The Consort is Sick, We Must Pamper Her

Chapter 1169: News from Xiao Jiu

That's why Long Sheng Long Feng Sheng Feng, the family is in business, Xiao Feng Xing is so old, he just knows how to say it, the words of doing business are so clear.

Chu Yue smiled and said: "Then you go."

Xiao Fengxing nodded, and went out with her father.

Feng Bo didn't leave, and entertained his aunt with his mother.

Chu Yue smiled and said: "In a blink of an eye, your brothers and sisters are so big, your mother and I are both old."

"Not old, she looks like a twenty-year-old girl," Feng Bo said.

Chu Yue was very satisfied and said: "The more I grow up now, the more I can speak."

"It's all truthful." Feng Bo was serious.

Qin Yun said, "Yang Yang, do you think there are wrinkles between Auntie and your mother?"

"No, people can be my sister when they go out, and they won't think it's my elders." Xiao Weiyang said.

"One or two, they all have honey on their mouths." Chu Yue grinned.

"It's all the truth." Xiao Weiyang leaned over with a smile, and said: "I'll take you out for a walk with your mother concubine?"

"You go with your cousin, and relax together." Chu Yue also said.

"Don't don't, I'll be with you." Xiao Weiyang shook his head.

"Well, then go with the mother concubine." Chu Yue looked at her with a smile, talked to her and went out together.

After spending a morning with Xiao Weiyang, the little girl was satisfied. It wasn't until midday when Chu Yue had time to come over and find her big bitch.

"If you have a child, you have a bond, and you can't come and go without a trace as you did in your life." Seeing her, Chu Yue said.

Qin Yun directly rolled her eyes and said, "Don't come to tell me about this. Yang Yang is a very strong girl, and she will grow up in the Feng clan. Huainan is her father, and I am her mother. of!"

Chu Yue said: "I know, isn't it a good family to be separated."

"It's okay?" Qin Yun snorted coldly: "You are really burnt out now. You didn't even bother to look at such goods in your life. Now you are still reluctant to throw it away. Are you being countered by others wore?"

"Isn't it my fate is bad? If I come and meet a good one, I won't be like this." Chu Yue said.

Qin Yun despised: "Don't blame your fate, it's all you asked for, so you should continue to suffer the chaos!"

"He doesn't think you are old, so he found a younger and more beautiful one. Why are you still keeping her? Don't give him a few more green hats at this time, so he can hold the green basin on your head?"

"Now I have learned those three obediences and four virtues, my God, is this the famous and top agent Chu Yue?"

"In the past, I didn't recognize people when I got out of bed. Those infatuated sons often wanted to wash your hands for your golden basin."

"I remember the crown prince of the Ye family, didn't he still go to the chef training class for you, just because you have a bad stomach and wanted to cook a pot of soup for you, what did you say at the beginning?"

"You said that a good horse doesn't eat the grass. This **** man is late and affectionate than the grass, because he dared to send the model home during his relationship with you."

"The entire city's screens were empty and the apology confession failed to get you a look back."

"But in my opinion you are actually tired of him, find an excuse to break up."

"But I have no objection at all, I just get tired of it."

"But what about the ambition back then? Now that Qin Heng, a dog man, is bullying you so much, you even came to tell me that you want a family reunion?"

Qin Yun almost yelled at her.

Chu Yue only shook his head and was scolded and criticized, so I didn't dare to refute it at all.

"What is this wronged look like, you really can't live without him? Don't blame me for hacking and get you something to eat!" Qin Yun coldly snorted.

"Yunyun, listen to me, in fact, things are not what you think." Chu Yue said with a dry cough.

Qin Yun didn't speak, but looked at her coldly.

Chu Yue continued: "I was really angry at the beginning. I thought I was angry with his old lady, so I favored Concubine Luan and the others, but later I found out that it was not like that."

"Do you still want to excuse him?" Qin Yun couldn't help.

"No, I didn't want to excuse this dog man. It's really something wrong." Chu Yue said, and fought her against Qin Heng. Qin Heng came and questioned her the next day, the kind of look at her. His eyes were completely strange, alienated, even disgusting.

"You actually know how he treats me. The education he received can do this for me. That's why you didn't force me to stay before and let me go back with him, but this time he really Not quite right." Chu Yue said.

"I don't think that a man is even worse than a woman when he turns his face." Qin Yun said.

Chu Yue shook his head: "He really won't turn his face with me. Although the queen mother is his biological mother, she has never raised him for so many years. Even if she still has some respect, she must say that she and me Breaking is impossible."

She is confident about this.

Qin Heng wouldn't say that when he turned his face, he turned his face to that extent. This man is actually soft-hearted and kind, not Chen Shimei.

"I suspect he might have been poisoned." Chu Yue said.

"Are you sure?" Qin Yun looked at her and said.

"It's not too sure, but what else could be the reason besides this. I saw that his eyes were disgusting when he looked at me, it seems that the more I look at it, the more disgusting I am." said Chu Yue.

"Yang Yang is here now. Although there is no news from Xiao Jiu, I am also trying my best to inquire. I have already found out that they once settled in a village hunter's house." Qin Yun said.

"What's the news?" Chu Yue eyes lit up and said quickly.

"The Orion said that the master is very powerful, and he has a clever calculation. It is dangerous to ask him not to go up the mountain twice. The Orion's daughter-in-law also happened to have a child, and even brought Xiao Jiu to feed, but Dongxue began to melt. , The old teacher took him out of the village." Qin Yun said.

Of course she had inquired about these things clearly, and at the same time she gave the Orion a sum of money so that they were not allowed to mention it to outsiders, otherwise it would cause a murderous disaster.

Chu Yue heard a motherly heart, her son, she hadn't even seen her face.

"Xiao Jiu, I will find it sooner or later, so you see, if you don't go back, there is nothing wrong with it. Qin Heng can't hinder you." Qin Yun said.

Chu Yue shook his head: "I am still a little worried about his situation now, but I still have to let him return to his original state. I suspect there is a problem with the Queen Mother and Concubine Luan. Either the Queen Mother or Concubine Luan, anyway, it is them. one."

"Then you just wait!" Qin Yun rolled his eyes in angrily.

It's really hopeless. I still want to save the man without escaping from the bird cage with such a good opportunity.

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