The Consort is Sick, We Must Pamper Her

Chapter 1156: Misfortunes do not come alone

When the news came, Qin Heng was discussing matters in the study.

Hearing this news, Qin Heng couldn't even take care of business affairs, and immediately left the ministers and went to the harem.

This made the ministers present could not help being solemn in their hearts.

One of them was familiar with Guozhang Xiao, and he talked about it when he came over to drink tea: "When the emperor heard that the concubine Luan had an accident, he really ignored it and left us a veteran minister. He never missed the concubine Luan. This is what the emperor wants!"

Since the first emperor passed away, Guozhang Xiao has been sitting on the bench until now, but he is still the head of the country, and the status of Guozhang Xiao's mansion is also unshakable.

Because the queen came from the Xiao mansion, the second prince who went to build the mansion this year is even the grandson of the Xiao mansion.

Who dare to underestimate it?

Of course, Guozhang Xiao passed the news to his daughter, but he didn't need him to pass the news to Empress Xiao.

Because she was implicated by the emperor because of this matter.

"It's not uncommon to see such harmful tricks in the harem, but you, as the queen, have never stopped it, and it is extremely useless to treat the queen as you!" Qin Heng scolded.

Empress Xiao almost couldn't stand firm: "The concubine is incompetent. Please forgive the emperor..."

"I will give you three days. If you can't find out the real murderer again, you will give me a good stay in your Fengqi Palace, and this harem doesn't have to let you preside over!" Qin Heng finished speaking, and walked away.

After he left, a group of trembling slaves helped the desperate Empress Xiao up.

And the four princesses and five princesses on the side were also pale.

"Four princesses and five princesses, let's go down and rest." Zisu said hurriedly.

The fourth princess looked at her mother's face, and took her sister down first. As soon as the two of them left, Empress Xiao didn't hold on. She fell to her seat and muttered, "This concubine Luan has For her, the emperor even disregarded the relationship between his husband and wife for so many years, did not save half face to the palace, and even reprimanded the palace in front of the four princesses and five princesses."

"Niang, the emperor may just have not noticed that the fourth princess and the fifth princess are also there." Zisu pursed his mouth.

"The palace is not blind yet, the emperor is so angry with the red face, and this one's heart is more than that when Weiyang Palace was favored!" Empress Xiao said.

Zisu couldn't think of anything to say, because the emperor was really terrible like this, and it was an indisputable fact that the emperor came to account for the queen in order to concubine Luan.

"Mother, don't worry, the person who does this will definitely be found out." Perilla said.

Empress Xiao said coldly: "Why do I have to worry about this? Lu Changzai dares to do this kind of thing and I won't protect her!"

She didn't worry about the medication, and only said: "You go to Weiyang Palace and tell Noble Concubine Yue that if she doesn't come out yet, she must really sit on the bench!"

Zisu was slightly stunned: "Why do you want her to come out?"

"She is the biggest threat to Concubine Luan, she is most suitable to come out!" Empress Xiao said coldly.

Zisu came to Weiyang Palace without much hesitation. He also saw Chu Yue and Chu Yue had just finished exercising, with unnatural flushing on his face.

Those who didn’t know thought they were in poor health. Shisu saw that, and said, "Is the concubine's body uncomfortable?"

"No, my palace is very good. What can I do if the queen asks you to come over." Chu Yue is straight to the point.

Naturally, there is no need to be polite with people in Fengqi Palace.

Zisu then told about the fact that Concubine Luan was almost poisoned during pregnancy.

She did not mention that the emperor had accounted for the queen in the past, but Chu Yue had already chuckled and said to her: "It seems that the emperor has accounted for the queen for Concubine Luan in the past. I am willing to come to remind this palace. Does this prove that this concubine Luan really put a lot of pressure on the queen?"

"The imperial concubine, the queen just kindly reminds you one or two, the queen is in the middle palace, there are two princes and two princesses, no one can shake the status." Zisu said.

"Speaking of children, there are not many children in this palace. There are only six princesses in this palace, and the sixth princess will marry the Feng clan in the future, and there will be friendships between this palace and Mrs. Feng. The Feng clan belongs to our mother and daughter. Backer, the empress should have guessed the reason why this palace hit the queen mother but was safe and sound, right? This is the case before and in the future, even if this palace does not compete for favor, no one in the harem dare to move this palace, go back and tell the queen Come, my palace bless her." Chu Yue sneered.

The queen and the queen are old rivals. They are all foxes who are thousands of years old.

Zisu transferred these words to Empress Xiao's ears.

Empress Xiao wasn't too surprised, she also guessed the reason why she was able to retreat after colliding with the queen mother.

The confidence of Weiyang Palace didn't come from Zhongzhou Feng's family, but if she wanted to rely on Zhongzhou Feng's to be safe in the harem, then she would be too naive.

Unless she stays out of Weiyang Palace for the rest of her life and is no longer favored for the rest of her life, can she still stay in Wutong Garden when she sits down?

However, since it is not mixed, Empress Xiao will not go into details.

The poisoning was quickly found out, where the poison came from, who passed through the process, and all confessions were made.

Because of the murder of Luan's concubine and dragon heir, Lu Changzai, who was born with hatred and jealousy, was directly given to death, and the Lu family was also implicated.

This kind of thunder method spread in the Imperial Capital in an instant.

It also made everyone fully aware of how much this Luan concubine was loved by the emperor.

However, misfortune does not come alone, but luck does not depend on each other. In this season, the prince fell off his horse when he was taking people out to shoot and hunt, and he broke his leg!

"What?!" Concubine Shu stood up from her position, sternly and sternly: "What the **** is going on, the eldest prince is best at riding and shooting, how can he fall off his horseback!"

"I heard that the horse stumbled on the vine accidentally, so..." The palace man stopped.

Concubine Shu was really furious. What kind of vines could still trip the horse's feet, this is simply murder!

Of course, this matter also spread to Qin Heng's ears, because it was an outside of the palace and it was not within the purview of the queen, so Qin Heng ordered Dali Temple and the Ministry of Justice to conduct a thorough investigation.

The eldest prince’s leg was broken, but fortunately, he would bandage it himself and healed it in time, so he just needs to lie down and heal his injuries. After recuperating, he will not leave much hidden danger. It is a blessing in misfortune. .

But Concubine Shu would not give up like this.

Qin Heng ordered someone to conduct a thorough investigation. The same was true on her side, but she had never doubted the queen.

Because this is the consensus reached between her and the queen, because each other has a son outside, it is no good for anyone to do it, but it ends up with a lose-lose ending.

"Concubine Shangxi, go and sit down!" Concubine Shu said directly.

Concubine Xi welcomed Concubine Shu again, but she was dissatisfied with the look in Concubine Shang Shu's eyes: "What do you mean by the look in Concubine Shu's eyes?"

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