The Consort is Sick, We Must Pamper Her

Chapter 1175: Anxious for re-petition

The Queen Mother only heard about last night when she got up the next morning.

He directly smashed the tea cup to the ground in anger. Qin Heng didn't need to go to court today, so he came to ask for peace in the morning, just to see the queen mother angry.

"What's the matter with the queen, so angry so early in the morning, who made the queen angry?" Qin Heng said.

Sister Sheng and the others hurriedly bowed to the salute.

"The emperor is still here to ask such things? Isn't it clear who made the lamenting family angry, the emperor is really unseen, a noble concubine actually came to threaten the emperor to make peace? A joke!" Empress Dowager said angrily.

Don't talk about the imperial concubine, but the queen doesn't have this qualification. Think too much, just stay in the cold palace, living in the cold palace to death is the ultimate fate of the unfavored woman in this palace!

Naturally, Qin Heng was tightly comforted: "There is no need for the queen to be angry. Concubine Yue is so bold and reckless now that she only relies on the Feng clan, and she has nothing else to rely on."

"Is the Feng family really so jealous of you?" said the empress dowager.

"Don't be angry with the queen." Qin Heng shook his head.

Although the Feng clan nowadays has not established himself as a king, the influence of his appeal is beyond doubt. If he hadn't known this, how could the woman in Weiyang Palace dare to be like this?

He was so angry that he didn't sleep in the middle of the night last night!

"The Aijia doesn't believe that the Feng clan will really have a bad relationship with Dafeng for her. Even if the Feng clan wants to marry the sixth princess, the sixth princess is also Dafeng's sixth princess, so she can still marry Dafeng!" Empress Dowager Man said.

She really looked at the woman in Weiyang Palace too uncomfortable, and wanted to destroy her!

Qin Heng shook his head and said, "She has to keep it." Although he also wanted to strangle the woman in Weiyang Palace, Feng's side was not easy to explain, especially Feng's attitude was clear, and he made it clear that he wanted to protect her.

After spending a breakfast with his mother here, Qin Heng took the people back.

The empress dowager was helped out for a walk, and Madam Sheng whispered: "Queen dowager, how does the servant girl feel that the emperor is really indifferent to Weiyang Palace?"

"You want to say that the emperor has changed his mind so quickly, and he has been spoiled before, but now he is impatient?" The Queen Mother said lightly.

"Yes." Madam Sheng said, "I have been favored since I was beaten into the palace. No one in the harem has been able to do anything else for so many years, but now I see that the emperor has no affection for her."

She saw it really, and the emperor was full of disdain and disdain when talking about the Weiyang Palace.

The Queen Mother sneered: "What's so strange about this. Even the son of the Lamentation family is a man. Who is the man in the world who loves the new and dislikes the old? The Sheng Chong of Weiyang Palace has cultivated her character for so many years. If you have a good number, you should keep yourself safe. The emperor will not treat her to this point, but what do you think she has done for so long? If she is waiting for a man, she will not tolerate her. The emperor is the lord of a country. Do you feel wronged and have no bottom line to tolerate her?"

In her opinion, her son's performance could not be more kind and forgiving.

Last night, she was told to go to the door to make trouble. I heard that she also smashed the vase at the door. It is not an exaggeration to execute it on the spot.

But let her retreat all over, isn't it because of her past feelings?

Therefore, in the empress dowager man's place, her son is not ruthless, he is still amorous, so there shouldn't be more mercy from the woman in Weiyang Palace!

Speaking of this woman being in a bad mood, the Queen Mother asked, "How is Concubine Luan now?"

"Xiaoyuezi is almost sitting there too, and today I have sent someone to say that I will come over to please the Queen Mother in a few days." Mother Sheng also said.

"This is also useless. The Aijia thinks how capable she is!" The Queen Mother snorted coldly.

"No wonder Concubine Luan is what happened this time. The old slave seems to have a high chance of being accidental," said Madam Sheng.

The Queen Mother sneered: "All the accidents in this harem are not accidents, but someone who makes them look unexpected, did you think it was an accident when the bleeding in the palace was an accident? It was also an accident, but they didn't think about it. Dao, my palace will just take care of it!"

Back then, she obviously had half a month to give birth, but she was suddenly ahead of schedule. At that time, it was the fiercest battle among many princes and princes. Although she was still small in her stomach, it was also eye-catching.

Therefore, she used a trick to get rid of the golden cicada, crying to the first emperor to let her go to Tianyin Guanjing to meditate on the Buddha, and pray for her son.

The Emperor Xian agreed, because she said she would never come back in this life.

But now that the emperor had left, she was taken back by her son to support her, after all, she really worked hard.

"The Queen Mother's foresight is naturally not comparable to Luan Concubine." Madam Sheng also said.

"The Ai family originally hoped that her child could be born smoothly, so that she could have a firm foothold in this harem. In this palace, only the child is the most reliable, and the rest have to lean back. , Isn't Weiyang Palace the best example." The Queen Mother said coldly.

Sheng Chong hasn't had a son for so many years, so now it's not tenable at all, and there is not even one to help her speak.

"It's fine, she is still young, it's not difficult to get pregnant with her bones, after all, the emperor is now in his prime, and he spoils her like that." The empress dowager said calmly.

At the same time, it is not bad to have children this time. You can remind Concubine Luan to let her know that in this palace, the emperor's favor can not sweep everything, and what she can rely on is also one of the confidence.

In this way, I dare not give birth to rebellious heart.

At this time, Concubine Luan, who lives in Wutong Garden, was drinking black-bone chicken soup, which is something she should drink for confinement. She is proficient in pharmacology and naturally knows this.

"Niangniang is almost recovered now, but should the honoring room wear Niangniang's green head card?" asked the Maid Orb.

Concubine Luan finished the black-bone chicken soup, and said lightly: "What anxious, the palace has to raise it again to be completely safe."

"What the empress said is that the empress is pampered, of course, you don't need to be too eager to do it again." Baozhu nodded.

"What news is coming from outside?" Concubine Luan asked.

"This..." Baozhu hesitated.

"If you have something to say, how do you hesitate in front of this palace?" Concubine Luan said.

"The emperor went to the queen dowager and went back to the imperial study room after breakfast, but the servant girl just heard that Concubine Yue seemed to have brought soup to the imperial study room." Baozhu said.

Concubine Luan sneered: "This is to make the queen irritated by wearing small shoes, so do you want to fight for favor?"

Baozhu said: "Niang, although this concubine Yue is arrogant, but the empress also has to guard against. She is always saying that she is a concubine, and there are endless methods. If the emperor asks her to be moved, then...

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