It was nothing to Qin Weiyang to rescue Madam Jiang. She hadn't done thousands or hundreds of saving people in recent years, so she was used to it.

But for the person involved, that is of course a fortune.

The several old women who were invited by General Jiang were all famous in this city, and they were so relieved after this disaster escaped.

You must know that General Jiang's sword was on the outside at that time. If they could not let Mrs. Jiang give birth safely, they would not be able to walk out of the general's house alive.

Fortunately, I don't know how General Jiang suddenly remembered that young princess who was very skilled in medical skills, and he hurried over and invited them over. This made Mrs. Jiang's mother and daughter safe and at the same time their lives.

No, after I went back, I told him about the thrills. One of them was really not scared because he was getting older. This time he got sick after going back, so he just stopped washing his hands.

In addition, the fact that Mrs. Jiang had a dystocia and nearly killed two lives was even more real, and the reputation of the Six Princesses was greatly shaken in the city of Zhenhu.

"Six princesses are really so brilliant in medical skills?" A military general's wife who also had a belly could not help asking her own man.

"It's Gao Ming. There are no diseases that she can't cure in the army, and those who have been treated basically have not relapsed." The general said: "How do the people in the Fangzi Mansion who treat frostbite use?"

"Is that recipe written by the six princesses?" the pregnant wife asked.

"Yes, many people in the army have soaked in this medicine. Those who do not soak are extremely serious, but the symptoms have also been greatly improved." The military commander said.

"I'll be born in two months. I don't know if I can invite the sixth princesses?" the pregnant wife pursed her lips.

The general suddenly didn't know what to say, and said, "Madam, that's the sixth princess, it's not something we can invite if we want."

And if the pregnant wife of the military commander thought so much, that was a lot.

Even if I didn't know it before, it is now spread that the Six Princesses were taught by Madam Feng. Although they are the daughters of the imperial concubine, they actually spend more time with Madam Feng.

Mrs. Feng taught it so hand in hand, even if the sixth princess is still young now, who doesn't respect it?

Anyone can offend, but offending a genius doctor who can live to death is the most irrational thing.

You are safe without treatment, but can your family be safe without treatment? People who eat whole grains can still have no illness?

Zhou Miao received many invitations and wanted to invite her and the six princesses to the winter banquet.

"Look, they are all here to invite you over to the banquet. Now, in the circle, everyone is proud to be able to invite you to a Pingmai. What do you think of you as a princess, a group of rough women who do not know the so-called!" Zhou Miao couldn't help saying .

Qin Weiyang was reading a book and said: "I want to make sure that my body is sick or not. This is also normal. Cousin doesn't have to worry about it."

"I didn't want to care about these people, but on the Zheng family's side, I actually wanted to invite the princess to come over." Zhou Miao said.

"Huh?" Qin Weiyang looked at her.

"The Zheng family is a regular doctor and has a very good relationship with your brother-in-law. This is one of the reasons for my plea. And Madam Zheng’s family is Taiqing Fang Chang from the capital. Taiqing Fang Chang is a neutral faction. Who is biased?" Zhou Miao said softly.

Qin Weiyang nodded and said: "Then who has the problem this time?"

"Ms. Zheng's son, she is just such a son." Zhou Miao said.

Just talked about the situation of Madam Zheng's son. Bedwetting was really a trivial matter when she was a child, but now she is over nineteen, but she still wets the bed.

And because of this disease, Mrs. Zheng's son Zheng He just didn't have a face to marry, and the marriage was even more reluctant.

Madam Zheng is in a hurry. She has only one son, but the son seems to plan not to marry him for life.

Of course, she also looked for many famous doctors and many prescriptions in private, but none of them worked. This year, her son had a Chinese New Year, and that was twenty.

But until now, the marriage has not been decided, and many people are discussing whether her son is abnormal.

If this is normal, but a marriage was decided at the age of sixteen, and the marriage will be eighteen at the latest.

Unless there is no other way to keep filial piety, it will be delayed so late, but even if it is a man, it is too late to get married by the age of twenty.

What's more, Zheng He, a okay man who has not yet married, has suffered a lot of rumors.

It's just that Madam Zheng kept it very tight and didn't dare to disclose it. This time, if she hadn't had a good relationship with Zhou Miao and she had found out that the six princesses were really good at medicine, she wouldn't have disclosed it to Zhou Miao.

But even so, Zhou Miao was given the one thousand taels of silver notes as a sealing fee, which was returned by Zhou Miao and hers was confiscated.

Zhou Miao was actually a bit embarrassed when he said this symptom, because the six princesses were not married yet.

But Qin Weiyang didn't have any extra expressions on his face, and said, "I have to go and see his symptoms in person to determine."

"Is it necessary? Can't directly prescribe the medicine?" Zhou Miao also understands Zheng He quite well, because such a fact is that it is impossible to see people, especially the six princesses of the girl's family. This is afraid to be ashamed and faceless to see people. Up.

"How can I prescribe the medicine directly? This is not for external use." Qin Weiyang smiled and said: "Don't worry, I met more than him. The two I met last time were both girls. This is the first time for men. , So I have to go over and take a look."

"Are those two girls cured?" Zhou Miao asked.

"Yeah." Qin Weiyang nodded.

"Okay, it's not too early today, we will be there tomorrow." Zhou Miao said.

She sent someone to Zheng's house and told Madam Zheng that she would come with Liu Princess tomorrow.

Madam Zheng hesitated when she heard that, and said, "Can't you directly prescribe the medicine?"

"Six princesses said, it's the first time that she has shown this kind of disease to a man, so she has to see her pulse condition." Zhou Miao's close wife said.

Madam Zheng said: "How can such a snowy day make the Six Princesses come out so far? Let's go there tomorrow morning!"

"It's okay, then Mrs. Zheng will bring Master Zheng over tomorrow." The woman said that she would come back and resume her life.

Zhou Miao and Qin Weiyang didn't say anything about it, either in the past or over.

But at this time there was a disagreement on the Zheng family's side.

Zheng He was ashamed to die: "Mother, my disease is already incurable. Didn't I have already said that I will go to Central Continent for medicine next year? Why would you send someone to tell the Six Princesses that she is just one It's just a little girl, can I cure this strange disease?"

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