Of course Zheng He was ashamed of this kind of illness. It didn't matter when he was a child, but now he is still like this, which is of course abnormal.

It's just been delayed for so long. Next year, he will have the courage to come to Zhongzhou for medical treatment. I hope that he can be cured of this disease, but he did not expect his mother to directly hit him at this time.

Madam Zheng hurriedly said: "Don't underestimate the sixth princess who is still young now, but you ask your father that she has not cured the disease at the military camp. Even the steward and his wife's old chilblains use that formula. The son has been relieved to a great extent, and it is said that there will be another prescription to completely cure it. And Mrs. Jiang, her birth is dangerous to me, and she has a dystocia. Fortunately, there are six princesses. Otherwise, you will have two lives!"

Master Zheng, who had been silent for a long time, also spoke at this time, saying: "The most taboo for patients is to avoid doctors. It has been delayed for so long. This time, I won't be delayed anymore. I will go to the Liu family privately with your mother tomorrow. The princess sees you!"

Zheng He had a splitting headache and was full of powerlessness, and said: "Princess Six is ​​so young, how can I tell her such a thing? Isn't this neglecting Princess Six!"

"This is not negligence. Normally, she is the ruler and you are the minister, but when you see the doctor, you are the doctor and you are the patient. It's not a big deal. Don't have a mouthful of six princesses. The six princesses have not yet been married, but they will be able to deliver!" Madam Zheng said.

"That's it!" Master Zheng also shot the case.

Zheng He couldn't resist no matter how much he could. He could only go back and read anxiously, but he couldn't read it for a long time.

Compared with his anxiety, Qin Weiyang didn't care much, and was reading the post.

In these posts, Zhou Miao had introduced to her, which powers belonged to her, regardless of the fact that Zhenhu City was not big, but there were many lawsuits.

Qin Weiyang took a look, and finally selected one and said, "That's it."

"Okay." Zhou Miao saw that she was a familiar lady, her status was not low, and it was more appropriate to attend her winter banquet in the past.

After all, it’s not good not to send so many posts, because it would appear too arrogant and will be criticized. Although it is harmless, it would be great to be able to attend a winter banquet.

For their group, this is a very appealing thing.

The lady who got the reply was naturally very happy, and she felt very face-saving, because so many posts passed, the six princesses chose her post.

Immediately post to everyone else, come over to attend the winter banquet at that time, and order people to take care of Merlin in the backyard.

Qin Weiyang welcomed Mrs. Zheng and Zheng He the next day. The mother and the son came through the back door. They were very low-key. They didn't know what they thought was shameful.

Zhou Miao couldn't laugh or cry when he heard it, and he quickly brought someone out to greet him.

If it can be done this time, then Taiqing Fang Chang is a member of the Nine Princes and one party, and that is a very talkable person.

"Sister Zheng can have breakfast too? If it is not, I will let the dining room bring it up." Zhou Miao and Madam Zheng said, arm in arm.

"You don't need to be so polite. It's already a breakfast. I don't know if it's too early to disturb the sixth princess?" Madam Zheng said gently.

She is much older than Zhou Miao, and her son is not much younger than Zhou Miao, but the status is the same.

"It's time to come. The sixth princess is having breakfast. You and I will have two cups of tea first, and when the sixth princess runs out, I will take you with sister-in-law." Zhou Miao said.

Madam Zheng said with a smile.

Zheng He followed them all the way, his expression blank, after all, his face was completely lost.

"I heard from his father and son that the six princesses came to treat people all the way? Can they show a lot of intractable diseases?" Madam Zheng said after taking her seat.

"Well, since I was ten years old, I have often gone out to treat people, and now I can be regarded as ‘veteran’." Zhou Miao smiled.

Mrs. Zheng said: "That can only be said that the six princesses are talented and intelligent, and they can go out alone for consultations at this age."

Zhou Miao smiled and talked to her about other things, and didn't ask Zheng He much during the whole process, which made Zheng He feel better.

But when he thinks of Six Princess and a daughter's family treating him, he is still a little desperate.

Time seems to be difficult, but it seems to be fast.

After a while, the six princesses sent someone over and said that they could go there. Zheng He followed his mother, but only let Zheng He in by himself.

"Go in, we just need to wait in the side room." Zhou Miao said.

Zheng He pursed his lips, and then stepped in with difficulty, but it took no more than a cup of tea to come out. Among them, the six princesses asked him three sentences, and then wrote him a prescription.

Zheng He didn't react until he came out with the prescription.

"What's going on?" Madam Zheng said hurriedly.

"The sixth princess prescribed a prescription for me, only let me take it according to the prescription, and didn't say anything else." Zheng He only recovered from this meeting, looked at the prescription, and said.

"Nothing else?" Madam Zheng said.

"I didn't say it." Zheng He shook his head, but he also looked confused and could not understand.

Zhou Miao was very happy, and said with a smile: "Then there is nothing to worry about, just eat according to this recipe."

"You tell me the truth, what is the sixth princess?" Madam Zheng hesitated.

Zhou Miao understood what she meant and said with a smile: "The six princesses only gave the prescription and didn't say anything else, that is, this is just a minor illness, and everything else is fine. If the prescription is drunk, there is no other problem, and there is nothing to tell. Tell me."

Madam Zheng was greatly relieved, and said, "Then let's go back for a drink first?"

"Well, if there are other questions, just ask someone to come over and talk." Zhou Miao nodded.

Madam Zheng took her son and bowed towards the courtyard where Qin Weiyang was located, before taking it back.

"Mother, my illness is just a minor illness? Why do I feel so unreliable?" Zheng He could have reacted and couldn't help saying.

How many doctors do not care about his illness? Drinking medicine in private until he feels vomiting. He has been drinking medicine since childhood, but in the eyes of this six princess, it is just a minor illness?

"The six princesses inherited from Madam Feng, she said that a minor illness is a minor illness. Don't think about it so much, just drink the medicine on time!" Madam Zheng actually has no idea in her heart, but she has to give her son confidence.

After all, this is not only the son's heart disease, but also her heart disease.

I can only ask the gods and gods of the heavens to bless the prescription for this time. Otherwise, I am afraid that next year, I will have to go to the Middle Continent to ask for a request, and ask Mrs. Feng to take a look in person.

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