The Consort is Sick, We Must Pamper Her

Chapter 1178: Dislike it while reminiscing

Chu Yue is also a bit puzzled.

When I returned to Weiyang Palace, I went to rest. It was really life-threatening.

The scum dragon in Panlong Temple was really duplicity, saying don't want it, but the body was incredibly honest.

She frowned and was pushed over by her, but he was fierce.

Shouldn't it be enough to resist and take her out of the room?

Chu Yue almost told him to go. Fortunately, she has an extraordinary physique now, and she is still very strong back to her Weiyang Palace.

I woke up in the evening when I slept.

"Where is the emperor?" Chu Yue asked with a yawn.

"Niangniang, the emperor didn't go anywhere, just in Panlong Hall." Said Magpie.

Chu Yue was quite satisfied, so I didn't care about him. I got up and took a shower before eating dinner, and read my book after dinner.

Qin Heng of Panlong Temple was reading a book this time, but he couldn't help but look out the door. I don’t know if the brave woman will come over. If she dares to come over tonight, he will definitely not. If you give up with her, you must kick her out.

But obviously the woman didn't come, and she didn't come until Haishi.

Qin Heng breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time couldn't help feeling a little bit disappointed.

Immediately frowned, what did he lose? He just looked at Feng's face and didn't drive the presumptuous woman away!

After all, the Feng clan is extraordinary nowadays, it is really not to be offended, otherwise, she will be isolated by other dynasties, just because she is a woman too much.

In this way, she won the hand, and it can be regarded as a kind of comfort!

Qin Heng, who sacrificed his hue, felt quite good about himself, of course, the ugly woman of the mad wolf was even better.

It's no wonder that he was willing to deal with her for so long before, it was so turbulent!

Really shameless, she couldn't find the second one in the harem.

Qin Heng disliked it while recollecting it, and then slowly went to sleep, and the next day passed as usual, so he should face up.

And Chu Yue also got up early and got up to exercise.

The three concubines, Concubine Liu and Concubine De, all came together after going to Fengqi Palace for peace.

The gate of the palace that had been closed for so long was opened, and of course I wanted to take a look.

The situation in the palace has changed a lot now, but the main thing is still the same. The three of them have no sons, and in the end there is no big hatred, so these days have come closer.

But it was only confined to being relatively close. Neither Concubine Xian nor Concubine Liu had a close relationship with Concubine De.

Chu Yue also entertained.

Concubine De saw that this imperial concubine's complexion was better than before, and she was not dying of illness as the outside said. Only then did she close the palace gate for so long.

"The queen said at the reception this morning, asking how your body is, and I want you to go over and ask for peace." Xianfei said.

"Please, please peace, my palace is going to take a breath after taking three steps, but there is no way to please peace." Chu Yue said.

Concubine Liu changed the subject and said, "Speaking of which Princess Six has been to Fengshi for a long time, when will you come back? Her third sisters are all talking about her."

"It's been these few days." Chu Yue nodded.

De Fei smiled and said: "The emperor loves the six princesses very much. The emperor ordered the imperial dining room to make the dishes that the six princesses sent back last time, and the palaces also rewarded the dishes and asked them to taste it."

Concubine Liu smiled and said: "Yes, I also got a jade jade soup, the taste is indeed excellent."

Chu Yue also just smiled, and said to Concubine De: "I heard that the eight princes are raised with you now?"

"Mu Bi's body is not very good. Sometimes when it comes to rainy weather, the whole person still has a headache. I can't take care of the eighth prince, so I helped." De Fei said softly.

"Mu Bi is also pitiful. You can help her out." Chu Yue said casually.

"Niang, the concubine will go back first, and the eighth prince will go to the prince's office soon. The concubine intends to make some more clothes for him." Defei said.

"Where to use it you bother, let the palace people do it." Chu Yue said.

"The concubine has nothing to do when she is idle, and she has to do it. There is still something to kill the time." Defei smiled.

Chu Yue said: "Then you go back first, and take the eighth prince over and sit when you have time."

Concubine De agreed and bowed back.

Concubine De is gone, Chu Yue sighed, and said to Concubine Liu: "The recipes sent back by the six princesses, I didn’t get one at Weiyang Palace. What did I do to make the emperor change Just change, become so displeased with me? If I don't open the door for so long, he doesn't want me at all."

"Do you know that the emperor is now fascinated by Concubine Luan, and you dare to act so recklessly? Do you know what you are doing?" Concubine Xian said in an angry voice.

"When I heard about it, I was shocked by Sister Yue. You used the queen to wear shoes, but it was too much trouble." Liu Fei nodded.

"I really can't swallow that breath, but with Feng's support, I am not afraid of him." Chu Yue said.

"This is not a question of whether you are afraid or not, you will only anger the emperor even more." Liu Fei said.

"That's right, I heard that the emperor has been angry, and the queen mother is also there, and I want the emperor to abolish you." Xianfei said.

"Isn't it still in the end?" Chu Yue said calmly.

"Although Feng's side supports you, you still have to know in your heart. After all, the distant water can't save the nearby fire. What is going to happen, and Feng's can help you? Should it be restrained or restrained." Frowned.

"I will converge now, then I really have no place to stand in this palace. Don't worry. With the Feng clan, the Queen Mother and the emperor dare not move me." Chu Yue said.

She looked at the appearance of Concubine Liu and she was almost certain that the news that she went to sleep Qin Heng in the past afternoon was blocked and not leaked.

Also, there is the Panlong Temple, as long as Mr. Feng said a word, there is really no sound of the wind.

It seems that Mr. Feng is still on her side.

Concubine Xian and Concubine Liu didn't know what to say when she said this. After all, they wouldn't dare to do this. Even if the backer is big, the education they received since childhood did not allow them to do so.

But Chu Yue did so. Maybe it's the boldness and uniqueness that made her so popular with the emperor, right?

"But Concubine Luan's methods are really extraordinary, you still have to be cautious." Concubine Liu reminded.

"I know that it is because of her emperor that she is so indifferent to me, but I will not let her go easily." Chu Yue sneered.

"I'm reminding you, don't provoke her for now." Concubine Liu said with her forehead.

Chu Yue smiled and said: "I know what you mean, but I have a plan in my heart."

It was said that there was a plan, but Concubine Liu and Concubine Xian both felt unreliable. After all, the noble concubine in Chu Yue has never played cards according to the routine.

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