How did Yin Bi be like this? Naturally, she knew what the so-called tonic the emperor gave to Yan Changzhi as nobles.

The caliber of the Tai Hospital is tight, and the slightest wind has not been revealed, but one of her cousin's husband is working in the Tai Hospital.

He once revealed that a half-word was spoken in her mother's house, and her mother's family handed her the news in.

This time the emperor came over to favor her, she thought the emperor had her in his heart, after all, it was the emperor's idea to raise the seventh prince, and Luo Bi wanted to fight.

It was just that the emperor insisted on raising the Seventh Prince to her, asking her to think that she left a footprint in the emperor's heart.

But I don't want to end up with her and Yan always being like nobles and they are no different.

After hearing the truth from her master, the maidservant's complexion couldn't help but change, and she trembled and said, "Mother, should we take this medicine or not?"

"Since the emperor has left the prescription, it is to be eaten by my palace, can my palace not eat it?" Yin Bi said indifferently.

"Manny..." The maid persuaded something first, but in the end she didn't persuade anything.

After grabbing the medicine and simmering it, Yin Bi felt that the emperor might not want her to have any more children. After all, she already had the Seventh Prince.

But why did the emperor let Concubine Luan have it?

Yes, now Concubine Luan is the emperor's favorite, but she compares all the noble concubines in Weiyang Palace.

Perhaps it was because she was satisfied with the emperor that she drank the medicine obediently, so the emperor came back several times, and the Yin concubine once tentatively said: "The emperor, the tonic is too bitter, and concubine doesn't want to drink it.

"The good medicine is bitter, drink it," her emperor said.

Yin 嫔 knows, she must continue to drink this medicine.

Qin Heng stayed in Panlong Hall alone that night, and he would stay in Panlong Hall to rest for one-third of each month.

It's just that every time he can't sleep, he doesn't know why he can't sleep, but he just feels empty in his heart.

He avoided a gang of slaves, walked around in plain clothes, and walked around, not knowing why he came to the vicinity of Weiyang Palace.

This made Qin Heng frowned fiercely.

How did he come to this temptress? This is a disrespectful thing. Not only does he disobey the elders, but also don't treat him as an emperor. There is no such unruly woman like her in this world.

But Qin Heng wanted to turn his head and leave. He didn't know what happened, but stopped.

He didn't do anything, just standing there staring in the direction of Weiyang Palace, frowning from time to time, because he wanted to go back, but he didn't know why he didn't want to leave, and even wanted to get closer to the **** Weiyang Palace. .

This of course made Qin Heng feel weird.

But he shook his head, and then shook off the things that shouldn't have appeared in his head, and he came directly to Wutong Garden.

Concubine Luan slept in a dazed state, and she whispered when she saw him coming over.

"I miss you, so I will accompany you." Qin Heng went to bed and put her in his arms, said.

When holding Concubine Luan, Qin Heng felt very comfortable, because as long as he was with Concubine Luan, he would not feel empty and lonely, and would not think of those messy women.

Qin Heng was originally a favorite of Concubine Luan, so Concubine Luan was also a little woman nestled in his arms, and the two fell asleep lovingly.

But Chu Yue, which is positioned as a messy woman, has just returned from outside the palace.

Wearing a night clothes, she was familiar with the backyard of the palace. Although guarded along the way, she returned to her Weiyang Palace safely.

Going back to her room and changing clothes, she went to bed.

It's just a little excited, because this feeling is really great, she hasn't had this feeling of controlling the body for more than ten years.

Tonight she is mainly to verify what kind of gains she has seen in her efforts these days.

Of course, dare to act in such a short period of time, this is also due to the pills she sent her.

There are three pills left, and four have already been eaten. The medicinal power of the four pills is almost the result of half a year of hard work in Chu Yue.

If she had eaten the remaining three pills, she felt that she would not be far from her peak.

Chu Yue was very happy. After adjusting the internal breath, he slowly fell asleep.

It spread in the palace early the next morning. Chu Yue was also heard from Magpie: "Are there assassins?"

"Yes, this meeting is spreading outside. I heard that a little **** saw it, a man in black flying over the wall. The queen was furious when she heard that, all the palaces in this meeting are searching and inventory!" said Magpie.

Just saying that, Xiao Lizi came in to report and said, "Niang Niang, Empress Niang Niang sent someone to check Weiyang Palace."

"Since there are assassins, let them come in. The palace is also very scared." Chu Yue said.

The eunuchs from Fengqi Palace came in, first accused Chu Yue, and then summoned all the eunuchs and maids of Weiyang Palace, took the pamphlet and reported their names one by one, and asked them to check each other. See if it was dropped.

After certainty, the **** then took the man to sue and leave.

"Manny, should the palace gate be closed again?" Xiao Lizi asked in a low voice.

"Close it." Chu Yue said. If the palace gate is inconvenient to open, continue to close it to allow her to continue her studies.

As for the man in black, if there is no accident, Chu Yue thinks that she should have not ran away. Last night, she passed by the little **** and saw the man in black. The time seems to be right. .

But in Chu Yue, regardless of the fact that her harem was upset by her sledgehammer last night, she continued to train herself. In order to make the training more difficult, she ran with two sandbags tied to her legs. .

"Did the empress slept well last night?" Xiao Lizi asked Magpie in a low voice, seeing the neat and simple running posture of the empress.

"The mother is so tired during the day, and she must have slept well at night." Magpie said.

"Who was watching the night last night?" Xiao Lizi asked.

"Niangniang rarely calls people to watch the night, and she didn't let it last night." Magpie also said, and she reacted after speaking, and couldn't help but look at Xiao Lizi and said: "What do you mean, you suspected that last night... "

"Look at Empress." Xiaolizi Nunu mouth.

The magpie looked at their empresses, and saw that their empresses began to punch after they untied the sandbags after running. Their sturdy posture was almost like that of Bingye.

Pedaling on the wall, people climbed from the ground to the high eaves, and then came down from the eaves again, the whole movement was smooth and flowing without delay.

The magpie couldn't help but swallowed, and said, "When did the lady's skill be so good?"

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