Chu Yue doesn't care how the Queen Mother feels.

The old butler Feng sent her a box of pills and a letter from her daughter. Of course, Chu Yue knows what her big **** attitude is.

She must be scolded for being indistinguishable, but with the pills she sent her from a bitch, Chu Yue knew that her skill would soon recover.

It took a lot of connections and money to make these seven pills for her in such a short time!

"My wife said that the noble concubine only needs to say what she wants to do, and the Feng clan welcomes the noble concubine at any time." The old housekeeper smiled.

"Go back and talk to Yunyun, I will go to find her soon." Chu Yue smiled lightly.

"Okay, then I'll go back first." Steward Feng nodded.

"Little chestnut, send the phoenix steward." Chu Yue made a detour.

Because Steward Feng was getting older, he went back within the same day, rested all night and left the next day.

But even so, the hurried and hurried attitude made everyone fully understand that this was a gift to the noble concubine of Weiyang Palace.

What does it mean to give gifts to Weiyang Palace? In the old days, Mrs. Feng just let go. Feng's family is the family of Weiyang Palace.

Now this confirms that Mrs. Feng's remarks were never a joke at the beginning, but this has caused people to sigh.

In Fengqi Palace.

Empress Xiao was rubbed her forehead by the palace person and said: "Really, after giving gifts to the concubine, she left?"

"Well, the emperor originally wanted to host a banquet, but the old Feng steward didn't stay, so he declined, and he will take someone back to the Feng clan early this morning," said Zisu.

"Old butler Feng, this palace remembers that Mrs. Feng's prescription for expelling plagues asked him to send Dafeng." Empress Xiao said.

"Yes, this is the old housekeeper." Zisu nodded.

"Feng is really going to support Weiyang Palace to the end. From this point of view, it is no wonder that Weiyang Palace has remained indifferent until now. Even without the emperor's favor, she is untouchable in the harem. "Queen Xiao sighed.

The Zhongzhou Feng clan back then should not be underestimated. Not to mention the current generation of the Zhongzhou Feng clan, the momentum has never been greater before, and the top three Zhongzhou families are veritable.

But is Feng's just like this now? More than that.

Whether it is the Yuan Dynasty, the Great Zhou Dynasty, and their Dafeng Dynasty, the status of Mrs. Feng is unquestionable. Because of her, the plague that makes people fearful is no longer terrible!

He has even begun to promote acne. After acne inoculation, he is not even afraid of smallpox. The reputation of Mrs. Feng among the folks is unparalleled and no one can compare it.

The emperors of several dynasties are unable to compare with her.

Especially in the year before last, there was an unprecedented flood disaster on the side of the Dayuan Dynasty, and the plague began to spread, but with Madam Feng’s prescription for expelling the plague, it was stopped in time.

There were also some troubles on the side of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and in the end it was Feng clan who helped deal with it.

Therefore, the influence of Feng's family really does not stop there, it is reflected in the influence and appeal of the major dynasties.

If it is Feng's request, it is really possible that the Dayuan Dynasty and the Great Zhou Dynasty will share the food together. Although this is unlikely, it is not impossible.

"Really confident." Empress Xiao said quietly after a while.

This patron is much stronger than that of Concubine Luan.

Not only did Empress Xiao think so, other palaces did the same.

Concubine Shu and Concubine Xi were both silent. Fortunately, the one in Weiyang Palace would not have a child. Otherwise, relying on Feng's support for her, it would be a great threat.

Wen Bi said with bitterness: "Is she threatening the emperor, is she intimidating the emperor? The emperor is not a person who will be intimidated, does she think she can spoil her by moving the Feng clan out of the emperor!"

Concubine Shu and Concubine Xi were too lazy to take care of her.

But let's not say it, this time it was really called Wen Bi. Although the Queen didn't say anything when Feng Feng returned home, he still didn't go to Weiyang Palace for half a step.

He didn't even say a word, as if letting Weiyang Palace fend for itself.

Manager Feng asked someone to serve soup, then looked at his Long live master's face, and said, "Wang live master, can you go to Weiyang Palace to rest tonight?"

"You are becoming bolder now. Even where I want to go is up to you to decide, can't you?" Qin Heng coldly snorted.

Manager Feng rushed to confess the crime: "The slave dare not, Long live master misunderstood, the slave just thinks that Concubine Luan is now in her six-year-old wife, and she is not suitable to serve Long live master, this is..."

"I went to Weiyang Palace to do something. She thought that when I moved to the Feng clan, I would have to ask for everything. I am the Emperor of the Phoenix. Is that something in her palm?" Qin Heng's tone was full of disgust.

This called General Feng was stunned. He really couldn't believe it. Long live master completely hated Weiyang Palace.

The pampering for so many years has never been moisture-free. Over the years, Weiyang Palace has really been pampered to the sky. He wants the stars for the stars and the moon for the moon.

But has this changed now? It's not that the emperor has been displeased since the last time he became the empress dowager.

But these days, all the anger should be eliminated, but I don't want it to become worse?

If the imperial concubine is waiting for the emperor to pass, I am afraid that she will be disappointed, she really can't wait.

In the evening, Qin Heng went directly to Yin's place. Yin's wife, who raised the Seventh Prince, had been exposed to nectar for a long time, and the whole person was radiated with a different kind of vitality.

When I came to ask for peace the next day, the eyes of the palaces on her were with unspeakable envy and hatred.

After Jin Bian fell from power, the seventh prince was handed over to Yin Bing by the emperor Jinkou Yuyan, and for this reason, she was also promoted to her position. Now the flowers blooming in the harem also have her share, and she really looks like a charm. The emperor's heart.

Yin Bi is now not as sharp as she was when she first entered the palace. She already understood how to survive in the deep palace and was very low-key.

But after I invited Ann back to the palace, there was an unstoppable bright between the eyes.

"Niang, although the concubine Luan's popularity is not trivial, it is much better than when she was a noble concubine. When the noble concubine was in the palace, she could not get half a cup of soup." The maid said.

Yin 嫔 said: "How can this be the same. Concubine Yue is in this palace. What's left besides the emperor's favor, she naturally wants to dominate the emperor to show her favor. Concubine Luan has a queen mother, and now she is in her womb. Long Si, is her confidence comparable to a noble concubine?"

The maid nodded: "What the empress said is extremely true. The emperor sent someone to send a tonic prescription. Can the empress take it?"

"The emperor also left me prescriptions for tonics?" Yin Bi was stunned and asked.

The maid said happily: "Yes, you don't have to envy Yan for being with them like nobles anymore."

But Yin Bi was not happy. Instead, she was showered with cold water like a basin of cold water.

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