The Consort is Sick, We Must Pamper Her

Chapter 1164: Don't blame me for being rude to you!

In the end, Qin Heng looked at the figure with a gloomy expression disappearing under his nose, and threw him away after a few ups and downs.

Great Eagle and other secret guards were also able to arrive, all knelt down and pleaded guilty!

They didn't even know that there were really men in black in the deep palace, especially the powerful men in black who were able to fight against Long Live. Where did this come from?

"This assassin is a woman, so I ordered the confession to go to the palaces to thoroughly investigate and see where there are more palace ladies!" Qin Heng frowned.

"Yes!" Yingda immediately promised.

Qin Heng didn't say anything, but until he returned to Panlong Palace, the female assassin's eyes were in his mind.

It was a pair of very bright eyes, which gave him a very familiar feeling, especially deep in his heart there was a feeling of disgust.

This kind of mood is also normal, could he still like an assassin?

She was too slippery, or else I would catch her personally tonight.

Qin Heng lay on the dragon bed to sleep. After all, he had to go to the morning dynasty tomorrow, but the whole harem would be upset.

The palaces that had all fallen asleep were all awakened.

Empress Xiao was also yelled, frowning and said, "What's the matter with the noise outside?"

"Niangniang, the female assassin appeared tonight, and was personally met by the emperor who was walking in the imperial garden. She ran away after the fight, and now orders all palaces to search." Zisu said.

Empress Xiao was surprised: "A female assassin?"

"Yes, the emperor said it himself, but if she can play tricks with the emperor and escape from the emperor's hands, this female assassin is probably not bad at all." Shisu whispered.

Empress Xiao said: "If this is the case, then all the palaces will be asked to conduct a thorough investigation and cooperate with the arrest of the female assassin. I cannot find this person if I don't believe it!"

And it's the second time, is it annoying and annoying to show up once?

The other palaces also find it annoying, but what else, the emperor has personally fought against each other, of course they have to cooperate with the search.

It's just that after a whole night of people turning their backs on their horses, it was also unable to capture this bold female assassin.

Qin Heng frowned unsatisfied and went to court early the next morning.

Qin Heng was still thinking about the female assassin until he sat on the dragon chair and listened to the performance of the civil and military officials.

Halfway up behind him, Qin Heng suddenly sat upright in a somewhat lazy posture.

This means that all the officials above the court are quiet.

"Aiqing, let's go down first, and just put up the memorials that you want to say!" After Qin Heng finished speaking, Xiao Xuanzi shouted back to the court.

With the courtesy of the hundreds of civil and military officials, Qin Heng Xia Chao turned towards the harem with a gloomy expression.

Xiao Xuanzi originally didn't know what Long Live Lord was doing, but she quickly understood.

This is the direction to Weiyang Palace!

Seeing Master Long live in a hurry, do you miss the imperial concubine Weiyang Palace? That's really a big celebration, the imperial concubine and the empress are trying to keep things clear.

Is this actually the case?

When Qin Heng came to Weiyang Palace, the door of Weiyang Palace was closed, and Xiao Xuanzi immediately said, "What are you still trying to do? Hurry up and call the door. Long live the door is still closed?"

Of course, Xiaoyaozi and others came forward and called the door. When the concierge saw that it was the emperor, how dare to keep it closed again? He opened the palace door tightly.

"Where is the concubine?" Qin Heng stepped in and said coldly.

"My lady should have gotten up at this meeting, she is..."

Qin Heng was too lazy to deal with the report of the palace slave, and had already walked into the palace.

The magpie, Xiaolizi, Xiaoyan Pearl, etc. all came out and knelt to greet him. Qin Heng coldly snorted, "Where is the noble concubine?"

"The emperor finally remembered his concubine, have you come to visit his concubine?" The heartbroken voice of Chu Yue was remembered in the bedroom.

Qin Hengguang felt disgusted when he heard this voice, but he didn't know why but wanted to take a look at the bold temptress in the room. He didn't hesitate to step forward and push the door open.

Chu Yue was sitting by the window, she looked at him with her back to Guang, and she also saw Qin Heng's face of a scumbag.

Originally, Chu Yue had no mood swings. This scumbag really didn't want to see him at a glance, but Chu Yue touched his eyes and met his gaze, but she forbeared. Can't help frowning.

This scum dragon was ruthless, but she knew that he was true to her before, the kind that did not hold water.

It is not too surprising to be able to feel familiarity from her when fighting against her. She will come over to find out if she thought of it last night.

But what does his expression mean right now?

Did you see Shit Kelang looking at her with such disgusting eyes?

Qin Heng didn't know why. He couldn't wait to open the door to take a look at the woman in the room, but when he saw her, he was really disgusted in his heart.

Really dislike it.

Was he blind before? How canonized such an ugly woman as a noble concubine, is the harem all dead or something!

Yes, she had a good relationship with the Feng clan. He canonized her only because of the Feng clan!

"The emperor looked at his concubines with this look, and the concubines were really terrified." Chu Yue looked at him quietly.

Qin Heng was too lazy to talk to her and said directly: "Where were you last night!"

"The concubine is a noble concubine, and the master of this Weiyang Palace. The emperor said where the palace is. Last night Feng Guan brought people to check it. Today, the emperor wants to check it again?" asked Chu Yue.

Qin Heng really didn't want to see her, and said, "You'd better not give me any tricks, or don't blame me for being rude to you!"

After he finished speaking, he didn't want to touch the **** shell man any more, waving his sleeves and turning away.

Where is the slightest nostalgia and lingering?

Qin Heng didn't stop until he walked out of Weiyang Palace. He couldn't help but looked at Weiyang Palace. That daring temptress didn't chase him out? With the Feng clan, she is really not afraid of his dislike!

Although Qin Heng was pretty sure that he didn't like Weiyang Palace, but what was going on, he never came out of Yang Palace and felt a little bit resentful and empty in his heart.

He felt that he was probably crazy, and headed towards Wutong Garden without a word.

But Chu Yue in Weiyang Palace has frowned eyebrows.

"If you have time, please invite Xiao Xuanzi over. I have something to ask him." Chu Yue invited Xiao Lizi and ordered.

"Yes." Xiao Lizi quickly responded, and went out without hesitation.

Chu Yue squinted his eyes deeply.

Qin Heng, what is going on? She is certainly not narcissistic and arrogant, but she still knows some things in her heart.

Although this scum dragon was restless and wanted to linger on other flowers after having her, his affection for her was somewhat true.

But his eyes were obviously wrong when he saw her today.

It was a strange, disgusting, and disgusting look.

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