Qin Jiu watched his big brother leave.

The little **** couldn't see it and said: "The Nine Princes greeted Prince Jiang Xia in a good voice, but Prince Jiang Xia did not put the Nine Princes in his eyes!"

"What's there to say? The things I came back had the greatest impact on him. Isn't it right for him to think that I was not pleasing to my eyes? If I was pleasing to my eyes, then he would be worried." Qin Jiu waved his hand.

"What the Ninth Prince said." The little **** said with a smile.

"Okay, continue to train Abu with me." Qin Jiu said lightly.

He was just polite on the face, and in his heart he didn't regard this big emperor as the emperor. This is his opponent, including the other princes.

But just take it slow, he doesn't need to worry, the one who really should worry is this big emperor brother.

Prince Jiang Xia came to Qingli Palace.

Concubine Shu had already sent someone to wait outside, and as soon as she saw him coming, she quickly let in.

"I have seen my concubine." Prince Jiang Xia gave a gift to Concubine Shu.

Concubine Shu said: "My son doesn't need to be polite."

Prince Jiang Xia also flattened, and then Gu Zi sat down and said: "The mother and concubine are so anxious to find the children and ministers to enter the palace, but what do you want to say?"

Concubine Shu gave the servant girls a look and told them all to go down, and then slowly said: "The fact that the Nine Princes were unexpectedly surprised by the concubine, and it is precisely because of the mother concubine's negligence that the Nine Princes succeeded. Back to Beijing, this is the mother's concubine."

"It's over, no need to mention the mother concubine." Prince Jiang Xia said.

Concubine Shu nodded, and then squinted: "This time I call you in. Your father will go hunting next month, and the Ninth Princes will also follow."

"Mother concubine had better not make such an idea at this time." Prince Jiang Xia almost knew what was going on before he came in, and he shook his head directly.

Concubine Shu looked at her son.

"If there is anything wrong with him, the father will be the first to suspect that the son will be the emperor. Now he has just returned, if the son will not escape the eyes of the father if he starts, he will give the handle to the emperor by then, which is equivalent to Cast yourself into the net!" Prince Jiang Xia refused.

"Who said it was you, can't it be someone else?" Concubine Shu could not help.

"Others? Who else?" Prince Jiang Xia looked at her and said: "Mother concubine, the minister has his own opinion on this matter. You should not interfere, or things will get out of control."

In this hunt, he would definitely not treat Old Jiu, because he had just returned. It would be too irrational to do so, and it would give people an unsightly feeling.

Concubine Shu couldn't help sighing when she heard the words: "It's also useless for the concubine. Now the concubine in the harem can't use her strength at all. The concubine doesn't know that Weiyang Palace has been so infiltrated in recent years!"

For a while, she wanted to work hard, only to realize that she had nowhere to start, and then she came to realize that the harem was completely out of control.

"If you have a queen to help her, of course you won't be your opponent, but as long as you live in this palace well, other mothers and concubines don't need to think too much about these things. They have their own ministers to run around." Prince Jiang Xia said .

At this time, someone from the palace came to report that the princess had sent someone into the palace.

"Let someone come over!" Prince Jiang Xia was taken aback and said hurriedly.

He knew that this should be an urgent matter, so when he entered the palace, the princess sent someone to follow into the palace.

The servant was also out of breath, because the prince came here on horseback and was not slow at all. He still couldn't catch up with the prince, so he came into the palace with his waist card to see him.

"Why are you so anxious?" Prince Jiang Xia said directly after seeing the servant.

"The prince, the servant sent a letter to the prince in the name of the princess." The servant said, he took out the letter from the words.

Prince Jiang Xia's entourage passed by and took it.

"Where did this letter come from?" Prince Jiang Xia took it and opened it.

"Someone gave it to the princess. After the princess read it, he asked the slave to send it to the princess with a whip." said the servant.

Prince Jiang Xia had already begun to read the letter. At this look, the whole person was dumbfounded, with a deep unbelievable color on his face.

"What's the matter?" But it's hard to see such a look on his son's face, Concubine Shu also hurriedly asked.

"Mother concubine, read it for yourself!" Prince Jiang Xia showed the letter to his concubine.

Concubine Shu took it over without saying a word, and began to look at the ten lines, and then the whole person was stunned.

"She... She turned out to be the first Princess Qin?!" Concubine Shu said in shock.

This is really incredible, and it is truly shocking news.

The first Qin Princess Shu consort has heard of it.

Because she was sent out of the palace on the second day of the wedding, when her family visited the palace, they would tell her funny things. The whole city was watching jokes.

But now there is news that this rumors should have disappeared, Princess Qin, turned out to be the emperor's imperial concubine? !

How can this not shock Concubine Shu?

"Mother concubine, is this news true or not?" Prince Jiang Xia asked.

"How does the mother-in-law know whether such news is true or not?" Shu Fei said, she was speechless for Zhen Zhen.

If this news is false, why did people fabricate such a thing out of thin air? She also said that she was the Princess Qin who was said to have disappeared back then?

But if this is true, she really seduce the emperor who is the uncle of Emperor Qin as Princess Qin, the one in Weiyang Palace, that would be too bold!

"She has always been guarded by the emperor. She never knew her existence before entering the palace. It was still in the harem that she pretended to be a little **** and entered the palace. Only then did the mother know her, but she didn't take her too seriously. Even if she said later that she was a concubine of the Yongle Hou Mansion, but now think about it, there are suspicious things everywhere in this matter, and is it not easy to investigate? Just take her portrait and go to those in Chu Mansion The old servant, as well as the current concubine Li of the Royal Palace of Xuan, I don’t believe that she has never seen the former Queen Qin! Doesn’t this question make the truth clear? And the Shangqing Guan, also send someone to ask!" Said.

"I don't know who sent this letter." Prince Jiang Xia squinted.

"It doesn't matter who sent it. The important thing is that this news is not true. The palace was wondering at the beginning, what kind of temper is the emperor, he really wants a widow? Now it seems really tricky!" Shu Fei said.

The letter was written clearly and plainly, that is, in the Shangqing Temple to hook up with the emperor who was practicing in the Longan Temple next door!

Prince Jiang Xia didn't think about this. What he thought was that if his father wanted a widow, it didn't matter, because the remarriage of a widow's family was justified.

But if it were replaced by the princess who snatched his nephew, the nature would be completely different.

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