The Consort is Sick, We Must Pamper Her

Chapter 1458: Recognize back

"Mother, does my father really want me to live in this kind of place for a lifetime?" Chu Jia squeezed two tears down her mother's expression and said.

Mrs. Chu couldn't answer.

Because she begged her master, even if she couldn't take her daughter back to the capital, but let her live in a better city, it would be better than suffering here?

But the master didn't agree at all, and he directly said that if it wasn't for her as a mother, he might just let her soak in the pig cage!

It is the greatest kindness to let her daughter stay on her own side, but her remaining life.

The master is also cruel, this is his biological daughter, even if she made a mistake, she can't let her live like this.

The two grandsons too, the master also disliked the inferior bloodliness, and said that he was the seed of the descendants, so he was sent to the remote Zhuangzi, and he had never seen it for so many years.

"Okay, I also know what Dad meant. Dad really doesn't have my daughter anymore, but I always remember my own parents in my heart." Chu Jia said.

"Jia'er, it really hurts you." Old Madam Chu said with tears.

Although I also know that my daughter has gone the wrong way, but now that the mistake has been made, we should correct it. How can I let the daughter who has already known the mistake be hit again?

It's not easy for my daughter.

"Mother, Bi'er went to the town to buy food, and when she came back, she said that the Ninth Prince was still there?!" Chu Jia didn't say anything else, and instead asked what she cared about the most.

It was when the maid went to the town to buy, and she was really shocked.

Of course Chu Jia knew who gave birth to the Ninth Prince. It was her half-elder sister. At the beginning, she laughed at her for being unlucky. She was pregnant with a dragon heir and was born prematurely and couldn't keep it.

But who knew that the reversal was so big that the Ninth Prince was not dead? And now it's back!

"This happened more than two months ago." Old Madam Chu said after hearing the words.

Chu Jia was taken aback, and immediately gritted her teeth: "This ruined place is like this, it's really lagging behind, if it wasn't for Bier to purchase it, I wouldn't be able to find out the least bit of news!"

On weekdays, the most talked about is whether the rain this year is good or not, whether the water in the field is enough, and the crops are not harvested. Where can we talk about these things?

"Is my eldest sister now infinitely beautiful? She has tolerated for so many years, and has been in the position of noble concubine for so many years, but is about to become the emperor and noble concubine?" Chu Jia asked.

"Already Jinfeng, I and your younger siblings have just entered the palace to worship before coming." Old Madam Chu said dimly.

Chu Jia was really uncomfortable.

This eldest sister has been timid and timid since she was a child, and she is the one who was bullied by her, but when did she turn out to be so terrible, she has been able to stay in favor for so many years after entering the palace!

And the most intriguing thing is that she managed to give birth to the Ninth Prince and send it out of the palace, but she made the illusion of fake death, so that the queen and Concubine Shu had been fighting for these years and did not pay attention to her.

Now that the nine princes have grown up and brought them back to the palace, this is really too scheming!

"Don't talk about these things." The more you talk, the more depressed you are, Mrs. Chu said: "How are you doing here?"

Chu Jia wanted to know the news from outside, and said, "It's the same on my side. What else can I do? Mother, tell me the truth, can the Ninth Princes ascend the throne?"

"How can I say this correctly? But I think the winning side is not low. You don't know the management of Yongle Hou Mansion over the years, and no one in the capital knows now. The imperial concubine and the queen have joined forces, the prince He is bound to fully support the Nine Princes, the most important thing is..."

"What is the most important thing?" Chu Jia asked hurriedly.

"The name of the Ninth Prince." Mrs. Chu said: "When your father heard the name the emperor gave to the Ninth Prince, he was so happy that he was drunk that night!"

"What name makes my father so happy?" Chu Jia couldn't help but ask.

"Chengtian." Mrs. Chu sighed: "The name of the nine princes is Qin Chengtian."

How about the life of the stepdaughter is really good, Chengtian, is it not clear enough what this name means?

And not long after the funeral of the queen mother, the emperor has already canonized the imperial concubine, isn't this also creating momentum for the nine princes?

You must know that Prince Jiang Xia’s birth mother, Concubine Shu, is still a short concubine. Concubine Shu was still from the Qiang Mansion, but it is two ranks lower than that. Which one is higher and lower has eyes. Can you see it?

"When is my father going to recognize his eldest sister? The emperor already understands this!" Chu Jia's eyes also burst into light.

"Recognize your eldest sister? How is this possible." Mrs. Chu was stunned.

"How could it be impossible? The eldest sister originally came from Chu Xiangfu. Isn't it right to recognize her? And mother, now she is an imperial concubine, there are nine princes, and the emperor's deceitful pet, she will definitely want to go to At the peak, Chu Xiang's Mansion is becoming weaker and weaker, it is difficult to stand up, but if the eldest sister is recognized, then all this will be solved!" Chu Jia said.

At that time, she will be able to return to the capital, because her identity is different, she is the aunt of the Ninth Prince!

Instead of staying in such a place, it really makes her sick.

"But how can your eldest sister be willing to recognize the Chu Mansion? Now she has reached that level. She has no use for the Chu Mansion. No matter how much her determination is, she would rather say that she was a widow. I don't want to mention the past." Mrs. Chu is confused about her daughter's affairs, but she is quite clear about other matters.

For example, this time, when their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law went to the palace to worship the imperial concubine, she did not see them alone. Over the years, she knew that their daughter-in-law gave gifts, but she never got any response.

This really didn't mean to recognize Chu Mansion at all.

Of course, Mrs. Chu also knew the benefits inside. When the key was that Chu Mansion was still Xiang Mansion, she didn't recognize it, let alone now that Xiang Mansion became Chu Mansion.

"She went out from the Chu Mansion, so can she let her not recognize it? Mother, let me teach you, you just need to tell this matter to Prince Jiang Xia, and you don't have to take care of the rest. "Chu Jia said.

Mrs. Chu was stunned and looked at her daughter and said, "How can this work? If you tell your father to know this, your father will be furious!"

"How can my father be angry? You just have to do this well, then the eldest sister will recognize the Chu Mansion, and my father will only be happy. If I guess right, my father dreams of six princesses and nine The prince call his grandfather!" Chu Jia said.

------Off-topic ------

I'm going to the hospital again tomorrow morning, and it's stable at four thousand. I'm sorry everyone, I will try to get an update next month.

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