When they said this, a plate of freshly steamed large river prawns and a plate of hairy crabs were placed in front of the two brothers and sisters. They were both freshly served and very fresh.

"I can't eat crabs much, I'm not welcome with this big river prawn." Qin Weiyang smiled.

Every time she passed by here, she would eat big river prawns, because the water quality here is particularly good, so the river fresh food is also very sweet, so many years have not been tired of eating.

"Let's eat." Qin Jiu was very calm, and started to peel the crab after he took it, and put it on the ice leaf plate.

Bingye was taken aback for a moment.

Qin Weiyang smiled: "Aunt Ye, Xiao Jiu respects you."

"Thank you Ninth Prince." Bingye said softly.

Qin Jiu didn't say anything, so he started to eat his own. It was a boy who had a great appetite, but he ate a lot.

At night, Qin Jiu went to bed first, and the people on Feng's side let Chuanfan start on his way.

"What's the matter?" Qin Weiyang asked.

Bingye whispered: "Feng's people have found out that Prince Jiang Xia's secret guard has already started to move, so in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, let's hurry up."

"Then you can't go around the city," Qin Weiyang said.

"Can't go temporarily." Bing Ye nodded.

Qin Weiyang shook his head helplessly: "Why is it too anxious to be at the same root? Brother Dahuang, why is it?"

Bingye was not surprised: "Among so many princes, now the Nine Princes can stand up against him, and the original throne was already regarded as something in his pocket, but at this critical moment a Nine Prince was born. , How could he be happy? It must be done on the Ninth Prince!"

Qin Weiyang understands the truth, but he just sighed with emotion. Born in the royal family, some struggles must be experienced, and no one can grow without experience.

So the next morning Qin Weiyang told her brother about having no time to travel around the city.

"Brother Dahuang has noticed that I am not in the palace?" Qin Jiuyi raised an eyebrow and asked.

"Yes." Qin Weiyang nodded.

"I thought he should find out earlier." Qin Jiu said.

"Then you too underestimate the power of the mother and concubine in the palace. Today's palace is not in the previous palace. It is not so easy for the big emperor to know something, but we have only left for a few days. You know, it's actually pretty good." Qin Weiyang said.

"Let his people come and see if I can go back for business except me." Qin Jiu said indifferently.

"These are not the two and a half men who assassinated the father, these are all first-class assassin guards, you are not an opponent now." Qin Weiyang smiled.

"You have to fight against your opponent before you know." Qin Jiu said, his uncle Yao gave him not only the ability to survive, but also the way to kill.

But so far, his Uncle Yao has never let him kill anyone. Of course, it is common to take him to see others killing people.

"Courage is commendable." Qin Weiyang said with a smile: "But we don't need to fight, we are not out to fight, let's go to the Feng family first, and talk about the rest."

Qin Jiu glanced at his sixth sister and didn't say anything, but he was a little upset because his sister always treated him as a child.

"It's been a long time since I saw Xiao Xing'er. I heard that I have started to train. The delicate and soft Xiao Xing'er, my uncle must be heartbroken to death." Qin Weiyang said.

Qin Jiu said nothing.

Although there were chasing soldiers behind, the speed of the two brothers and sisters also increased a bit, but after a few days of departure, the speed naturally cannot be caught up by the people behind.

Just passing by will leave traces, so it didn't take long for Prince Jiang Xia to confirm that the two brothers and sisters had indeed come to Zhongzhou Fengshi.

"Prince, it is now confirmed that the Sixth Princess and the Ninth Prince are on the way to Fengshi!" said the cronies.

"It's too late at this time, but it's impossible for them to live in the Feng clan for the rest of their lives. They summoned the manpower to wait outside of Zhongzhou. The king waited for him to come out of the Feng clan." Prince Jiang Xia was indifferent. Said the face.

He must fight for the throne. Whoever fights with him will kill anyone, without exception.

As for his father's side, although it is difficult to explain, his father's father was also the one who made a way out of the seizure. He should know that this was the result of his bringing Lao Jiu back to the capital.

If the old nine can't fight him, of course he will become a victim of the conquest. If he can't fight the old nine, he is also ready to self-decision!

"Master, do you want to gather everyone together?" The cronies also knew his master's determination and asked.

"If this opportunity is missed, the next time may not necessarily have an opportunity. Calling the troops, this king wants to show his father this time, this king is the prince he should choose most now!" Prince Jiang Xia said indifferently.

"Subordinates obey!" the cronies said immediately.

They are following Prince Jiang Xia, of course, hope that Prince Jiang Xia can eradicate dissidents and ascend to the throne as soon as possible, so that these followers of them all have the merits of the dragon, and they will be ascended to heaven.

Fortunately, the prince did not disappoint them, he was very decisive and decisive, without the slightest feminine heart.

But they didn't know that Qin Heng had already received the news as soon as their men moved.

Yingda reported it immediately, but he took the errand that Bingye had handed him, and had been staring at Prince Jiang Xia's mansion.

So he reported the news to the emperor.

Qin Heng was not in a good mood after hearing this, and said, "The boss is getting more and more unable to sit still now."

"Long live Lord, don't need to worry, the people around the Ninth Prince and the Sixth Princess are enough." General Feng said in a convenient way.

Prince Jiang Xia's speed is too fast, and so many people are dispatched, is this trying to make the Nine Princes never stand up?

But he didn't know the high hopes Long Live had for this old son. Since Long Live let the Ninth Prince and the Sixth Princess go out of the palace, how could he not send additional staff?

Prince Jiang Xia's business operations over the years are indeed extraordinary, but in front of Long Live Lord, his handwriting is not enough.

Thinking of this, Mr. Feng looked at him Long Live. Prince Jiang Xia is also the biological son of Long Live, but Long Live is obviously partial to the Ninth Prince. This is how the father-son brothers of the Heavenly Family have feelings.

Of course, Mr. Feng didn't dare to say these words, so he just thought about it in his heart.

"The name I gave to Lao Jiu seems to really excite the boss." Qin Heng said slowly.

Qin Chengtian, this name is indeed too obvious.

This is what General Feng thought, so Prince Jiang Xia would not be able to sit still, which is not incomprehensible.

"Let him go, Xiao Jiu also needs experience, just to sharpen Xiao Jiu's knife." Qin Heng said, he continued to read his own papers, and did not pay much attention to it.

General Feng sighed silently in his heart. Although Prince Jiang Xia was excellent, he couldn't be the king.

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