The Consort is Sick, We Must Pamper Her

Chapter 1168: Meet mother and daughter

"I'm so unwilling to be lonely, I am now at this age, and my mind should be closed." Chu Yue said.

Qin Yun glanced at her: "The skin is as smooth as fat and the appearance is better than Diao Chan. It is a good time in full bloom, what vicissitudes of life do you pretend?"

Chu Yue grinned and said, "Isn't it because there are two children."

"That's also the hot mom. If you come out casually, you don't have to pay attention to Dafeng's side." Qin Yun said lightly.

Chu Yue um, nodded, and took a hot spring bath with Da Yunyun comfortably, and then the two came to eat seafood porridge.

"Sister-in-law, eat more, Yang Yang and the others also like seafood porridge." Feng Huainan smiled.

"That little girl lives here and doesn't want to leave." Chu Yue said.

"I miss you very much, if Yunyun didn't say you would be coming soon, she would want to go back." Feng Huainan said.

"I have to think about Zhongzhou in a few days when I go back." Chu Yue laughed.

"That's how nice we are in Central Continent, the wind is sunny, the mountains and the clear waters are beautiful, and the land is vast and the resources are abundant, the products are particularly abundant, it is a paradise on earth." Feng Huainan said.

Chu Yue smiled and said: "Then I have to live longer."

"What do you mean by staying for a while? Sister-in-law, you can live for as long as you want. You can live for a lifetime." Feng Huainan said, "This is your home."

"Have you heard?" Qin Yun also looked at her.

Chu Yue said: "I heard it, eat quickly, go to bed early after eating, and now I am getting older, so don't dare to stay up late, otherwise problems such as dark yellow and loose skin should come."

Qin Yun ate with her. After eating, he will accompany her to Mingyue Pavilion. However, Chu Yue does not require her: "I can go there by myself. It's not that I don't know the way. You can stay with my brother-in-law."

After speaking, she brought Feng's maid herself over.

Qin Yun also knew that she missed her daughter, so she let her go by herself.

"Yunyun, my sister-in-law turned out to be so good." Feng Huainan said.

"It's better than this, it hasn't recovered to its peak yet." Qin Yun said.

"How is the sister-in-law planning now?" Feng Huainan said when returning to the room with her.

Qin Yun said: "I don't know what she plans yet. Just look at it. Anyway, she is popular. Wouldn't Emperor Yuan leave her behind?"

"That's not because you are behind the scenes," Feng Huainan said with a smile.

Qin Yun didn't deny it, and snorted coldly: "The scumbag in Qin Heng doesn't have anything worthy of last month. It was enough to be wronged by entering his harem. He still doesn't know how to be brazen. He really left him that month and month. Isn't it possible? I don't know who can't live without whom!"

She was really annoyed at Qin Hengxi's dislike of the old. This shameless man didn't know who asked to come and pick him up.

Now this is because the weather is going well for Dafeng, so she doesn't need her Yueyue, is this just throw it away when you use it up?

It is really angry.

Feng Huainan nodded, just to make people irritated and betray faith!

"Look at it, as long as Yueyue wants it, she deserves it after the Yuan Dynasty, and she still needs to be a noble concubine in that bird cage." Qin Yun said.

Chu Yue didn't know that she Da Yunyun was planning a back position for her, she would have arrived at Mingyue Pavilion.

The children live here, Feng Bo and Fengxing brothers and sisters, and Xiao Weiyang.

Xiao Weiyang and Fengxing share a room, the two little sisters slept together, and Bingye watched the night.

Chu Yue came, and Bingye was also a little surprised, but as expected, she didn't say anything, and went down after a salute.

Chu Yue came to the bedside and saw the two little sisters.

At this time, the weather was hot, and there were two ice mirrors in the room, which was quite comfortable. Chu Yue took the two little sisters in a little, and then she lay down.

Xiao Weiyang didn't wake up, because it was very tiring today, running, swimming, playing sandbags, and reading medical books to identify medicines at night. Now she lay down, sleeping like a pig.

Xiao Fengxing is still young, but it is exactly the same as when she was a child.

Chu Yue looked at the two little sisters really happy, and was in a great mood to accompany them to sleep together.

Early the next morning, Xiao Weiyang rubbed his eyes to get up, and what did she see? She actually saw her mother and concubine!

Xiao Weiyang's eyes widened, covering his mouth with a look of surprise.

Xiao Fengxing also yawned. When she saw what she didn't know about Chu Yue, she was covered by Xiao Weiyang and made a shush gesture.

"This is my mother and concubine." Xiao Weiyang whispered.

Xiaofengxing understood that it was Sister Weiyang's mother. She often heard Sister Weiyang mention it, so she knew, so she lay back again.

Xiao Weiyang smiled, followed by lying back, but he held his cheek to watch her mother sleep.

It was another half an hour in the blink of an eye, and Chu Yue only woke up faintly, because she was too relaxed with the children and slept deeply. I really didn't know that the two little sisters were up.

When I opened my eyes, I saw both the little sisters looking at her.

"When did you wake up? Why didn't you call your concubine." Chu Yue laughed.

"We just woke up. Did you come here last night?" Xiao Weiyang asked.

"Yeah." Chu Yue nodded, looked at Xiaofengxing and said: "Xinger, I am your aunt."

"Auntie." Feng Xing nodded.

"Good." Chu Yue said with satisfaction: "Looks like your mother and has a temperament like your mother." Although he is still young, he looks quite cold.

She was like this when she was young.

It was getting late, Chu Yue worried that they were hungry and let people come in with hot water to wash.

"Mother concubine, didn't the father ask you to send me a letter?" Xiao Weiyang asked while washing her face.

Obviously, the little girl didn't know what happened to Dafeng.

Chu Yue said: "No, but your father also misses you very much."

Xiao Weiyang was not satisfied: "If you are worried about how I didn't write a letter to me."

Chu Yue didn't say anything, and took them out after washing.

It was not surprising that Feng Bo saw Chu Yue. Someone had already told him and met with a gift to Chu Yue: "Auntie."

"Boer has grown a bit taller this year." Chu Yue said.

Feng Bo smiled: "Breakfast is ready, let's go over."

"Yeah." Chu Yue nodded, and she followed Xiao Weiyang in her left hand and Xiao Fengxing in her right hand.

Qin Yun and Feng Huainan were already waiting, and when they saw them coming over, they asked people to bring meals to the table for breakfast.

"Auntie, can you ask for a day off today?" Xiao Weiyang said after breakfast.

"Half a day, the afternoon is the same," Qin Yun said.

"Okay." Xiao Weiyang nodded. It is also good to have a half-day holiday, and can accompany her mother and concubine for a long time.

Feng Boke was busy. He had already finished his morning class before seeing Chu Yue.

"Sister-in-law, sit down slowly, I'll go out." Feng Huainan said, and Xiao Fengxing gave her father his hand when he heard the words, obviously going out with her father.

"Little girl, what are you going to do?" Chu Yue said.

"Doing business." Xiao Fengxing said.

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