When Empress Xiao said this, all the concubines who were present had their faces hardened.

Because this concubine Luan is really young!

How could the emperor not like it because he looks like a fox and is so young?

Young and beautiful, and the queen mother supported her. If she gave birth to the prince, she would be no less threatening than the one in Weiyang Palace.

Concubine Luan seemed to know everyone's thoughts, and she didn't say much.

"I don't know when the body and bones of the imperial concubine will get better this time." Luo Bi said.

"The imperial concubine's body and bones are also old and sick. As long as you don't bother and let her keep quiet, it won't be long before she will be better." Liu Fei said flatly.

"Nowadays there are always a lot of things in the palace, and the bones of this palace are not very comfortable recently, so you two will continue to assist this palace in handling palace affairs." Empress Xiao said.

Concubine Xian and Concubine Liu didn't want to assist in handling palace affairs, and both stood up and refused.

The concubine said: "Please forgive me, the empress, the concubine has become more and more erratic in recent days, and is conditioning her body, I am afraid that she can do nothing."

"The three princesses are now getting older and older, and the concubines don't have enough time to teach her the rules and calligraphy every day. They dare not take over the responsibility of the empress empress for fear that they will be entrusted by the empress." Liu Fei said.

Empress Xiao glanced at both of them and said, "If this is the case, then you two should take care of your own affairs."

Concubine Xian thanked Concubine Liu and sat aside.

After talking about other things for a while, Empress Xiao let all the concubines resign.

After coming out of Fengqi Palace, Concubine Luan was stopped by Concubine Shu.

"Sister Shu, is something okay?" Concubine Luan looked at her.

"Sister Luan first entered the harem, are you interested in sitting in the Qingli Palace?" Shu Fei asked.

"No need, my younger sister is still anxious to return to Panlong Temple. At this hour, the emperor is about to go down. My younger sister should go back and prepare." Concubine Luan said with a light smile.

"That sister walks slowly." Concubine Shu nodded.

"If you have time, go to the sister's palace and sit again." Concubine Luan finished speaking, got on the sedan chair and went directly back to Panlong Hall, ignoring the miscellaneous people.

Wen Yan looked at her going back and couldn't help but said: "The concubine who has become the emperor doesn't put people in his eyes like this, really arrogant!"

"With such a face and the queen mother guarding her, she naturally doesn't have to look at our concubines. If we pick up the dragon heir, she might replace the one in Weiyang Palace." Shu Concubine narrowed her eyes.

"It's a bit exaggerated to replace it. Weiyang Palace is just angering the emperor now. When she comes out, I really don't know who wins and who loses." Xifei said.

"This time, it's really hard to tell." Concubine Shu walked towards the Yuhuayuan.

"It's hard to say?" Xi Fei frowned slightly.

"How can it be difficult to say, this Luan concubine can still threaten the failure of Weiyang Palace!" Wen Bi couldn't help but said.

Although she really doesn't want to admit it, she also knows how much favored the one in Weiyang Palace is.

He injured the emperor without punishment. After going to Ci Ning Palace, the queen mother became angry. The emperor only took back her golden seal and returned it to the queen.

But this is also natural. After all, she is just a noble concubine, not a queen, and the queen is still there. Of course, the golden seal will not stay in her Weiyang Palace.

Except for the recovery of the golden seal, there are no other punishments.

But Weiyang Palace became angry and shut the door of Weiyang Palace again.

Although it is an old trick.

"This Concubine Luan is not a simple character. She has everything to be favored. Weiyang Palace may be big this time." Of course, Concubine Shu also knows how difficult it is to deal with the widow of Weiyang Palace, but this time she is really not optimistic.

On the side of Panlong Palace, Qin Heng came over immediately.

"The emperor is tired, the concubine prepared soup for the emperor, and the emperor has something to drink." said the concubine Luan.

"Ai Concubine is interested." Qin Heng smiled and took it, and said.

Concubine Luan said, "Today, please greet the empress, the concubine Liu and the others seem to be dissatisfied with how their concubines live in Panlong Hall. They say this is not compliant. When will Xiwu Garden be repaired? It’s better to move out as soon as possible."

"I allow you to live in Panlong Temple, why bother with them?" Qin Heng said.

"The concubine knows that the emperor loves the concubine, but the concubine is now the concubine of the emperor, and the concubine of the emperor naturally also looks like a concubine, how can he eat and live with the emperor?" Luan said.

Qin Heng hugged her waist and smiled: "Ai concubine is not willing to eat and live with me?"

"The emperor, it's daytime, you... don't mess around." Concubine Luan said with Yunxia on her face.

Qin Heng said, "Then make trouble again at night."

Concubine Luan scorned and said that the emperor was good or bad.

Xiwu Garden was properly repaired seven days later, and the prosperous concubine Luan moved there after the repairs were completed.

However, the emperor was fascinated by the concubine Luan, and basically passed every night, and the Weiyang Palace, not far from Xiwuyuan, was originally the place the emperor wanted to go to, but now the emperor has not even taken a step. Step over.

This made everyone in the harem couldn't help but look sideways. Could this concubine Luan really be able to take the concubine instead of it?

However, the imperial concubine has been accumulating prestige for a long time, and it really can't be shaken by being able to doubt casually.

It's just that Xiao Xuanzi slipped over to Weiyang Palace that night.

Chu Yue originally didn't want to see him, but when she heard that there was something urgent, she worried that it was about her pair of children, so she also let him in.

"Niangniang, please open the palace door quickly. If you don't open the palace door, the sky of the harem will really change!" Xiao Xuanzi said hurriedly when she saw her.

"It seems that the emperor really loves this Luan concubine and makes you so anxious." Chu Yue chuckled.

Xiao Xuanzi couldn't laugh. He said solemnly: "Manny, the slave will never be wrong. The slave has been waiting for the emperor for so many years. The emperor can see which concubine's eyes are in the eyes of the emperor. That concubine, the eyes of the emperor looking at Concubine Luan are exactly the same as the eyes of Concubine Luan in the past!"

Magpie was stunned when he heard the words, and looked at her mother.

Chu Yue thought I was strong and didn't care, but it was still a little uncomfortable to hear this, and he said softly, "Did you see clearly."

"The minion sees it clearly. The emperor now lives in Xiwuyuan every day, and even has sent a post to the Qin Tianjian. He wants to rename Xiwuyuan to Wutongyuan, and ask Qin Tianjian to change the plaque when he chooses a time. !" Xiao Xuanzi said.

"Xiwu Garden was replaced by Wutong Garden, Fengqi Wutong, this is only under the Queen's Fengqi Palace!" The Magpie couldn't help but said.

"You go back, it's also bother you to come here to report, but if the emperor likes it, let him go." Chu Yue said.


"I want to raise my bones in the palace now." Chu Yue looked down.

Since the birth of Xiao Jiu, her meridians have been completely opened up. She wants to know if she can regain her previous life skills?

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