"Impressed? Then see if she can impress the emperor. If she can really impress the emperor, I will bow down to the wind!" Concubine Luan sneered.

Of course she knew that Weiyang Palace was humiliated by the Queen, and she also knew that the emperor really hated her, so it happened last night through the search of Weiyang Palace by the Guards.

First, he made ruthless words to attract the emperor's attention, and now he began to show his tenderness with soup and water. This rigid and soft method was really good.

It's just a pity, the emperor can't afford these methods.

This will be in the Imperial Study Room, Chu Yue has already opened the door and brought people in with the soup.

Qin Heng didn't see her and asked her to go back, but she didn't care and came straight away.

Ignoring Qin Heng’s knife-like eyes, Chu Yue put the soup in front of the imperial case, and said with a smile: "I heard that the emperor used to eat dinner with the empress dowager in the morning, and the empress dowager is a Buddhist cultivator. It must be light. The emperor has no energy to deal with government affairs. So the concubine ordered someone to stew this pot of trotter soup for the emperor. It is all collagen. The emperor, please drink it. If you like it, you can eat the trotters."

Qin Heng didn't even look at it, mocking all over his face, "Is Concubine Yue here to fight for favor?"

"Is it so obvious that the concubines have done it? The emperor can see it." Chu Yue said innocently.

A look of disgust appeared on Qin Heng's face, and his expression was called Chu Yue and he couldn't wait to push this cup of pig's trotter soup on his head.

But thinking of Granny Miao, the more he disliked her, the more he actually cared about her. Although she doesn't have Stockholm syndrome, what else can she do now except forbearance?

He has a Gu, it is excuseable.

General Feng Xiaoxuanzi and the others on the side really wiped their sweat.

Is the imperial concubine here sure to invite pets? This is clearly to make Long live Lord angry.

"What's the expression of the emperor? The court concubine asked someone to bring soup to you this morning, so you hate the court concubine?" said Chu Yue.

"Get out!" Qin Heng stared at her.

"You all go down." Chu Yue said to General Feng and them.

Manager Feng looked at the face of Long Live Lord, then boldly led the people down. For a time, there were only two of them left in the Imperial Study Room.

"Meaner, what do you want to say!" Qin Heng stared at her.

"The emperor, you haven't been to your concubine's Weiyang Palace for a long time, don't you want to be a concubine." How can Chu Yue fail to see this scum dragon's thoughts? He is a little moved , She can feel it.

I couldn't help feeling a little proud, and look, even if he was in love, he still had a certain sexual interest in her.

Chu Yue smiled so much that when Qin Heng was a little lost, he sat directly in his arms and wrapped his arms around his neck.

Qin Heng had an expression like stepping on shit: "What are you doing, let me start!"

"No, why did the concubine start up? The emperor hasn't been close to the concubine for so long, doesn't the emperor want to be close to the concubine?" Chu Yue said with a charming voice.

Although he was getting older, he couldn't help but look young. It was really life-threatening to play coquettishly.

Qin Heng's face was pale.

This **** woman was so sharp, she felt it right away, and she smiled more proudly and rampantly.

"Does the emperor talk duplicity?" Chu Yue smiled.

Qin Heng's face was dark, but he couldn't help being guilty and short of breath.

what happened to him? This woman is so hateful but arrogant and arrogant and arrogant. He has no control over her. He didn’t put her in the cold palace because he was in the past, but now he just told her to sit in his arms, so he lost control. , As if the body is not his own.

Is this woman really capable of witchcraft?

"The emperor, the concubines don't know how to do sorcery. If the concubines can know sorcery, how can the emperor hate them so much now?" Chu Yue said quietly.

This caused Qin Heng to fight a cold war, and he said he knew no magic arts. She knew exactly what he thought in his heart!

"The emperor, you and I have been in love for more than ten years, and I have been obsessed with you for so long. I don't understand you. You will know when you come to the concubine. The concubine can't read mind." (Chu Yue whispered softly.

Qin Heng couldn't help it anymore, he took her hand off his neck and pushed her away from his arms.

"My lord, you and your concubines have spent many times in the study, but in this imperial study, I haven't tried it yet." Chu Yue said charmingly and softly.

"Get out of here!" Qin Heng said angrily.

"Well then, the concubine will go back now." Chu Yue covered his mouth with a smile, and then swayed open the door and went out.

Qin Heng was almost furious.

When General Manager Feng and others came in and waited on him, he saw the face of Long Live Lord as black as the bottom of a pot.

But when the imperial concubine left just now, she was very happy, but Long live master was very angry.

Manager Feng whispered to Xiao Xuanzi: "Hurry up and find Concubine Luan in Wutong Garden, and let Concubine Luan come over and invite Long live Lord over for lunch."

Xiao Xuanzi was unwilling, but could only come over.

Baozhu said indifferently: "Okay, I know, I'll tell the lady."

Xiao Xuanzi ignored her, she passed the word and turned back, with a sullen expression, waited for the noble concubine to spoil her again, let's see how arrogant you are in Wutong Garden!

Baozhu was not lukewarm to Xiaoxuanzi, but she didn't dare to delay this kind of thing, so she came in and reported it.

As expected, Concubine Luan said lightly: "If this is the case, please ask the emperor to come to Wutong Garden for lunch."

"Long live Lord, Concubine Luan sent someone over and wanted to invite Long live Lord over for lunch." Manager Feng soon received the news and came in to report.

Qin Heng had calmed down, and heard the words: "Go back to Concubine Luan, just say that I will be there later."

"Yes." General Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

Qin Heng read the book for a while, but he didn't look into it very well. The enchantress came and disturbed his mood, so he went to Wutong Garden after sitting for a while.

Concubine Luan came out to greet her, and Qin Heng helped her get up and said, "I still use you more of this gift? Now my body is still uncomfortable, so I don't want to lie down on the bed."

"The concubines are much better, but there is still another hour for lunch. How can the emperor come so fast?" Concubine Luan laughed.

"I just want to come and accompany you." Qin Heng said affectionately.

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