The Consort is Sick, We Must Pamper Her

Chapter 1153: The emperor hates the imperial concubine

There are always a lot of things in Emperor Jing. From time to time, there will be a few things to enrich everyone's amateur life, so that everyone will always have some conversation after dinner to tease each other.

Since entering April, the sky has become warmer every day.

This year is when Liu Qinghe and Zhou Miao get married, and the wedding date is set in mid-April.

Zhou Miao is already preparing to get married, but she is very worried about her elder aunt and wants to go to the palace to have a look.

Liu Qinghe simply accompanied her into the palace.

The two went to Liufei’s Luoyu Pavilion first. “(Chu Yue)” also heard the news early on. She and Qin Heng had been in the cold war for almost a month, but the cold war returned to the cold war. Last year, he agreed To be given.

However, Chu Yue didn't care about him, so he asked Xiao Lizi to come over to remind Master Feng, after all, Master Feng also heard it.

Therefore, the general manager Feng mentioned two sentences in front of the long live master: "Long live master promised to the imperial concubine last year, and now the wedding date has come, I wonder which two jade ruyis to give to the couple?"

When Qin Heng heard the word noble concubine, he couldn't help but feel a surge of disgust in his heart. He frowned and said, "Since she promised her, then go to the warehouse and pick two handles and give them to the newcomer!"

"Yes." Mr. Feng agreed.

Qin Hengfu said with a cold face, "Don't mention that in front of me in the future, just do it directly if you have anything!"

This is what Feng Master was stunned.

For a while, Long Live Lord didn't mention Weiyang Palace for a while, which surprised him very much, but he didn't feel a bit surprised at not calling him like this.

Because he could hear that Lord Long Live's tone was disgusting!

Long live Lord hates Weiyang Palace? How is this possible, how can Long live Lord dislike Weiyang Palace? Even if Long Live Lord hates the world, he will not hate Weiyang Palace.

At this point, the general manager can almost pack the ticket. He grew up with the long live master. Would he not know what kind of temper is the long live master?

No woman can get in the eyes of Long Live Lord. From beginning to end, Weiyang Palace was the first and only one.

He always thought that the Cold War was such a cold war, and Concubine Chong Luan was also so spoiled, but when the Weiyang Palace came out, it would be able to return to the past.

But now Long Live Lord's tone made him stunned.

"Why, there is still a problem?" Qin Heng swept to him.

"No, no, the minion will do it now." General Feng hurriedly said.

Qin Heng didn't want to say more, as if he didn't bother to mention another Weiyang Palace, General Feng's eyelids jumped when he looked at it this way.

After coming out of the Yushufang, he immediately came over to find Xiao Xuanzi.

"You and our family will go to the warehouse to get the jade ruyi for the imperial concubine." Manager Feng said.

Xiao Xuanzi also followed. On the way to the warehouse, Manager Feng glanced at his listless look, and asked, "What is the concubine's plan now?"

"Foster father, what do you want to make?" Xiao Xuanzi immediately watched his adoptive father with caution.

Manager Feng was about to beat him: "You bastard, is our family like that in your eyes?"

Xiao Xuanzi said: "The foster father is so good, how about asking the concubine?"

Xiao Xuanzi has been worried recently. It's really sad. He has seen that Long live Lord loves Concubine Luan so much now, and he really hopes that Concubine Luan can pick all the stars in the sky to make her happy.

As long as Concubine Luan proposed it, basically the emperor didn't refuse it.

When dealing with the imperial concubine, there was no such care.

But in the past, the imperial concubine didn't listen to it at all. How could this not worry about others?

Manager Feng said, "Is the imperial concubine planning to come out?"

"Yeah." Xiao Xuanzi answered.

"You will send Yu Ruyi over later, and tell the imperial concubine by the way that Long live Lord is about to forget Weiyang Palace now. If she doesn't want to lose the Sacred Heart completely, she should hurry out and stop carrying it!" Feng Zongtong .

Xiao Xuanzi was stunned, then looked suspiciously at his adoptive father: "Foster father, would you be so kind?"

Manager Feng gave a kick: "You bastard, although our family can't see her acting like a demon, but our family has no grievances with her, how can our family be such a villain in your eyes? ?"

There is only one place he dislikes Weiyang Palace the most, that is, Weiyang Palace is too dominating Long Live Master.

I want to tie Long Live Master to his belt and not allow Long Live Master to stay overnight in other palaces.

Manager Feng said that the men outside, three wives and four concubines are all normal, but it is totally unreasonable for him to be held on to the ninth-five-year-old Lord Long live.

But apart from being uncomfortable with Weiyang Palace, there is really nothing else to say.

He also didn't want to see Weiyang Palace, who was really disgusted by Long Live.

When I came to the warehouse, I picked two good jade Ruyis. Manager Feng asked Xiao Xuanzi to send him to Weiyang Palace. Of course, Xiao Xuanzi also saw Chu Yue.

"This month has passed, the empress looks much better than before." Xiao Xuanzi said with a smile.

Chu Yue smiled and said: "You have sent it here. Are these two ruyis chosen by your righteous father?"

"Yes." Xiao Xuanzi nodded: "My foster father still has something to ask the slave to bring to the empress."

Chu Yue asked Magpie to send the two jade Ruyi together with the headdress she gave Zhou Miao to Luoyu Pavilion, so she disappeared from seeing Zhou Miao and the others.

After explaining this, he looked at Xiao Xuanzi and said, "What does Chief Feng want to tell me?"

"Niang, my foster father said you should hurry out of the mountain. Long live the Lord is really going to be monopolized by Concubine Luan. That's fine for the servant, but he said the same for the servant and foster father. It must not be wrong. That's it!" Xiao Xuanzi said.

Chu Yue heard the words with a smile: "General Feng is a pretty good guy. He is happy that he has to add a blockage to this palace on weekdays. At this time, I am willing to remind this palace."

"My foster father has always been loyal to Long Live Master, and this time it is a lot harder to talk about, mother, when do you plan to open the palace gate?" Xiao Xuanzi said.

"Let’s not open it, you see, in the courtyard of the palace, I have set up a chicken circle by myself. A vegetable garden has been reclaimed there. They are all intended to be used to raise chickens and grow vegetables. Instead, let her go." Chu Yue said.

Now she, how can she put her mind on this harem, she is very busy every day, full of arrangements.


Xiao Xuanzi was anxious, Chu Yue smiled and said: "You go back, don't worry about me, I have counted them myself."

The thousands of words Xiao Xuanzi finally turned into a sigh, and then went back first.

Liu Qinghe and Zhou Miao got married half a month later. After they were married, Zhou Miao accompanied Liu Qinghe to the border town of Zhenhu.

Before leaving, Zhou Miao sent a letter to say goodbye to her aunt.

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