It's just that Madam Zheng is obviously overly concerned.

On that day, her son Zheng He had a urge to urinate at night after drinking the medicine, and he woke up immediately, instead of waiting for the bed to be wet.

This made Zheng He's whole person stunned. He went back to the house after he relieved his hand. The whole person was a little agitated, and he fell asleep shortly after lying down again.

This time it was dawn.

The first night passed calmly, and the next day I drank a second dose of medicine, which is enough to take only one pair a day.

Madam Zheng called her son over when she got up in the morning. She didn't need to ask to know the look on her son's face. Last night should have passed smoothly.

This is a joy for Madam Zheng.

"It's just one night, maybe it's my own psychology, and I have to look at it again later," Zheng He said.

He said that his face was also a little worried, because a doctor also prescribed the medicine, and then he did have symptoms, but it didn't take long before he relapsed.

I don't know if the prescription of the Six Princesses will be the same.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Jiang has a dystocia and nine deaths this time. The sixth princess has only been diagnosed in the past, and then she never went. You, the sick sixth princess, didn't even give an explanation, which shows that your situation is nothing. Son!" Madam Zheng was confident.

Upon hearing this, Zheng He couldn't help but hope.

The medical skills of this six princesses are indistinguishable by looking at them. Although she is young, her temperament is very stable. The most important thing is that she really rescued Madam Jiang from the dead.

So you can still believe it.

Compared with the patient's anxiety and anxiety, Qin Weiyang's side has already been exposed, and after a few days, she and Zhou Miao will come over to attend the winter banquet of the lady Tang.

It is indeed very elegant, and Mrs. Tang is also an exquisite long-sleeved dancer, making people feel at home, but she is not overly enthusiastic and is just right.

For Qin Weiyang, the six princesses, Madam Tang certainly respected her. After seeing the six princesses, Madam Tang couldn't help but sigh with Master Tang after the banquet.

"If it weren’t for the sixth princess, it’s Mrs. Feng’s choice for the young lady. I want you to be brazen and ask for this kind of marriage for our son. It just so happens that our son is about the same age as the sixth princess, so he is six years older. The princess is two years old." Madam Tang said.

"Although our family's ranks are not low, it is not easy to ask for a princess to marry the emperor's favorite princess." Tang Duhu said.

Madam Tang whispered: "What's the situation with that person in the palace, do you have any news?"

"No news, but now the empress's phoenix body is insecure, and there is no much hope or chance. That person should become..." Tang Duhu didn't continue.

However, Mrs. Tang is clear that if the empress is gone, the middle palace can't be left alone for a day. Now it is a noble concubine, and next time it will be the imperial concubine.

Next time, it might be...

"In this way, the six princesses will also become the six princesses. Of course, their status is not the same. With our current status as Dafeng, marrying the Feng clan is also a good match." Tang Duhu said.

Madame Tang didn't say anything, because an uncrowned emperor like Zhongzhou Feng's was not comparable to her Tang family.

"Just tell me the truth, which one do you want to support?" Madam Tang whispered instead.

Tang Duhu stopped talking immediately, took a sip of the tea dregs, and said, "Madam, just take care of the house, and leave the rest to me."

After speaking, he went to the study first.

The Ninth Prince is in the barracks right now, on the side of the Boy Scouts. Which one will the palace support? Which one needs support, she has a son herself!

This time the six princesses came here to visit the nine princes. What they are doing now is nothing more than a deception.

Now the Ninth Prince is not suitable for the appearance, because Prince Jiang Xia and the ten princes in the capital have not yet determined the outcome.

The emperor will summon the nine princes back to Beijing only after they decide the victory or defeat, right? He would fight the final victor, but he concluded that the emperor's true choice was neither the prince nor the king of Jiangxia, let alone the ten princes.

From beginning to end, there were only nine princes!

As for the Ninth Prince's vote, he had already voted with Murongju!

He had seen him again. The nine princes who looked forward to flying like that, looked exactly like the emperor. Although he was raised outside since childhood, he was able to be a literary and martial artist. He was definitely not a general generation.

Tang Duhu knew all these things, but he never mentioned them to his family. Of course he couldn't mention them if Murong Ju hadn't mentioned them to his family.

Otherwise, it would be his responsibility to leak a little.

It has been almost a decade since the last prescription to treat nocturia. In this ten-day period, Zheng He basically had no symptoms of bedwetting.

The whole person's mental state is completely different, and it is not the previous malaise, but it can be regarded as glowing with the spirit of his age.

In the past, the effect of drinking the medicine was good for seven days, but this time it has been ten consecutive days.

Zheng He invited his mother together, and the mother and son came to Liu's house.

Qin Weiyang also met with them, and Zheng He took the initiative to inquire about his condition.

"It's not a difficult disease, a bowl of medicine a day, after taking it for 20 days, it is basically cured, and there is no need to drink medicine in the future." Qin Weiyang said.

"That is, the six princesses are skilled in medicine. I don’t know how many doctors I have hired. In private, he also drank and didn’t know how many medicines. But these years have not been effective at all. I didn’t expect the six princesses to have a prescription and only a bowl of medicine a day. It was able to cure his disease, and I regret not taking him to Feng's earlier and drinking the medicine for so many years for nothing." Madam Zheng said.

When she said that, she gave her a look, and she offered a box. Madam Zheng smiled and said, "I have nothing to tell. Six princesses, please have a look. This is a hundred years old. Mountain ginseng has very complete roots."

"I remember there is still at home?" Qin Weiyang asked Zhou Miao.

"Yes, I got a plant last time. It is very rare. I already have one. Why do you want Sister Zheng, your century-old ginseng? Such a baby can be used for a long time with just a few roots. Sister Zheng does not need to stay. "Zhou Miao said with a smile.

"This is just a minor illness, and it's not a big deal. You don't need such a worthy gift, Madam Zheng need not be too polite." Qin Weiyang also looked at Madam Zheng and said.

"It's a small matter for the Six Princesses, but a big deal for me." Zheng He shook his head.

"Then I owe it to me personally, and I will ask you for it in the future. Take this ginseng back and you can use it. In recent years, your body has a lot of opportunities to take medicine all the time. This ginseng is just right for you." Qin Weiyang said. .

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