The Consort is Sick, We Must Pamper Her

Chapter 1155: Seven orifices bleeding

Everyone was waiting for Weiyang Palace to take advantage of this opportunity to make moves, but there was no movement in Weiyang Palace.

Just like an ancient well without ripples, there is no sound of even a half-point of water.

Everyone didn't believe that the Weiyang Palace didn't take the opportunity to come back, but half a month passed, Weiyang Palace really didn't take any measures, this made everyone a little unable to sit still.

Weiyang Palace is really ignoring this. If she doesn't do it, then they can look for opportunities.

Because of further delay, the belly of the Wutongyuan side is about to sit firmly, and it will not be easy to start again by then!

At this time, Qin Heng, who was sitting in the Imperial Study Room, frowned at the memorial, but after reviewing it, he set aside.

Manager Feng offered a cup of ginseng soup and whispered softly: "Long live master, it has been verified that the medicinal soup is correct. Concubine Luan should have been pregnant by accident."

Qin Heng heard the words: "Is there any accident if I drink the soup?"

"The minion asked the doctor, it is true, there is no guarantee, after all, it is not the soup of the jerk." General Feng said in a low voice.

In fact, Mr. Feng didn't understand.

After the other concubines waited for bedtime, Long live let you drink ‘tonics’, but how could this Luan concubine Long live let you drink ‘tonics’ too?

After such a few days, he could see clearly that Master Long live is not acting on the scene, Master Long live really likes and loves Concubine Luan.

So why do you call the Concubine Luan to drink tonic again? And why can't you drink tonics?

Qin Heng frowned. He was a little upset. Although he didn't know how to get upset, he put people asleep, but he really didn't think about making his concubine pregnant.

He didn't know why he had such thoughts, but he just didn't want children anymore, so he asked people to drink tonics.

Others did not get pregnant after drinking the tonic, so why did Wutongyuan get pregnant.

Although he thought so, when he came to Wutong Garden, the expression on his face couldn't help but soften.

Concubine Luan was drinking anti-fetal medicine, and when she saw him coming over, she said softly, "Why is the emperor here?"

"Why, concubine love doesn't like me coming?" Qin Zhihui Judo.

He didn't know why, but as long as he saw Concubine Luan, his heart became extremely soft and soft, just like the lover who saw his previous life.

It felt strange, but he didn't hate it.

"Why don't the concubines want the emperor to come over? It's just that the concubines heard that the emperor was busy with government affairs, so they didn't dare to disturb the emperor. Moreover, the concubines went to the queen mother to ask for peace, and the queen mother also said that the concubines should not always pester you. Concubine Luan said.

"When I come here, you will have a comfortable time. I will pester me anyway. Next time I go to my mother's queen, I will tell her." Qin Heng said.

Concubine Luan is naturally gentle and small, and Qin Heng also enjoys her acting like a baby. He spent lunch here before returning to Panlong Hall to rest.

"Niang, the emperor really spoils you." The maid Baozhu said with joy.

Sure enough, she didn't follow the wrong person. Before, she was unknown, anyone could bully her, but now? Even the little Xuanzai Xiaoyao on the emperor's side had to be polite to her.

Concubine Luan didn't say anything. Now she looked like she was petting her, but she was still guarding her by nature.

She is proficient in pharmacology, and she can tell that the tonic is wrong. Although it is extremely secretive, it is always bad for her body. Basically, she does not want to get pregnant after taking it.

So she didn't drink it every time, because she really wanted a child to sit down.

"The empress must be careful now, the palace is all staring at the empress' belly now, and with the empress being so favored, they will definitely be jealous of the empress!" Bao Zhu said.

"Then what do you think they will do next?" Concubine Luan said lightly.

Although the emperor was still guarding her subconsciously, he would not resist her if she was planted with a female Gu, because she had a male Gu on her body.

So she is subconsciously guarding, but she will accept her, and gradually this acceptance will develop into a wholehearted acceptance, so she doesn't care about the subconscious guard he still has right now.

But of others, of course she won't be polite.

Baozhu couldn't help saying: "Niangniang, do you still use slaves and maids to say this? They will definitely try every means to murder the dragon heir in your belly!"

Concubine Luan chuckled lightly: "Then it depends on whether they have this ability."

Now the two patrons in the palace belong to her, and she is also proficient in pharmacology. Who can murder the fetus in her womb?

"The empress can't be careless, especially the imperial concubine in Weiyang Palace. If the servant doesn't believe her, she won't know about your pregnancy, but she hasn't moved until now. Maybe she's holding back some big tricks!" Baozhu Tao.

"Noble concubine..." Concubine Luan looked in the direction of Weiyang Palace: "This noble concubine is really an interesting woman."

It's no wonder that the emperor likes it so much. In this palace, she really can't find a second person like her, as if she doesn't fit in with this harem, and doesn't pay attention to the rules of the palace at all.

Even the Saint Chong is dispensable in her eyes.

That's why Emperor Dafeng loved her to death.

It is precisely because of this that she was sent over, but the Emperor Dafeng is really the type she likes.

He is so knowledgeable, elegant and handsome, and gentle, it makes a woman unable to resist his charm.

"If you have time, I want to sit there." Concubine Luan said calmly. She also wanted to go to tell the concubine who did not know where to attract her emperor, and Emperor Dafeng took over. There will be no part of her.

The waves in the palace kept on, especially after Concubine Luan became pregnant, and she seemed to have her fetal gas stable for three months, and finally someone shot her.

No, Concubine Luan will drink fish soup this day.

Since she was pregnant, she has often eaten fish. This was taught to her by the emperor. The emperor said it was said by the jealous woman in Weiyang Palace, but the effect was pretty good.

His six princesses are very smart and intelligent, so let her eat more.

Concubine Luan's family also said that she would eat more fish when she was pregnant, so she didn't refuse. She ate along. She would also drink this day. Then she got to her mouth, and her brows frowned.

Then he put down the bowl and smiled: "Come on, go and hug the cat from my palace. My appetite is not very good today. If you want to drink lotus porridge, I will appreciate it."

"Niangniang really loves the ball." Baozhu smiled, and then ordered someone to go down and carry the cat up.

The fish meat soup was fed to it, but not long after it was eaten, the cat called Yuanqiu let out a stern cry, and then the whole body became stiff and bleeded to death after a while.

"Ah!" the maids screamed in fright.

Concubine Luan was even more so, and fainted in a ‘great fright’.

The news came to the Yushufang as soon as possible.

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