The Consort is Sick, We Must Pamper Her

Chapter 1163: Fight against the **** dragon

Because Concubine Luan almost ate the grapes that had been soaked in safflower soup, the harem just stopped making waves again.

Concubine De concubine came to visit Mu Bing, who was in bed.

"Concubine Luan is proficient in pharmacology, so she didn't kill anyone. Both times were dangerous. But the emperor and queen have thoroughly investigated. How can such a black sheep exist in the harem?" Defei said.

Mu Bi said: "What the Concubine De consort said."

Concubine De took out a piece of paper from her arms and said: "This is something that I have inquired about. I don't know if my sister is interested in seeing it? Can I read it to my sister?"

"Let my concubine see for yourself." Mu Bi said.

De Fei laughed and gave the paper to her. There were only a few people's names that were not written on the paper, but Mu Bi's face changed in shock when she saw the names of these people.

"The imperial concubine in Weiyang Palace hasn't come out yet. I'm afraid that even if the palace is looking at it, it won't be a backer. You can see clearly the emperor's attitude towards Wutongyuan when I want to come to Mu Lai. Now we can only live together In my own life, protecting the Eighth Prince, this is where our confidence lies, Mu Bi, what do you think?" De Fei looked at her and said.

"What the Concubine De concubine said." Mu Bi clenched the paper in his hand, his face stiff.

"The Eighth Prince will go to the study next year. Taking advantage of this time, our palace will take him out for more walks. Mubi, please take a good rest. Our palace will not let the Eighth Prince be bullied." De Fei said.

After speaking, she called the Eighth Prince. The Eighth Prince was already very familiar with this concubine. When he heard that he was going to meet with his six emperors and seven emperors, he was very happy, and left without a word.

"Niang, Concubine De, is she threatening you?" The maid Die'er couldn't help but said.

Mu Bin's face is of course not pretty: "How did De Fei know about it!"

Die'er said: "The slave and maid don't know, but the slave can be sure that we can absolutely trust it. Now that the little **** has committed suicide in fear of sin, there is no way to find it out. I really don't know how the moral concubine knew about it!"

Mu Bi sighed slowly: "It seems that the Double Ninth Palace in this palace has long been under her control."

Die'er couldn't help but said: "Niang, how can this be good? Defei clearly wants to take the Eighth Prince away from you!"

Mu Bi, of course, also feels De Fei's wolf ambition, so this time he took the risk at all costs. If the Wutongyuan side fails to give birth, and the body is broken, will the queen mother be unwilling to accept her eighth prince?

But she didn't expect that Concubine Luan could spit out the grapes in time.

It was also called De Fei to grab the handle.

"De Fei will not tear her face to the palace. She wants to raise the eighth prince, but the palace is not threatening to her now. The palace is so sick. If she wants to attack the palace, it will be nothing but a handle. That's all, she won't repeat the experience of the Fourth Prince!" Mu Bi said.

"Then what did she do today?" Die'er was puzzled.

"I just want to tell this palace that this palace has a handle in her hands, and the other is that this list is the olive branch she gave me." Mu Bi said slowly.

De Fei was telling her that although she had a purpose, she would not harm her. After all, she wanted to raise the Eighth Prince, not to make enemies with the Eighth Prince.

Last time the incident with the Four Princes made Concubine De concubine almost unable to get out, now Concubine De Concubine can't bear another attack.

"Niangniang, then we..." Die'er hesitated, what should we do in the future?

"You don't need to do anything, just do it like this." Mu Bi shook his head.

Die'er said: "Didn't that fall into the control of Concubine De?"

Mu Bi smiled bitterly: "What value is there in this palace now, but only the eight princes are left. The eight princes are in the palace, and they really need someone to protect him."

The road was broken on the Queen Mother's side, and the same was true on the Weiyang Palace side. Looking around, it was really Concubine Dee left.

Although Concubine De's purpose is not pure, she can always contribute to the Eighth Prince.

After taking the eighth prince out to play in the garden, Concubine Defei watched the eighth prince spinning the top over there, and soon the seven princes from Yinbi and the sixth prince from Qibi also brought people.

The three of them are about the same age. Regardless of the relationship between the mother and the concubine, they play very well with each other.

No, I just got together in a while.

Concubine De was sitting in the pavilion, and Madam Li whispered: "Niang, what would Mubi think?"

"What else can she think now, even if she doesn't want to, she can only swallow the pain in her heart. How can her body and bones protect the Eighth Prince, this palace is her best choice, and it's only what she does. If it is exposed, it would be light to be stripped alive by Concubine Luan." Concubine De said lightly.

I really didn't change my life, I still wanted to hurt people, I really thought that even if the concubine Luan was not good enough, the queen mother would want her eighth prince.

People are in good health, and it is easy to want a child behind, so she has her turn to calculate.

"That's what the mother said." Mother Li said softly.

Chu Yue is also known about things in the harem.

Magpie told her how angry and angry the emperor was. If Magpie didn't mention the scum dragon, Chu Yue hadn't thought of him for a long time.

After all, every day is arranged so full, where is the free time?

It’s the same if you want to come to that scum dragon. After all, the past few months have passed. He is dealing with government affairs and he has to dote on the concubines, and be gentle with the concubines, just like a busy little bee, of course not. I remembered her.

Because of the many things in the palace recently, Chu Yue will not go out for the time being, so I took this opportunity to give her the pills that Yunyun gave her.

After eating all the pills, Chu Yue felt that the palace couldn't stop her at all.

On this evening at the end of August, Chu Yue changed into night clothes to go out, and was drunk only after passing by the Royal Garden.

"Who!" Accompanied by Qin Heng's shout, his vigorous fist style.

Chu Yue After a Taijiquan, after loosing its strength with softness, it turned around and a whip leg headed towards him.

Of course Qin Heng was not afraid, and directly fought with her to take down the assassin.

Chu Yue was very bored by seeing his face, so she took this opportunity to attack her, but she obviously underestimated Qin Heng's martial arts.

This scum dragon goes to the martial arts field every day to practice martial arts, it is not a joke, he is not bad at all, it is definitely not a fist embroidering leg.

After Chu Yue played against him, she knew that she would be unable to deal with him, but she didn't want to miss such a good opportunity, so she played tricky and arrogant.

Of course Qin Heng was equally cold and domineering, but he didn't know why, he actually felt a sense of familiarity with this assassin.

And because of this sense of familiarity, Qin Heng wanted to take her down to see who she was!

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