The Consort is Sick, We Must Pamper Her

Chapter 1179: Stubble after stubble

Of course, Chu Yue does not play cards according to the routine. If you follow the routine, what else is fun? It's anti-routine.

So after Concubine Liu and Concubine Xian went back, she brought soup and came back to the Imperial Study Room.

Qin Heng had already dealt with the memorial in the imperial library next morning.

"Emperor concubine, if this soup is left, the minions will be sent in?" Manager Feng smiled quickly when he saw her.

No way, Long live master explained that she was forbidden to step into the imperial study room to disturb him handling government affairs.

"That's fine, just send it in by General Feng, and by the way, bring a message to the emperor for the palace." Chu Yue waved his hand.

Magpie gave the soup to Chief Feng.

Manager Feng continued: "The imperial concubine, but it doesn't matter."

"You tell the emperor that the waist of this palace is about to be broken, and if he still has some conscience, come and rub it for the palace." Chu Yue raised an eyebrow.

Manager Feng trembled. This imperial concubine was worthy of being in the harem for so many years, and he dared to say anything sultry.

Passing this to the ears of Lord Long live, Mr. Feng, as expected, saw that Lord Long live brows were jumping.

"It's all foul language!" Qin Heng cursed.

Manager Feng trembled and said: "This is not what the slave said. This is what the noble concubine empress let the slave come in and tell it. The imperial concubine empress also said, let Long live master wait for her."

"What are you waiting for?" Qin Heng's darling couldn't help but jump for a moment, and said with disgust.

"The imperial concubine did not say either." General Feng said.

He felt that this was the brilliance of the imperial concubine. He was really good at fishing. Looking at Long Live, this is a bit of a tendency to be hooked.

Qin Heng scolded: "She will not allow her to come near in the future!"

Then I continued to handle the errands at the desk, and after a while, the manager said, "Long live master, use some soup. This is the soup that has been stewed for a few hours at the imperial dining room. It can't be more fragrant."

Qin Heng drank it too, feeling pretty good. After drinking it, he continued to deal with the official affairs of the meeting, so he came to Wutong Garden.

"The emperor, is the soup of the imperial concubine's soup delicious?" Concubine Luan asked.

Qin Heng denied, "I have rewarded Fengbai to them, and I didn't even let her in by the door of the Imperial Study Room!"

The concubine Luan was only slightly satisfied when she heard this, and said: "If the emperor doesn't like the concubine, then the emperor will tell the concubine that the concubine will not stalk the emperor."

"How can Ai Concubine say this? I can't tolerate anyone except you in my heart." Qin Heng said.

Concubine Luan said: "After that, the emperor is not allowed to drink the soup of the noble concubine and empress."

"If you don't drink or drink a bite, I will only drink the soup that Aifei gave you." Qin Heng said.

Concubine Luan smiled lightly: "The emperor will make his concubines happy, but this is what the emperor said. From now on, the concubine will ask the royal dining room to make soup for the emperor every day."

"Then I will wait." Qin Heng nodded solemnly, "I will drink everything you sent over."

Concubine Luan was now happy by him.

Qin Heng took a lunch here, and wrote a few words in the study to accompany Concubine Luan for a while before returning.

As soon as he left, Concubine Luan began to dress up.

"Is the empress going to greet the Queen Mother?" said the maid Baozhu.

"Concubine Yue is so persevering now, of course this palace has to go over and chat with the Queen Mother." Concubine Luan said lightly.

"Is the empress going to Weiyang Palace to sit down?" Baozhu narrowed his eyes.

Concubine Luan really had this idea at first, but after thinking about it, I think it’s fine, because the woman in Weiyang Palace is really brave, relying on Feng's support to do whatever she wants. If Weiyang Palace was bullied in the past, she might have to swallow it herself. .

Anyway, the emperor wouldn't spoil Weiyang Palace, so let her jump around.

But the queen mother is coming over here, after all, this is the only person in the palace who can speak for her.

The empress dowager had just finished reading the Buddha, and saw her coming over and said: "You don't have to rush over to please peace if you haven't completely recovered your bones."

"Qingluan has always felt guilty during the period of convalescence, and please forgive the queen mother." Concubine Luan bowed her knees.

"What's wrong with you, flat yourself, this time things are also hard for you." The queen mother sighed.

"Thank you, Queen Mother." Concubine Luan's eyes were reddish.

"How are your bones now?" the Queen Mother asked.

"I have recovered a lot, and the imperial physicians are very skilled." Concubine Luan said.

The empress dowager said: "If you recover, then you have to think about re-petition. The emperor loves you, but the best thing is to get pregnant as soon as possible. This is where the harem concubine's confidence lies."

"What the Queen Mother said is that the concubines are also anxious, but they have heard in the folks that they must be thoroughly raised after a miscarriage, otherwise they will easily leave behind troubles." Luan said.

"You know a lot, just figure it out by yourself." The Queen Mother didn't force her.

After all, it is not her who is in a hurry. No matter who is favored, her status as the queen mother is unshakable, but if Concubine Luan is favored, she will be the icing on the cake.

"Queen Dowager, the Royal Concubine Yue from Weiyang Palace has been moving frequently recently. Yesterday and today, she went to give soup to the emperor." Concubine Luan said.

"Of course she doesn't want to sit and wait for death now. She has no heirs or favors from the emperor. What is left of her? The remote water of the Feng clan can't save the nearby fire. The queen has more chances to clean up her." The queen mother mocked.

To say that she hates the most in the harem, it is naturally the noble concubine Chu Yue.

When she had just returned to the palace to stand up in the harem, she took the first step and was blocked back. It was Weiyang's palace that made her face.

"Is the queen trying to force her to come out and fight me?" Concubine Luan also said.

"Looking at the harem, she is the only one who can fight you. The emperor loves you so much. How would the queen want to see you give birth to a dragon son? He wants to divide your love. I heard that the queen has passed by. The emperor is kind enough to choose the show girl to enter the palace." said the queen mother.

Concubine Luan frowned, she didn't even know about it.

It seems that in this harem, her eyes and ears are hidden.

"The flowers in the palace are stubble after stubble, and no one can bloom forever. Do you understand the truth?" Empress Dowager sipped tea and said.

"Qingluan understands." Concubine Luan said.

"The Ai's family can protect you, but you have to fight for yourself, don't let the Ai's efforts go in vain." The queen mother said.

"The concubines will not disappoint the Queen Mother." Luan said.

"Go back, raise your body as soon as possible, and be favored as soon as possible. The Ai family knows that you are the emperor's favorite." said the empress dowager, and said to the maternal grandmother Sheng: "give the list of ladies selected by the empress to the concubine Luan. "

Madam Sheng gave the list to Concubine Luan, and Concubine Luan thanked her before returning. After she returned to Wutong Garden, she asked someone to inquire about it.

Although she is confident of the power of love, it is not uncommon to be able to make the queen dowager pay such attention, so naturally she must guard against it.

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