Xiao Lizi sent Xiao Xuanzi out, and of course he asked: "Brother Xiao Xuanzi, the emperor, have you mentioned the imperial concubine these days?"

"No, not a word!" Xiaoxuanzi couldn't help but said: "You must remember to persuade the noble concubine empress, I can't make a mistake, the emperor really only has Luan concubine in his eyes, and he can't tolerate others People, passing by Weiyang Palace these days, I didn't even hesitate at my feet, and went straight to Concubine Luan!"

This is why Xiao Xuanzi was anxious and ran over to persuade Chu Yue this night.

Because the emperor has been angry with the imperial concubine many times, but never did this time. In the past, the long live master and the imperial concubine would have been angry with the imperial concubine. When passing by the Weiyang Palace, they couldn’t help but stay here. Now they really don’t have a look at them. How can this be? Isn't it anxious?

The little chestnut solemnly replied, "I will tell the empress."

After Xiao Xuanzi returned, of course Xiao Lizi came to persuade them. Chu Yue didn't want to talk about this, and said: "It's not early. Let's rest early. I have to get up early tomorrow."

She went to bed after washing, and got up early the next morning, got up before the day lighted, and then ran in her Weiyang Palace.

This body is too spoiled, she didn't dare to do it overnight, everything will take her time.

And when Chu Yue began to temper oneself, the harem really caused a lot of turmoil.

Because this attitude of the emperor was unprecedented, he thought it was to teach Weiyang Palace a lesson, but he didn't want this blink of an eye for more than half a month, and the emperor didn't say a word.

Even when passing by Weiyang Palace, he never stopped for a quarter of an hour.

This is what caused all the concubines in the harem to stop. Is the emperor really fascinated by the name Luan? When Xiwu Garden was replaced by Wutong Garden, everyone in the harem could see that this Luan Concubine was really flying on the branches to become a phoenix.

Phoenix Indus, this is a great meaning!

The attitude of the masters of the palaces is temporarily unclear, but those young, childless and favored concubines, such as Yan Changzhe, are really cheering up.

The monopolized emperor of Weiyang Palace is now closed, just like before. Isn't this their chance?

One by one, that's a hard work.

Yan Chang is still very pleasing. For example, Qin Heng stayed overnight this night.

Although he was accompanied by a beauty, Qin Heng was lying on the bed, but he felt that his heart was empty. He looked at Yan Changzhe, who had already fallen asleep beside him, frowning.

When Yanchang was waking up early the next morning, there was tonic soup delivered.

"The emperor specially confessed that the Taiyuan Hospital prescribes the tonic for Changzai. You must insist on drinking it for Changzai, and strive to give birth to the emperor as soon as possible." Maternal Mu smiled lightly.

Yan Chang didn't doubt that he had him, and drank it with a happy smile.

After Qin Heng was halfway through the morning, a palace official came to pass on a message, saying that Concubine Luan asked the emperor to have lunch.

"Go tell Concubine Luan, I will go later." Qin Heng said softly with brows and eyes.

The palace man returned to Wutongyuan and reported it.

After hearing this, Concubine Luan smiled with satisfaction, and the palace lady Baozhu smiled: "This love of the empress is really unmatched. Even when the Weiyang Palace was at its peak before, it can't be compared with the empress now!"

"Let the dining room be ready, the emperor should be here soon." Concubine Luan was ordering people to apply Kou Dan and said.

"Don't worry, Empress, the dining room is prepared, and I dare not neglect it." Baozhu nodded.

Concubine Luan then asked: "What news is there in the harem now?"

"Naturally, all are jealous of the emperor. Yesterday, the emperor was willing to share a piece of the pie for Yanchang. If the emperor is willing to go to the emperor in the past, how can she keep the emperor with her permanent presence?" Baozhu said.

Concubine Luan said: "This palace is not Weiyang Palace. Sheng Chong has already aroused the anger of the people. He also occupied the emperor to prevent the emperor from going to the harem. The world is so great that it is not easy to find a woman like her."

"What you rely on is nothing but the power of the Zhongzhou Feng clan, otherwise, why is she so arrogant and domineering? Just an old woman, more than a dozen years older than your empress, so what can she compare to your empress?" Bao Zhu said.

"Don't underestimate her. It's not just the Feng clan who has been able to pet her alone for so many years. Otherwise, do you think these concubines in the harem are all vegetarian?" Luan said plainly.

It took her so much effort to plant the love gu into the emperor's heart. It was not difficult to plant the love gu, but it is difficult for the person who was planted to have an indelible existence in the heart of the love gu. , So I almost failed several times that night, and finally barely succeeded.

So she can almost guess how much weight the one from Weiyang Palace has in the emperor's heart.

Of course, love Gu has been planted in the body now, no matter how deep the love roots were before, Love Gu will dilute those love roots one by one, and let her, who is pregnant with the mother Gu, replace it.

Baozhu doesn't understand this, but it doesn't affect her flattering: "No matter what, now the empress is the winner, and the emperor's favorite, not her Weiyang Palace!"

Concubine Luan didn't say anything, she looked at the painted Codan and said with satisfaction: "Good job, reward."

"Xie Niangniang." The two palace ladies thanked each other with joy.

"What is Ai Concubine doing?" Qin Heng stepped in and said.

"The emperor, come over and take a look, how good is the concubine's Kodan?" Concubine Luan leaned on the chaise couch without getting up, and said with a smile at him.

Qin Heng smiled and sat down beside her, took her hand and looked at it carefully, and said, "Long lush and green, there is no better hand than Ai Fei."

He said, and kissed it on his lips.

Concubine Luan Jiao said: "The emperor, what are you doing?"

"I miss you." Qin Heng looked at her and said with a subtle infatuation in his eyes. Only by his side with his concubine Luan would he not feel so vacant and lonely. Sure enough, Concubine Luan was. The woman he cares about.

It's not that Yan is always with them, those who occasionally used to be pets, but their own Luan concubine is absolutely indispensable.

Qin Heng stayed at Wutongyuan to have a meal at noon. After lunch, he accompanied Concubine Luan for a lunch break. Hearing that it was midday, he even shouted for water.

Although Wutongyuan was favored, it really wasn't like an iron barrel like Weiyang Palace, so the news quickly reached the ears of the palace masters.

"It's really absurd. Last night, the emperor stayed overnight and Chu Xiu Gongyan was always there. Before the emperor had a good rest today, she seduced the emperor and couldn't wait until the evening. Is this ruining the emperor's reputation!" Said with a cold face.

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