Therefore, the more I thought about Chu Yue, the more angry I became. I felt that Qin Heng was really a hypocrite with inconsistent appearances, and it was very annoying!

Concubine Xian and Concubine Liu, who were so directly scolding the emperor for eating tender grass, were stunned. After reacting, they couldn't help but look outside, and they were relieved to see that there were no outsiders behind.

"What are you talking about? The emperor is now in his prime, and he is a martial artist. He has a very strong body. How come you will almost become a general in your mouth?" Concubine Xian rolled her eyes and said.

"Yeah, the emperor is only young now, and he has been maintaining the dragon body. No one will not believe when he goes out and says he is 40 years old." Liu Fei said helplessly.

Chu Yue pouted, but had to admit it.

Qin Heng indeed looks young, and as he grows older over the years, his mature atmosphere that he has learned from the political arena is very charming.

Sometimes Chu Yue will be distracted. After all, even if such a man has her picky eyes, and throws away the fact that he is a stallion, she really can't find anything bad in other aspects.

But over the years, the stallion’s temperament has remained unchanged.

Concubine Liu then asked if this gentleman really saved the Ninth Prince?

"There is no rescue, but I just want to take this opportunity to gain the upper hand. Xiao Jiu said that the two assassins caused him some skin trauma at most. Even without her reminding it, it would not be a big problem, and she didn't do it herself In the past, she was pushed by her maidservant to save people, and she almost hit her at the cutting edge." Chu Yue mocked.

"Then she can be patient. This is really a risk to enter the palace. She doesn't worry if the emperor will not let her enter the palace. There are so many ways to reward her." Concubine Xian said.

"Yes, but the emperor chose to let her enter the palace!" Chu Yue snorted coldly.

However, this topic was quickly revealed. Chu Yue asked about the pregnancy of the three princesses: "These days are too fast, and it will be almost six months after Changshun?"

"It's almost six months." Liu Fei smiled.

"What news has come in lately?" Chu Yue said.

"It's not true. It's good to raise a baby in her princess mansion. This girl has suffered a lot less from this birth, but she has to ask Chang Le to go out and see her. I don't know what's going on recently, she said Her belly is growing very fast, Wen Po has shown it to her and said it is a little faster." Liu Fei said.

"Changle is free today, let her go to her third sister's mansion today." Chu Yue made a detour and called Magpie to come in and let her spread the word.

"Why is it so urgent? I only came back from the hunting ground yesterday, and I haven't rested today." Liu Fei hurriedly said.

"It's not in the way, Changshun matters." Chu Yue said.

And she also plans to let her daughter take her son to Zhongzhou Fengshi to see her, so if the third princess is in a situation, she has to go out and see as soon as possible.

Of course Qin Weiyang is happy, and she is not tired.

But only when I was about to leave the palace, I met the five princesses who came to her.

The fifth princess Changxi asked: "What are you doing here?"

"I'm going out of the palace to give my third sister a pulse." Qin Weiyang also said.

"I'll go with you!" The fifth princess' eyes lit up and said.

"Didn't you just meet with cousin Shan?" Qin Weiyang whispered.

The fifth princess blushed, and said lightly: "What nonsense are you talking about, when did I say I'm going to the Long Princess's Mansion? I'm going to see the Third Sister!"

"Then you go in and ask my mother and concubine yourself, if she promises me, there will be no problem." Qin Weiyang made a detour.

The fifth princess hesitated for a moment, and then came in and asked, Chu Yue didn't feel anything, and said, "Then go together, but don't go anywhere else, you have to come back together after you finish watching."

"Yes." Upon seeing a gift, the fifth princess left the palace with Qin Weiyang.

The two sisters come over to the third princess mansion.

After doing this, Qin Weiyang was stunned when she saw her third sister for almost half a month.

Because her third sister's figure is a little bloated, is her belly that big for more than six months? Is this eating too much or more than one in my stomach?

"Sister Sanhuang, I haven't seen you for a while now, why are you so fat? I can't believe it's you!" The fifth princess said quickly, dumbfounded.

When the third princess heard this, she almost had no face to see people, her eyes were about to turn red, and she said, "I don't know what's wrong with me, but I am always hungry and want to eat, so this is accidental. That's it."

I really want to cry, because the figure now is really out of shape, and it is different from the slenderness and softness of the past. Now this figure really makes her feel terrible.

These days, she has been under a lot of pressure in her heart.

"Sister, you are so good, don't listen to the nonsense of the fifth sister, which pregnant woman will not gain weight? If you eat more, the child in the belly looks good!" Qin Weiyang saw that her third sister's eyes were red. Quickly comforted.

At the same time, she gave her fifth sister a look, so that she should not speak so straightforwardly!

The fifth princess also reacted and said, "Sister Sanhuang, I didn't mean it, but it is better to eat more after pregnancy. Otherwise, how can the child grow well?"

"But I eat too much here, even the old wife said that I should pay attention to dieting." The third princess said anxiously, but she couldn't go on a diet, because she was so hungry because of a diet, how to diet?

After a day, her mouth never rested at all, she just ate, and the meat grew up day by day, which was really terrifying.

"Third sister, stretch out your hand, I'll show it to you." Qin Weiyang sat down and said.

She really wanted to suspect that her third sister would be pregnant with twins, because the belly is really a bit bigger, and the six-month belly is almost bigger than the average person's seven-month belly.

Of course, there are some people who are more likely to be pregnant, and they may not necessarily be twins if they have a big belly.

The third princess stretched out his hand, and the fifth princess sat down and waited for the result.

This time Qin Weiyang was very careful to signal her third sister's pulse, and she gave her a cup of tea, so that she sent her third sister's pulse with ease and smile.

"How is it?" the fifth princess asked hurriedly.

She now comes out to see her pregnant sisters. This is also good experience. After all, after she marries her cousin, she will definitely have a baby, and she won't know anything.

"Does the third sister eat too much? Not only does she eat a lot, she is also lethargic, and she is always lazy? She also feels that her body is very heavy." Qin Weiyang smiled.

"Yes, it's like this, what's wrong with me?" The third princess said worriedly.

"The third sister is pregnant with twins. These are all normal symptoms." Qin Weiyang said with a smile.

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