Feng Youcai is a good person, and grew up with Qin Weiyang and Feng Bo.

So Qin Weiyang wanted to sigh, because she felt that Zhou Mei was not worthy of Feng Youcai, and Feng Youcai's wife shouldn't be Zhou Mei.

As the son of Steward Feng, she has the greatest chance of inheriting the position of Steward Feng. At this time, Feng Youcai needs a good internal help.

Feng Youcai is talented himself, his wife can't help him, but she definitely can't hold him back.

Zhou Mei's temperament, I'm afraid it will bring down Feng Youcai, especially Feng Youcai who still likes Zhou Mei.

"What's the matter? It's not a marriage with Young Master Feng, what are you doing like this?" Zhou Yuzhu said when she looked at her.

"No matter how talented you are, I grew up with us, Zhou Mei, I don't want to keep her in the Feng clan." Qin Weiyang told the truth.

"That's not easy, just drive away." Zhou Yuzhu said.

"She is the concubine of my second aunt's house." Qin Weiyang said, there is still this relationship, where can I say that I can rush, and now the marriage is scheduled.

Zhou Yuzhu was surprised: "There is still this relationship, I said, why don't you handle it smoothly."

He added, "But it's just the son of a housekeeper, and she won't be able to make any waves."

Qin Weiyang said: "It's just wrong to be talented."

Zhou Yuzhu disagreed: "How do you say that, you didn't see Feng Youcai, but you like her." To her maidservant: "Tell Changle how Feng Youcai gave Zhou Mei a gift."

The maid also took time out of Feng Youcai to visit Zhou Mei even if she was busy, and she also told her about the past without empty-handed.

There is also the dowry, which is even more difficult.

After listening to these, Zhou Yuzhu said: "Look, do you still need to feel wronged Feng is talented? He is happy."

Qin Weiyang didn't expect this either.

But since Feng Youcai is happy, there is nothing to say. I hope Feng Youcai will have the ability to do errands well in the future. Don't be distracted by family affairs and mess things up.

Feng's rules are there, especially for the inheritance of the stewardship.

Steward Feng is hereditary, but there are rules in Steward Feng’s family. Each generation must have three or more sons. If there is no concubine, he will have concubines.

This is to avoid the unconvinced son, who can inherit the son in the future.

Feng Youcai has two younger brothers. They are not old at present, but they are still learning things. In the future, if Feng Youcai's identity is confirmed, they will all send out Feng. , Then they have a chance.

This is the house of Feng steward.

Qin Weiyang is clear about these things, so he hesitated when he grew up together since childhood, but since Feng Youcai was willing to do so, she would not be good at beating mandarin ducks.

Let Zhou Yuzhu take good care of her, and she will return to Mingyue Pavilion to rest.

I was tired all the way, so Qin Weiyang took a nap, and it was almost dark after this sleep.

"Ms. Feng came over just now. Seeing you are sleeping, she didn't bother you." Bingye brought warm water in and washed her up and said.

Qin Weiyang said, "I can't save myself anymore. I asked my aunt to go for nothing."

"The princess washes up and pleases her. The dinner is almost ready over there, and it happened to be with Mrs. Feng Feng for dinner." Bingye squeezed the towel and handed it to her, said.

Qin Weiyang nodded, and after washing and grooming, he came to the main courtyard.

Feng Huainan and Qin Yun were drinking tea and saw her coming over and smiled: "Yang Yang wakes up?"

"Well, I didn't feel tired before, but I didn't expect to sleep until this hour." Qin Weiyang smiled.

Qin Yun asked her to sit down and asked, "Is there any smooth sailing along the way?"

"Soon and smoothly." Qin Weiyang smiled.

"I don't dare to hit you with your big emperor brother." Qin Yun nodded, then asked about the situation of Chu Yue.

"Mother and concubine are pretty good, but I miss you aunt very much. She talked about you last Mid-Autumn Festival, and it hasn't been with you for many years." Qin Weiyang said.

Qin Yun curled her lips and said: "She just talked about it, and she didn't even want to spend the festival with me. I have been visiting her for so many years. How long has she not been out of the palace? She lived and talked about the square The sky is a birdcage, but now I like to stay there more and more, I think I just can't bear your father."

Qin Weiyang smiled and said, "Mother consort, isn't this waiting for the eldest aunt? It doesn't matter if she comes or you go, it's the same."

"I won't come out when I'm young now, what should I do when I'm really old, then I won't come out anymore," Qin Yun said.

Qin Weiyang said: "Well, when I go back next time, I will tell my mother and concubine that she will definitely find time to come over."

Qin Yun was satisfied and said: "Remember to tell her that I am waiting for her in Feng's family. I won't pass after she wants to come. She is lazy and I am lazy, and I can write a letter for the rest of my life."

Speaking of it, I want to sigh. This era is really inconvenient. It is really difficult to meet each other. After all, two places are separated and each has its own things. If there are communication tools and video and audio, there is really no way now.

"Is Zhou Yuzhu's operation ready?" Qin Yun said.

"Prepare, give her a second treatment in three days." Qin Weiyang nodded.

"Healed her and sent her away quickly. This girl is not a worry-free thing. She is the one who caused the talent to push people into the water well." Qin Yun said.

"I heard that, even if she didn't push her, Zhou Mei would still fall down. She knew that Zhou Mei planned to fulfill her." Qin Weiyang said.

"What's this? If Zhou Mei fell into the water, I would not recognize this relative. I would be blind and talented, but now she was pushed down. Talented indeed embraced her and hugged her. With only one eye closed, but after marrying such a daughter-in-law, the two concubines of Steward Feng should also be well trained." Qin Yun said to Feng Huainan.

Feng Huainan nodded: "I've been training all the time."

Qin Weiyang didn't expect her aunt and uncle to be so decisive. It was because of Feng You that she would marry Zhou Mei. This had already moved her thoughts of substitution.

"Butler is a not low position. Of course, it must be qualified in all aspects. It is good to have it. But Zhou Mei's virtue lies in that. After marrying Zhou Mei, he will be affected by the accumulation of time. Naturally, he will not be affected. It’s suitable to be Feng’s housekeeper.” Feng Huainan said, understanding Qin Weiyang, and said: “It’s also normal for you to grow up with you, and it’s normal to be softhearted, but this is a matter of principle, and it also concerns the future of Feng. Dangduan's future events continue to suffer from chaos."

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