Chu Yue is also watching the list of these show girls, it was sent to her by Princess Liu.

"Really, the back wave of the Yangtze River pushed the front wave, and the front wave died on the beach." After watching Chu Yue, there was only this feeling.

There are eight ladies on the list who are selected by the queen, and these eight ladies are almost all of famous backgrounds, all of them are daughters.

In addition, he is also proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and calligraphy, and he is even more beautiful and famous in the imperial capital.

They were all sixteen or seventeen years old, when they were as beautiful as a flower bone.

Chu Yue knows what Empress Xiao means. Wasn't it the same method used to deal with her? Before and after, how many beautiful women were allowed to enter the palace together, but in the end they couldn't distinguish her favor.

Of course, Concubine Luan’s favor is inseparable. After all, as Granny Miao said, Qin Heng has a male Gu, and Concubine Luan has a female Gu. The inherent attraction of the two worms will make Qin Heng more attractive. I think Concubine Luan is his former lover.

So where would you be favored by other women? It's just that I'm young at all, an enviable age.

Chu Yue is not in a good mood, because she is envious and jealous when she is older.

Qin Heng's scumbag can still enjoy the little girl. She doesn't have any fresh meat to enjoy. How can she not feel unbalanced?

So I originally planned to pass noon, but I didn't bother to go.

Qin Heng didn't take a nap at noon because of her words that asked him to wait for her this morning, so he was reading in the study, and he was thinking about seeing how presumptuous she was when he was in the study.

If he dares to seduce him in the holy place of the study, he will surely be able to drive her out.

So I sat on a bench where I could rest in the study of the Panlong Temple and read a book. This bench was swaying and was made by Chu Yue.

I used to be at odds with him on this bench.

What Qin Heng still remembered was that he didn't have memory loss anymore, or simply hated her and despised her. He gave himself a good reason.

Because she was too arrogant and unruly, even his mother dared to disobey her. He didn't treat her sincerely, it was all about Feng's face.

Now it was just impatient to deal with her.

But even so, Qin Heng still reads on this chair with some expectation.

But he waited and waited, he didn't wait until the woman came over, which made him look bad, what does this woman mean? Didn’t you say you’re coming? Why didn’t you come?

He didn't want her to come, but he has to be credible, right? And most importantly, how can he humiliate her if she doesn't come?

Qin Heng came to the martial arts ground in a bad mood, and he suddenly thought of it after practicing martial arts.

Maybe he misunderstood.

I'm afraid that woman is coming in the evening, not in the afternoon!

The corner of Qin Heng's mouth rose slightly, but soon it was suppressed again, and he snorted coldly in his heart, this unruly woman, what is she going to do? Would you like to come to his Panlong Temple to stay overnight? Don't even think about it, he won't allow it!

Death of that heart, is his Panlong Temple left by the imperial concubine if he wants to? Especially an ugly woman like her.

He doesn't like her at all, don't expect it!

Chu Yue originally didn't want to go there, and didn't want to pay attention to the scum dragon. It was Xiao Xuanzi who came over and said: "Manny, long live master seems to be waiting for you this afternoon.

"Wait for me?" Chu Yue said: "How could you, he hates me so much."

"I must be waiting for the mother, my foster father said, the mother will go to Panlong Temple tonight, my foster father said that if the mother wants to go there, the door over there will be opened for the mother at any time." Xiao Xuanzi said.

"Go back and thank your foster father for me, then let him leave a door for me at night." Chu Yue chuckled lightly.

Xiao Xuanzi was also very happy, so she went back to talk.

Chu Yue came to Panlongdian in a sedan chair at the time of Hai, Qin Heng was already very dissatisfied.

Because he was about to go to bed, and thought this woman was not coming, but just after washing up and about to lie down, this woman came in.

Qin Heng couldn't help feeling happy, but immediately frowned and said, "What are you doing again!"

"If I didn't come in the afternoon, did the emperor miss the palace?" Chu Yue waved his hand to signal the others to go down, staring at him.

Qin Heng ridiculed: "I have never seen a brazen woman like you. Get out of here!"

"All right, the palace will go back." Chu Yue nodded, turning around and leaving.

Qin Heng's face suddenly turned darker, and he said angrily: "My Panlong Temple is here for you to come and leave if you want to leave!"

Chu Yue took two steps and turned around and looked at him: "So the emperor wants me to go or not let me go?"

Qin Heng stared at her with a sullen expression.

Chu Yue chuckled lightly and said: "The emperor sees his concubine's eyes turn green, what else is he pretending in front of his concubine?"

Qin Heng will ridicule her shamelessly and affectionately, he can only dislike and dislike her, where is the green eyes!

Chu Yue was impatient to hear what he said, and went straight to blow the lamp, leaving only one lamp and the others blew.

Then, Qin Heng went to heaven.

Qin Heng originally wanted to make it difficult for her to stay overnight because this ugly woman was good and satisfied.

But Chu Yue didn't stay overnight. She wore clothes and left after prostitution. She didn't even mean to stay.

Qin Heng looked angrily at the back of her leaving. He was really a boring woman. He had endured and endured it before not driving her away, so that she could hug him to sleep all night, but she did not want to stay.

Of course, he knew she was a little self-aware, and knew that maybe he wouldn't agree, so he didn't say anything, but why is this woman so?

If she speaks, he can still reluctantly agree to her for the sake of his physical and mental satisfaction.

But that's all, let's go back!

Chu Yue really did not have as many dramas as Qin Heng. When the imperial concubine was sent back to Weiyang Palace, it was getting late.

It was past ten o'clock, but this will be a bit faster.

You can imagine what kind of attitude the duplicity scum dragon is like, and his mouth is too undesirable, but once he eats it, he is reluctant to throw away her piece of meat.

I'm really exhausted, as if I haven't eaten meat for hundreds of years.

Chu Yue thought this after lying on her bed, but the soup was delivered to the Imperial Study Room on time the next day, but this time she was not alone.

Because the soup from Wutong Garden was also delivered.

Both soups were delivered to Qin Heng, and Qin Heng didn't even think about it and said, "You drink the one from Concubine Yue, and bring it from Concubine Luan!"

The ugly woman in Weiyang Palace is her great blessing if he is willing to sleep. Even if the soup is soup, he still prefers to drink the soup of Concubine Luan.

Because Concubine Luan is the woman he loves most, this is her mind, of course he will drink it all.

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