But Mr. Feng didn't think there was anything wrong with this, because God was always favoring the Nine Princes.

He was born with supernatural power, unforgettable, and astute, all these prove the difference between his saints.

General Feng still remembered that shortly after the Nine Princes had just returned to the palace, after the Queen Mother was completely funeral, Long Live Lord called him back that day, because that day was when the Nine Princes had no effect and would reveal their strangeness. .

As the personal manager, Manager Feng was also fortunate to be able to stay at the time, and he also saw the pair of eyes of the Nine Princes.

I really told him to look at him and couldn't help but want to kneel down and worship.

That's the natural appearance of the emperor.

But Mr. Feng found it very acceptable, because the imperial concubine who gave birth to the Ninth Prince was not a mortal.

Others don't know, but Chief Feng is quite clear. The reason why Long Live Lord was able to'foresee' the imminent natural and man-made disasters of Dafeng in his early years was not because God warned Long Live Lord, but the imperial concubine's dream.

Manager Feng has reason to suspect that the reason why the imperial concubine empress was suffering from a heart disease and almost failed to survive, it is probably because she suffered a backlash after leaking the secret.

But she didn't want her to survive strong, and gave birth to such a nine prince.

Even the old teacher had counted his fate, so when the Nine Prince was born, he came back and took the Nine Prince away.

With such an extraordinary Ninth Prince, Mr. Feng could understand that Long Live Master would be so partial.

Chu Yue doesn't know these things. Of course, she can guess it to some extent, and Jiang Xia also sent her a message in, because Prince Jiang Xia had some movements.

Out of trust in Qin Heng, Chu Yue also reassures Jiang Xia so that he does not have to worry.

Other things can be ignored, but in the matter of her own son, Chu Yue does not doubt Qin Heng, because she can vaguely see that Qin Heng really dotes on this old son.

Moreover, his own son was born with a strange appearance. Qin Heng was also an ambitious emperor, but because of the weak foundation of the Dafeng Dynasty, he had never expanded abroad even if he was ambitious.

However, his generation of emperors laid a very solid foundation for Dafeng.

Whether the next generation of emperors, his own son, can become an overlord is what Qin Heng expected.

So don't worry about Chu Yue, just hand over your son to Qin Heng. Prince Jiang Xia will only be her son's whetstone.

Although it's cruel, but whoever gives birth feels distressed, Chu Yue can't manage so much.

Empress Xiao called her to Fengqi Palace that day.

Chu Yue also came to sit with the queen.

"Changle's medical skills are very good. The pills made for this palace are very effective, and it is much more convenient to take them. It is not necessary for the palace to pour the painful potions on the eyes." Empress Xiao said.

"She specially took a lot of honey from the imperial dining room and added it, saying that it would not affect the efficacy of the medicine, but it would be much easier to take it." Chu Yue said.

Empress Xiao nodded, and after greeting for a while, the parents looked at her and said, "Did Changle and Lao Jiu both go to Fengshi?"

"Does the empress also know?" Chu Yue nodded.

"Not only does this palace know, but this palace also knows that Prince Jiang Xia has already taken action. It is easy for Lao Jiu to leave the palace, but it is difficult to return to the palace." Empress Xiao looked at her.

Although the prince has no relationship with the throne, he has fought with Prince Jiang Xia for many years. The power in Beijing is also extraordinary. Prince Jiang Xia's actions this time are not small. Of course, the prince has also received some news.

"Thank you Empress Empress for your concern, but Xiao Jiu is fine for him." Chu Yue said.

Empress Xiao said: "This is your lifeblood. The palace sees you with a genuine heart. You are only returning to the palace now, knowing that everyone's eyes are on him, you even let him go out of the palace, even if you want to go to the Feng family. , Why not go there later?"

Now she is betting all the treasures on the Ninth Prince, and of course she doesn't want him to have an accident.

"This child has received a lot of kindness since he was a child. It's fine if he didn't come back before. Now he comes back and has nothing else to do. Naturally, he has to go there." said Chu Yue.

Empress Xiao was stunned for a moment, and said, "My palace thought that Lao Jiu grew up in the Feng family all these years?"

"No." Chu Yue shook his head.

The other Chu Yue didn’t say much, only saying: "Don’t worry about the empress empress, of course I feel distressed for my own son, and I am no less worried about his safety than the empress empress, but the young eagle will eventually spread its wings. One day, some training is also essential."

Empress Xiao glanced at her twice, and then said after a long while: "Since you said that, my palace won't say so much."

Chu Yue nodded.

"Are you planning for Xiao Jiu's marriage?" Empress Xiao asked again.

Chu Yue was stunned.

Empress Xiao knew she hadn’t even thought about it as soon as she saw her. She couldn’t help but frown and said, “How can you not even think about such a big event.”

Chu Yue laughed and said: "He is only very old now, and I have no intention of letting him get married so early. Anyway, he has to be 18 years old. There are still many years to come."

"When will we get married? This is something we will talk about later, but the candidates for the Ninth Prince and Concubine can now be selected and cultivated. No matter whether it is family history, appearance, or even all aspects of appearance, you must choose a qualified one. The choice of the prince and concubine is not easy. Look at Mrs. Feng, she can be brought by her as a teenager, Changle, so that the candidate for the daughter-in-law is the most suitable for the family standard." Empress Xiao said.

Chu Yue also knows that this is what their daughters should think about, but Chu Yue hasn't thought about it, because there is still too much time and there are too many variables behind.

"That's fine for the side concubine, but the concubine must be from an orthodox background." Empress Xiao said, and couldn't help asking: "By the way, my brother's eldest daughter is just one year younger than the Ninth Prince. He is a well-behaved and gentle temper."

This is also the main reason why Empress Xiao called her to come over today, and wanted to determine the candidates for the Ninth Princes.

Chu Yue: "... Niangniang, please forgive me, and I'll be fine, the emperor will never agree to it."

"Why." Xiao Huang said expressionlessly behind him.

"Don't you know the reason, Niang?" Chu Yue asked, if Xiao Liang had been bolder, maybe now she is not Empress Xiao's opponent, but Empress Xiao's sister-in-law.

Empress Xiao took a deep breath, and said, "Those are all things in the past." She also knew that there was some past between her **** brother and the imperial concubine, but they had been for many years.

"Some things are passable, some things can't pass, Empress, let me talk about this later, it is too early now." Chu Yue said.

"Then talk about it later." Empress Xiao nodded.

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