The Consort is Sick, We Must Pamper Her

Chapter 1162: Dip Safflower

Their damsels will fly over the walls, and Bingye will do too, but Bingye is a well-trained guard.

How long have they started martial arts? It only took four or five months before and after. Is this already at this level?

Especially no one has taught Niang Niang, all Niang Niang learned by herself. Is Niang Niang still a martial arts wizard?

Chu Yue used to drive wooden piles, and the wooden piles banged under her attack, and she couldn't even bear it. One of the wooden piles clicked directly and was interrupted by her.

This little chestnut called the magpie swallowed, and they suspected that maybe the people in black last night were really their wives?

After all, the empress was so calm when she first heard of the man in black.

Chu Yue lets people fix the stakes and go to rest.

But the movement in the harem has not subsided. It is not a trivial matter to have a man in black hiding in the palace, how can you wait for it?

Empress Xiao issued a strict order, and it is bound to find out the ten thousand pieces of the broken corpse in order to emulate it!

Of course, Qin Heng also knew about this. All the guards on duty last night suffered 20 slaps. Not only did they get slapped, they were fined three months in salary.

At the same time, there was a thorough investigation inside and outside the palace, but from the beginning to the end, the person was not found.

The others will leave it alone, but Concubine Luan can't help being a little bit horrified, but don't let someone who doesn't have eyes come to her!

Now that everything is going well for her, the emperor's heart she is about to make a decision, if it causes bad things, don't blame her for turning her face and ruthless!

Concubine Luan cleaned up and came to Ci Ning Palace to invite peace.

The Queen Mother was feeding the birds, and when she saw her coming, she said, "I'm pregnant now, so I don't have to come here to ask for peace from time to time, just raise it by myself."

"It's Qingluan's blessing to be able to come over to please the Queen Mother, and it's also Qingluan's duty." Concubine Luan said after seeing a gift.

The Queen Mother looked at her and said, "How is your body and your appetite recently?"

"Thank you for your concern, the Queen Mother. My appetite has been affected a lot these days. It was so hot this day, I wanted to put more ice mirrors in the house, but the emperor was afraid that I would catch a cold, so he only left two for me." Luan The concubine complained similarly.

The empress dowager put the bird food aside and asked Mother Sheng to help her to walk around in the garden of her Ci Ning Palace, and said: "The emperor also cares about you. Naturally, you should pay more attention to you when you are pregnant. The dragon heir is damaged, especially now that the month is still young."

"Well, I listen to the emperor." Concubine Luan nodded.

"Something happened in the palace recently. You have to make arrangements inside and outside of Wutong Garden." The Queen Mother said.

Obviously, she blamed this incident on the harem's handwriting.

She didn't believe that assassins could enter the harem, because the guards were really strict, and the imperial guards could not neglect their duties.

It is not so much that the assassin came in, as it is that the harem wanted to take the opportunity to stir the wind and rain to make some movement.

When the emperor was the first emperor, wouldn't it mean that there were more heirs in the harem?

The status and status are all incomparable with her small promise, so she can only find a way to break the blood.

Sure enough, she finally made the right bet. The first emperor raised her young son to the throne, and even pulled out several complicated old families one after another in order to clear the obstacles for the young son.

Although the person is not in the Imperial Capital, the Queen Mother of course knows more or less what happened in the Imperial Capital.

Concubine Luan also knew in her heart, this possibility was naturally not ruled out.

After all, the whole harem is watching her now, especially the dragon heir in her belly, which is really eye-catching.

Concubine Luan returned to her Wutong Garden and brought soup, but she didn't have a good appetite, after all, it was too hot to bear.

Just ask the maid to bring up a plate of fruit, which is naturally a very good choice in this weather.

But halfway through the meal, Concubine Luan's face changed slightly, and she began to poke her throat to induce vomiting.

This called the left and right palace ladies were shocked, and hurriedly asked what was going on?

"Where did you bring this plate of grapes? Give it a thorough investigation!" Concubine Luan took the veil and wiped her mouth, gritted her teeth.

After receiving the news from the hospital, he hurried over, and finally his face became tight and said: "This is grapes soaked in safflower!"

Safflower is a fatal blow to those who are pregnant. This is something that all women in the harem know. Concubine Luan is proficient in pharmacology and naturally understands it.

When Qin Heng came over, Concubine Luan began to cry at him: "The emperor, the concubine knows that she is favored by many people, but the concubine really did not dominate the emperor and let the emperor dominate the concubine alone. Why in the harem there are several times to put the concubines to death? Is it possible that the concubines are alive and obstruct the eyes of so many people?"

Qin Heng calmly comforted himself: "Don't worry, I will definitely check it out!"

Empress Xiao was tired again.

After Qin Heng walked away, Empress Xiao was trembling with anger: "This palace is now the emperor’s punching bag. It used to be Weiyang Palace, but now it is Wutong Garden. If there is any wind and grass, this palace will be implicated, Ben The empress of the palace is really decent. Does the emperor want this palace to treat Wutongyuan as his own, staring at anytime and anywhere, and what does he have to do with this palace?

"No wonder they are saying that Weiyang Palace is about to be replaced. The servant girl looks at Wutong Garden, this grand pet, but it's really extraordinary!" Zisu pursed his lips.

Empress Xiao stopped talking about this, only frowned: "Before it was poisoned, but now it is the grapes soaked in safflower soup. She smelled it all by herself. It seems that this Luan concubine is still proficient in pharmacology.

Perilla said, "I’m afraid that’s the case. I heard from the hospital that the person who started it was very hard-working. Although it was soaked in safflower soup, it was covered with honey fragrance, and most people couldn’t taste it. I didn’t want her to eat much and then ate it out, and vomited all of it!"

Empress Xiao narrowed her eyes and said: "Let people go and check to see who moved the hand this time. Since the emperor has said, he always has to give an explanation."

Speaking of the last, Empress Xiao couldn't help but feel sick!

Didn't the other palaces also report the same news, and the two shots were resolved by Concubine Luan herself, which shows how proficient Luan Concubine herself is in pharmacology.

"I really underestimated her, this time she saw through the people behind such a careful plan." Xi Fei said calmly.

"It can be seen that the medicine can't get through on the side of Concubine Luan." Concubine Shu also said coldly.

"I heard that the emperor was furious about this, and the queen has to thoroughly investigate all parts of the harem. It's really eventful." Wen said.

"The queen now hates Wutong Garden so much that she was implicated by Weiyang Palace, but now she is to be blamed by the emperor. This queen is really useless." Xixi sneered.

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