Seeing her daughter so decisive, Madam Chu didn't know what to say.

"Mother, don't worry, Qin Xuan won't leave with me, he can't afford to leave now!" Chu Jia said firmly.

She dared to make such a fuss and naturally knew that Qin Xuan was already a poor man, and she and Guan Shi had planned all of this. How could she miss such an opportunity?

Madam Chu could only sigh, and said, "This good Qin Palace is now reduced to this way."

"What's wrong with this? If it wasn't, how could the **** Mu Aijiao run away? I was fed up with her in the palace, and now it's my turn to be the master!" Chu Jia said.

Mrs. Chu can't control her daughter now, what else can she say except sigh?

After all, the daughter took the road by herself. According to what her master said, a good hand was played badly, while his eldest daughter played a good hand for the best.

Although Mrs. Chu didn't want her master to dislike her daughter so much, sometimes she knew her daughter's cards were broken.

Look at the current ex-son-in-law, Jin Wang, for his princess, that is, the niece of Prince Qi's maiden, is really so good that people who are called Emperor Jing are envied.

In a short period of time, the new princess gave birth to a concubine for King Jin, and although there are many children and concubines in the house, no one can shake the status of Princess Jin.

Which of the imperial capitals doesn't envy? And this was the treatment of her daughter before.

Not many people whispered behind their backs that her daughter lost the watermelon and picked up sesame seeds. Thinking about it occasionally, she was really uncomfortable.

Of course, it was not easy enough for her daughter, so she didn't say anything about her daughter to save her anxiety.

"What's the situation of my eldest sister now? I heard that it seems that the newly-canonized concubine Luan is so pressured by the emperor that there is no room to breathe?" Chu Jia asked.

"You are still in the mood to care about her affairs. If you take care of yourself, I will be Amitabha." Madam Chu said.

Chu Jia said, "Don't worry about my mother. Tell me about my eldest sister's situation. I have been busy at the house recently, but I haven't heard much about her. What is going on with her child? Isn't it a good idea? , Suddenly disappeared? Who was the black hand?"

She was shocked before, and she didn't believe that her eldest sister was so lucky that she was pregnant with a second child.

And I heard that seven or eight of this child is a little prince.

This is simply a huge blow.

Of course she didn't want to see her elder sister being so prosperous, because in this way she was even more worthless.

So when she heard that the nine princes born to her eldest sister seemed unsafe, she was very happy.

Madam Chu looked at her gloating appearance, and said, "Don't show up in front of your father. Your eldest sister failed to give birth to the Nine Princes. Your father didn't eat for a day, and he couldn't sleep at night. feel!"

Chu Jia curled his lips and said, "My father is really thinking about my eldest sister now, but even if my elder sister has a good life, my eldest sister is not as good as me in the matter of giving birth."

She had only one daughter after two sons in a row. If she changed her into the palace, she promised that all the children of the emperor would be born, and there would be no fewer sons!

Where is it like her elder sister, having a child is more difficult than anything else, as for?

Madam Chu didn't say anything. In the matter of giving birth to a son, that stepdaughter really couldn't compare with her own daughter.

"After all, a woman has to have a son. Without a son, she has no confidence. This time, a Luan concubine appeared in the palace. Does it have a half effect on the Empress Concubine Shuxi and the others? Not at all, but it does not affect her. It's a fatal blow." Madam Chu said.

Chu Jia said: "That is, in ordinary people, you use your son to speak, let alone in the harem, you would rather not have a son without a holy pet!"

Chu Jia lived in Chu Xiang's Mansion, and Qin Xuan who received her letter was also anxious.

Chu Jia was not wrong at all. Qin Xuan really couldn't afford to lose now. His other concubines and aunts were not very high in background, and they couldn't be compared with Chu Jia, the concubine's concubine.

Although Grandpa Chu didn't wait to see him, it is better to have this in-law than not.

So after Qin Xuan hesitated repeatedly, he could only choose to compromise.

So Chu Jia, the side concubine of King Xuan, was promoted to Princess Xuan.

This caused quite a stir in the imperial capital.

Everyone couldn't help feeling sighed, and felt that this lady of Chu Xiangfu's concubine was really incredible, and she was indeed the first beauty of the former emperor.

Originally, he was fascinated by His Royal Highness King Jin, but now he is fascinated by King Xuan, so that King Xuan still promotes her as his princess.

Of course, from Princess Jin to the current Princess Xuan, her status plummeted, but she also showed everyone how good she was.

Chu Jia, Princess Xuan, was not polite, and began to discredit the former princess when she was out socializing.

Said she was really a good girl who was brought up. Seeing that her husband was in trouble, she married Li Yuan. You must know that the prince has never despised her for so many years. He has not been pregnant with a child for so many years, just one. A hen who can't lay eggs!

My daughter can dislike it anyway, so where can others be allowed to point fingers?

So Mrs. Zhongyong was dissatisfied, and she directly stated that her daughter was pregnant, and that it was not that her daughter could not do it, but that King Xuan did not have that ability!

This is true or not. Mu Ai Jiaoyuan married the leader of Bianguan, and she became pregnant with a child not long after that. Now she is almost two months old.

The commander belonged to General Murong, who was also highly regarded, so even though Mrs. Zhongyong thought that the eldest son-in-law was a reckless man, she also hoped that her daughter would be well.

Knowing that my daughter has not been pregnant for so many years is a trick, but I don't want my daughter to be pregnant so soon after marrying someone else. Isn't this proof that Qin Xuan can't do it?

Qin Xuan didn’t look good when he heard the slander of Zhongyong Gongfu. It was clear that Mu Aijiao wouldn’t let him touch him. Maybe she would have been unclear in private with the rough man who was guarding the border, otherwise she would suddenly get together. Marry that brash man so soon?

The more I thought about it, the more I felt so, Qin Xuan walked outside directly, Mu Aijiao had long been ganging up with the general.

When the news reached the border, the former Princess Qin Mu Aijiao sneered, and she decided to continue watching Qin Xuan and Chu Jia, a pair of **** boys and girls, waiting to see their ending.

As for the children she knows are not Qin Xuan's business, there is no need to rush for a while, it would be nice to make them public later!

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