Qin Weiyang mourned for Feng Youcai in his heart. This was because Zhou Mei had lost her career and registered her account directly with her uncle and aunt.

It seems that her uncle and aunt are really dissatisfied with Zhou Mei.

I didn't say much about it, because Feng Bo came over soon.

"Are you so busy? I haven't come back until now," Feng Huainan said.

"There are too many goods on the dock, so I have a tea meeting with the young owner of the merchant from southern Fujian." Feng Bo said.

"Okay, I don't want to listen to your explanation, so I have to call for a meal." Feng Huainan waved his hand.

Feng Bo also asked someone to tell the dining room to set up a meal, and said to his cousin, "Is my cousin starving?"

"No, I came back at noon and slept, and I only woke up now. I just ate some snacks." Qin Weiyang said in a casual way.

"I'll be free the day after tomorrow, take you out to go shopping for two days?" Feng Bo said.

"No, I'm going to operate on Zhou Yuzhu in three days, and I'll talk to her." Qin Weiyang said.

"I'll see the time after that." Feng Bo nodded.

Qin Weiyang didn't say anything. After a while, the rich dishes were served.

Feng Huainan was in a good mood, and said, "I will miss the girl Xing'er. If the girl comes back, our family will be reunited."

Qin Yun did the same, saying, "Will Yang Yang want to drink wine?"

"I want." Qin Weiyang said.

"This is a treasure, there is not much left in this batch of wine." Feng Huainan asked someone to pour it, and said with a smile.

"This scent smells unusual, very mellow." Qin Weiyang said.

"Do you like those Aunt Jiu last time?" Feng Bo said.

"Like it, when she is in a good mood, she will bring out a few drinks, and she drank a lot last Mid-Autumn Festival." Qin Weiyang said.

"There are still at home. I will order someone to send it to my aunt later. There is nothing else to worry about, but I don't worry about wine." Feng Bo nodded.

"Don't move all the good wines to your mother-in-law. Your mother and I still want to drink." Feng Huainan teased.

Qin Yun gave him a white look, but he also smiled.

Qin Weiyang and Feng Bo looked at each other, Feng Bo smiled, and Qin Weiyang was a little helpless.

There are not so many rules for eating and laughing, and a dinner is also very enjoyable.

After using it, Feng Huainan sent it away: "Bo'er, take your cousin to walk around, take a walk and digest."

"Yeah." Feng Bo promised and brought Qin Weiyang over to the chrysanthemum garden. Now it is getting cooler day by day, and the other flowers are not growing well, but the chrysanthemums in the chrysanthemum garden are blooming. It's just right.

"This year's chrysanthemums look better than last year. These pots are even more treasures among chrysanthemums. They didn't exist last year, but they were bought recently?" Qin Weiyang asked.

"Yes, I saw it outside, thinking you would like it, so I asked someone to send it back." Feng Bo nodded.

Qin Weiyang smiled and said, "Thank you for your cousin's thoughts."

"The plum grove we planted together this year should also be in bloom." Feng Bo said, "Will you stay in Feng to see plum blossoms next?"

"But this year I want to practice medicine." Qin Weiyang hesitated.

Feng Bo heard the words and said: "Go there for two months, the plum blossoms should not bloom so early, and they can only bloom in November."

Qin Weiyang looked at her cousin’s expectant eyes, and nodded, “Well, I’ll go out for a while, and then come back to see the plum blossoms together. We still have the stars planted together. They haven’t been planted for so many years. It’s blooming, but it’s good for us to wait. It’s going to open this year and you can’t miss it.

With gentleness between his eyebrows and eyes, Feng Bo said, "There is also a small courtyard on the side of the plum garden, which is built just as you said at the beginning. When the time comes, you will linger over while enjoying the plum while drinking small wine and eating side dishes. "

Qin Weiyang smiled and said, "Xing'er is the same. She likes snow days, but I don't know if it will snow this year."

There is no snow in many places here in Zhongzhou, but there are also places where it snows. For example, where the plum garden that they have drawn out, it will snow there, and it is almost two days away from here.

It is still on the boundary of Central Continent, but not close.

After staying at Juyuan for a while, seeing that the sky was getting late, it was graying down, and he went back.

Saying goodbye to her cousin, Qin Weiyang came to Mingyue Pavilion by himself.

"You are always not close enough to your cousin." Bingye said, cooking wine soup for her.

Qin Weiyang drank and said, "Aunty, don't talk nonsense, where is it?"

"Why not, you clearly want to practice medicine, but you dare not talk to your cousin." Bingye said.

"Isn't it because my cousin rarely invites me? It's hard to disappoint him." Qin Weiyang also said.

"Where do you need to be so careful? If you force yourself to let him down, he wants you to accompany him but he wants you to be sincere. If he knows you force him, he won't speak." Bing Ye Dao.

Bingye was more worried, worried that this marriage would not be possible at that time, after all, there is still a Beidi kid who is eagerly watching.

But Bei Di's kid is not comparable to Feng Young Master.

This is the place where her princess grew up. She has a good relationship with Young Master Feng, and Mrs. Feng Feng. There is no need to worry about any problems in the future, and there will be no problems.

No matter from which point of view, this marriage is impeccable, but the princess was brought up by her, and the princess did not call Young Master Feng.

"Auntie, let this matter take your time, I am also working hard to change it." Qin Weiyang put down the bowl and said.

"Then you don't have to wrong yourself." Bingye said.

"I'm not wronged." Qin Weiyang smiled: "Mei Garden was established by my cousin and Xing'er. I am sorry that it hasn't bloomed for so many years. If it blooms this year, I naturally want to come back. , This is what we planted after all."

"That's good." Bingye didn't say anything, and then said again: "Did the letter that the princess received on the way came from the boy Beidi?"

Qin Weiyang was surprised: "Aunt, how did you know that I received the letter?"

"I didn't fall asleep that day, I don't know who came near?" Bingye asked, otherwise, why would she worry that the princess was coaxed by Bei Di's kid.

"It was sent by King Li, but it was also because I made the pill and sent it to him. He wrote me a thank you letter when he received it, and said nothing else." Qin Weiyang sidewalk.

Bingye didn't believe it, and only said: "That kid's wolf ambition, now Bei Di has been eaten by him by two-thirds. I heard that one of his elder brothers was cut by his own hand a month ago. And Bei Di's customs are also extremely tough. Not suitable for our Central Plains women."

"Auntie, stop it. Auntie is really worried." Qin Weiyang helped her forehead.

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