!" Wen Bi said with red eyes.

"We also know your suffering, Wen, but people please the emperor to like it, so I was promoted to be a concubine overnight. Of course it was because of the queen mother, but Wei didn’t like her. The one in Weiyang Palace was able to promote The concubine was enlisted because Mrs. Feng presented the great phoenix expelling prescription for free, so she was able to enroll her.” Xi Fei said.

Concubine Shu said: "Although the person from Weiyang Palace also lived in Panlong Palace, he didn't live very much after he officially entered the palace. Now the Panlong Palace allows Concubine Luan to live in so grandiosely. This treatment is in Weiyang Palace. It's not as good as that, Wen Bi, you feel uncomfortable, but maybe Weiyang Palace will be even more uncomfortable here, because of her, the queen mother directly retreated to such a strong opponent!

Wen Bi cursed: "She is a pig head, and pig head is smarter than her and has grown stronger than her. Originally, Concubine Luan was eyeing her, but she also gave Concubine Luan a chance. Now it’s all right, and she’s in charge. She won’t be shot to death. On the beach!"

"Let's see how she responds." Concubine Shu sipped her tea and said calmly.

But Weiyang Palace really didn't respond, so he just said that he was ill, and closed the door of his Weiyang Palace with the old tune.

This time, everyone knows what attitude the imperial concubine has. This is to give way to Concubine Luan.

On the second day of Concubine Luan's canonization, Empress Xiao asked all the palaces to come over for peace, and Concubine Luan naturally came over.

Sit on a sedan chair from Panlong Hall and come to Fengqi Palace to ask for peace.

This time he didn't continue to wear the veil, just came in.

It is indeed as beautiful as a god, and the beauty is suffocating, especially the young face, the people present are all bigger than her.

After all, this Luan consort is only seventeen this year.

Such a woman made everyone present, including Empress Xiao, feel threatened.

"Concubine Luan is really good-looking, even if I saw it in the palace and found it pleasing to the eyes, it's no wonder the emperor liked it so much," said Empress Xiao.

"The empress is praised, and the concubines are just like Pu Liu." Concubine Luan leaned.

"Concubine Luan is really humble. Your appearance is not worse than that of a noble concubine. Speaking of noble concubine, I haven't come here today. She is not very comfortable, and the gates of Weiyang Palace were closed by her." Empress Xiao said. .

Concubine Luan said in a melancholy way: "The concubine originally wanted to explain to the concubine empress. The concubine did not deliberately live in the Panlong Palace, but the concubine is already the concubine of the emperor, and it is not suitable to continue to live in Cining Palace. That is the Queen Mother Jing. Xiwuyuan has not been repaired, so the emperor allowed his concubines to live temporarily."

"Concubine Luan is really a blessing. I haven't been in a place like Panlong Temple. Concubine Luan moved into Panlong Hall soon after entering the palace. It is really enviable. It can be seen that the emperor is also very enviable. I like it very much." Concubine Xian said as she looked at the enchanting Hu Meizi.

Concubine Liu also took the words and said lightly: "It's just that the concubine is always the concubine, how can we live with the emperor? The empress is the wife of the emperor and the lord of the harem. It would be too long for the concubine to live in Panlong Palace. "

"Who said no, when the imperial concubine empresses were never able to live like this in the past, the concubine Luan became a concubine, and she passed the entire harem directly!" Wen Bi said with a strange air.

"Okay, so are you. Concubine Luan just said that she just stayed in Panlong Palace temporarily, not for a long time, but it is reasonable." Empress Xiao said with a smile, looking at Concubine Luan: "My palace has ordered people to speed up. The speed of repairing Xiwu Garden will definitely make you feel comfortable living in Consort Luan."

"Thank you Empress Empress." Concubine Luan bowed.

"They are all my own sisters, why be polite? When you are so young and your body is good, this palace also hopes that you will give birth to a prince for the emperor as soon as possible." Empress Xiao smiled at her.

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