I don't know what happened in Weiyang Palace, but after many years, everyone once again saw that the emperor had come out of Weiyang Palace with a black face.

According to the disposition of the imperial concubine, everyone quickly guessed the reason. This must be because the newcomer of Baofang Pavilion entered the palace, so the imperial concubine quarreled with the emperor.

The imperial concubine has been like this for so many years, and the elderly in the palace are commonplace.

That's why the emperor came out of the palace from the palace in anger.

Otherwise, if the emperor hasn't returned to the palace for many days, how can the emperor and concubine be okay?

Especially when the emperor never came out of the palace, he directly ordered the imperial physician to take good care of the precious person.

The three words Shuguiren came out of the emperor’s mouth, which is equivalent to acknowledging her identity, and this is just a gift to the emperor. This entry into the palace is a noble person. It can be seen that she is by no means weightless in the emperor’s heart. what.

It's no wonder the imperial concubine quarreled with the emperor.

Maybe the imperial concubine thinks that the position given by the emperor is too high?

But in any case, the will is down, and the new girl from Baofang Pavilion has directly become the emperor's gentleman.

When the news reached Baofang Pavilion, Yu Shu was about to take a rest. She had just entered the palace today and many people came to visit her, but she had to cheer up to deal with it. There was no way. Who told her to just enter. Gong, is it groundless?

And when the news came, she was just like a chicken blood, and the original fatigue disappeared.

"Are you sure? The emperor really personally canonized me as a gentleman?" Yushu quickly asked when he heard the maid Luohua's report.

"The nobleman shouldn't worry, don't touch the wound." Luo Hua said while comforting her: "This is true, girl, now you are a nobleman. This is the emperor coming out of the imperial concubine's Weiyang Palace and personally to the palace people. That said, let the palace clerk go and tell the hospital to take good care of the precious people!"

Yu Shu is almost crying with joy, noble man, she is a nobleman when she enters the palace, the emperor is valued her, she is definitely valued!

Knowing that she was going to be given to the empress, she didn't inquire about the affairs of the palace, and of course she also knew the position of the concubine.

This noble person is a middle-class concubine, but generally speaking, it is a normal step for someone like her to become an official woman or agree after entering the palace, but she did not expect that she would directly become a noble person.

Isn't this what the emperor valued her?

"But the nobles must be careful. The servants have also heard that the imperial concubine is not very happy now, and has a fight with the emperor who has just returned to the palace from hunting!" Luo Hua said.

"The imperial concubine dare to quarrel with the emperor?" Yu Shu couldn't help asking.

"That's natural. People in the palace don't seem to be surprised when they talk about this. It can be seen that such things happen frequently." Luo Hua said.

Yu Shu hurriedly said, "Why quarrel with the emperor? Is it because the emperor gave me too high a position and she is not happy?"

"No matter how high the position of the noble is, it is also a thousand miles away from the position of the imperial concubine. What the imperial concubine really cares about is probably the emperor's affection for the nobleman. That's why he was so angry." Luo Hua said. .

Yushu pursed her lips and said, "I saved her son!"

"I am afraid that the imperial concubine will not feel that way, and even if it is really saved, but now you enter the palace for the noble person, this is also considered to be offset. The other imperial concubines only need to be able to live well, and she will never really treat the noble person. You are the savior of the Ninth Prince." Luo Hua said.

Yu Shu couldn't help but said: "Then what should I do? This time the emperor canonized me as a nobleman, is this a bad thing?"

"How could it be a bad thing? The emperor now values ​​the nobles so much. This is the basis for the nobles. As for the imperial concubine, the servants have heard the words of Madam Li, but the imperial concubines will not be seen by the concubines who are favored in the palace, so This is a matter of time, noble people can relax!" Luo Hua said.

Yu Shu also lay back, relieved, and said: "We also brought a lot of money into the palace. Don't save it. It's time to give rewards. Make sure you have a good relationship. It's not easy in this palace!"

"You can rest assured, the servants understand." Luo Hua nodded.

In the palace, this meeting was full of comments by the new gentleman.

Because today, many people in her new palace also visited, and of course they also met with herself. Wei really looks a bit like the imperial concubine.

But now what age is the imperial concubine, the six princesses and the nine princes are all that old, how can you compare with this delicate, budding gentleman?

Even if the imperial concubine has the skill to maintain her face, it seems that her appearance has not changed much over the years, but where is the age difference.

Moreover, the emperor has petted her alone for many years, and now there is a younger and more beautiful one, how could the emperor not be moved?

The title of this nobleman is the best proof.

Empress Xiao of Fengqi Palace naturally knew what was going on in the palace, but she just sent someone to take a look at this gentleman, and after a few words, she didn't pay much attention to others.

If Weiyang Palace can be overthrown by a woman from such a background, why has she stayed in the harem for so many years?

The concubines in the palace are not vegetarian.

Now that I have just entered the palace, I can enjoy it for a while, but once the limelight passes, that's the case.

It was getting late, and Empress Xiao was ready to go to bed, but now her body is really weak, she can clearly feel the decline, but no matter what, she has to wait for the two daughters to get married.

Otherwise, after three years, another three years, when is the head?

The next day Concubine Concubine Liu came over, and Concubine Xian said, "I have sent someone to see it too. Although the appearance is a bit cheaper, it is not easy to gain a foothold in this palace. Why are you? Because of this trivial matter with the emperor? There is a lot of discussion in the palace now, saying that you are afraid that Baofang Pavilion will threaten your status."

Concubine Liu smiled: "Just listen to these statements in the palace. Hasn't it been obvious to all in the palace for so many years? Who can shake the position of sister Yue?"

Chu Yue said with a tired heart: "I don’t care about this. It’s the emperor. How can he be so restless now? When talking about this handsome man, there seems to be light in his eyes. But he didn't want to think about how old is he?! Old cows don’t eat tender grass like this!"

The most important thing is that Chu Yue feels that Qin Heng, an old thing, is clearly a sensation.

Otherwise, even if the gentleman saved her son, why should he bring it into the palace? Wouldn’t it be better to be placed outside the palace and canonize a county owner?

You don't have to worry about it for the rest of your life, and you can still enjoy the scenery. Isn't this also a return?

But he brought people in. Don't think she would believe that he didn't call to bed outside, maybe he had already started it in private!

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