Chu Jia knew exactly what kind of temper his father was. He was definitely looking forward to recognizing his daughter who was the imperial concubine in the palace and the pair of dragon son and dragon daughter.

If this is the case, he is the head of the country. In the future, the Ninth Prince will inherit the Datong, and the status of the Chu Mansion will also rise. When the time comes, not to mention the restoration of the past, it is not a problem to surpass the previous peak moment.

The benefits are endless.

Mrs. Chu still hesitated, because that stepdaughter was not a good talker.

"Mother, Chu Mansion is already like this now. How could it be worse? And in these years, my brother has basically been unable to make progress. If you don't think about others, you should also think about my brother. If this is the case It's done, my brother is the uncle of the country, and there is no need to worry about the future?" Chu Jia gave another strong medicine, said.

These words scratched the itch of Mrs. Chu.

Others don't care, but the future of the son is indeed an important matter, and the imperial concubine originally came from the Chu Mansion, and now it should be even if he comes back.

The old lady Chu, who had an idea in her heart, breathed a sigh of relief and said to her daughter: "Okay, mother knows, I will take care of this matter when I go back. It's just that you are here alone, and it is true that you are here for the mother. Remember."

"If my eldest sister is recognized back to Chu Mansion, it will not be far from my return, mother, for me and my brother, you have to work hard," Chu Jia said.

"Don't worry." Mrs. Chu nodded.

It took a long time to come over. Old Madam Chu stayed for a few more days, and during the period she also managed to do more. For example, in Lizheng, she stuffed some money so that the villagers would not chew their tongues to ruin her daughter's reputation.

Lizheng accepted all the money and said that she can rest assured.

After many explanations and management, she left enough money for her daughter, and Mrs. Chu returned to the capital reluctantly.

After these days of fermentation, the capital is now full of statements about the imperial concubine and the nine princes.

The first to bear the brunt is the Prince's Mansion of Jiangxia.

Although Prince Jiang Xia’s mansion is still in grandeur today, it has a lot less than before. After all, there is now a Ninth Prince in the palace, which is really not inferior to him.

It is good that he is the eldest son of the emperor, but the mother and concubine of others is the imperial concubine, who is the same as the vice queen. Although the nine princes cannot be regarded as concubines, they are now the imperial concubine, and later they will be the queen!

Prince Jiang Xia has been in a bad mood for a while.

Princess Jiang Xia came over and said, "Master, there is news from the palace saying that you should come in."

Prince Jiang Xia was practicing martial arts, and he stopped when he heard that, frowning and saying, "But something?"

"I didn't say, but since the mother and concubine have asked someone to come over, let the prince come into the palace. No wonder the mother and concubine are still there for the nine princes." Princess Jiang Xia said the truth.

Prince Jiang Xia indeed blamed his mother concubine a bit, because he had already doubted it, so he checked with his mother concubine again.

But his mother and concubine made it clear that it was impossible, and his ninth brother would not still exist.

But the facts existed, and they looked exceptionally good, which made Prince Jiang Xia very angry.

Because if he was suspicious and investigated thoroughly, he might be able to find out thoroughly. He also wondered what Qin Weiyang did at that time?

I already wanted to ask someone to conduct a thorough investigation, but in the end it was just because of his mother and concubine's words. This was how Lao Jiu successfully returned to Beijing without even a single twist.

But if he knew it, whether Lao Jiu could return to Kyoto alive is two different things!

Ninety-nine steps have been taken, and he will not agree to anyone who will stop him for the hundredth step, even if this is a brother!

Prince Jiang Xia breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Finally, that's when I enter the palace."

Prince Jiang Xia went to change his clothes, and then went into the palace too, only not long after he left, Princess Jiang Xia received a letter.

"Who sent it?" Princess Jiang Xia frowned.

"I don't know, it was a child who brought it to the guard. The guard checked it and sent it in." The maid also said.

Princess Jiang Xia also said: "Open Nian Nian."

The handmaid answered, opened the letter and read it out.

Wang Concubine Jiang Xia was stunned when she heard the complete individual: "What?!"

The maidservant also looked shocked and said: "Wang Hao, the maidservant did not read it wrong, this is what the letter said."

Princess Jiang Xia took the letter and read it for herself without saying a word. She really saw this shocking Xin Mi in the letter!

"This matter must not be spread out!" Princess Jiang Xia's eyes were bright and she immediately said.

"The slave servant naturally understands, Princess, isn't such a big news spread? This is a big reputation blow to the imperial concubine!" said the servant girl.

"Does this princess know that this is a good opportunity to hit her? But it can't be said. When the prince returns, it will be handed over to the prince to investigate. If this matter is true, then it will be a good show!" Squinted and sneered.

But she felt that this incident was absolutely true, because who would be so aimless and use such a way to slander the imperial concubine?

Especially the origin of this imperial concubine, has not been so upright all the time.

And this letter is very clear. He was sent out of the Palace of the King of Qin the day after he got married, and then went to Shangqing Temple. Wasn’t Shangqing Temple the Long’an Temple where the emperor retreats and prayed?

She hooked up with the emperor at that time.

The more Princess Jiang Xia thinks about it, the more excited she becomes. If these things are true, this imperial concubine is really too bold!

At that time, she was the identity of Princess Qin, but she was bold enough to seduce the emperor as a niece and daughter-in-law.

But to the death, she actually succeeded!

The success of stealing the merits and changing posts directly changed from the granddaughter of Yongle Hou Mansion to the eldest daughter of the dragon and phoenix. The change of identity is so natural.

But what you have done will definitely leave traces. No, isn't anyone looking down on her?

"Speaking of it, it is true that it is passed down in the same line. The Chu Family's Miss Chu Jia corrupted the style, and this is not too much to hook up her own uncle elders!" Princess Jiang Xia sneered.

She thought for a while, or asked someone to send this letter to the prince first, and when the prince comes back, let the prince to investigate. This may be an excellent opportunity to defeat Weiyang Palace!

When Prince Jiang Xia entered the palace, he met Qin Jiu in the Royal Garden.

Qin Jiu is training his hunting dog. This is what he had seen from the Beast Garden in the past. He likes it very much. Recently, he will take it wherever he goes.

Training is also stepping up, because the emperor father said that a hunt will be held for a while, and he can also participate.

"I have seen the big emperor brother." Qin Jiu saw this big emperor brother, and saw a gift.

"Yeah." Prince Jiang Xia glanced at him, and after answering, he went straight to Qingli Palace.

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