Qin Weiyang thinks that her Aunt Ye is really too worried, right? She is indeed just brother-sister relationship with her cousin, and has not yet risen to the relationship between men and women, but no matter how she understands, there is still a gap between her and Wang Li, where is it possible to go together?

Not to mention the differences in customs between the two places, it is also said that her father and princess concubine can never pass the pass.

Her father would not be willing to marry Beidi, especially her mother.

What's more, she didn't have the will or the thoughts, and the way of getting along with Li Wang is the way of getting along with friends. Why, is she not allowed to make friends of the opposite sex?

"Auntie, don't mention this matter anymore. It's really a simple friend." Qin Weiyang said.

Bingye didn't say anything, but she didn't believe it in her heart. The princess regarded the wolf boy of King Li as a friend, but the wolf boy wanted to take her princess back to the wolf den. Although there is a real relationship between the man and woman Friends, but very few, will never appear between her princess and Li Wang.

Even if there is, that is what King Li pretended to reduce her princess' defense!

How did Wang Li know that he was not so optimistic about this Aunt Ye?

Bingye was right to hear from Yingda. Just a month ago, he personally slashed one of his elder brothers, and hung the head high in shock.

And Bingye’s other statement is not correct. Bei Di is very big. If Bei Di now has two thirds in his hands, it’s not yet that level, but the entire three-fifths of Bei Di’s territory is indeed all right now. Under his control.

Originally, his princes wanted to ask for help from the Great Zhou Dynasty, but the Great Zhou Dynasty didn’t do it easily, especially now that Da Zhou himself is too busy to take care of himself. The struggle between the princes has been very fierce. Some people agree and some oppose. Emperor Zhou is now older and less ambitious.

It's not like when they united Dayuan and Dafeng to annex Daqi together.

The older Emperor Zhou was more conservative, so he refused to ask for help, saying that the Zhou Dynasty did not interfere with the government of other countries.

It’s impossible for Xirong to ask for help. Xirong is also ambitious, let alone asking for help. It’s easy to ask God to send it to God at that time, and it’s too far away from Dayuan, and Dafeng’s side is more related to King Li. Well, there is no relationship with them.

Therefore, the king brothers of King Li are basically fighting alone, but now they are just stubborn resistance, and they will definitely not be King Li's opponents.

Now, whether it is combat power or other aspects, it is not the enemy of King Li.

It's just that it is impossible for them to disarm for so long to surrender. In the past, King Li was the most inconspicuous, and the one that they most looked down upon. Who could be willing to be surrendered by him now?

And they are not without the power of a battle.

"Wang, Princess Kang Min, please see me." Wang Li sits in the tent and reads the copybook. He has been learning the culture of the Central Plains in private now. This is very rare for this man who didn't like the Central Plains culture before. Up.

What's even more rare is that now he has practiced very well in handwriting. Although it is like a beginner in a child, that kind of stroke has already emerged.

Given time, one will definitely be able to practice good handwriting.

"Let her in." Upon hearing this, Wang Li put the copybook aside.

Princess Kang Min came in after a while.

Compared to the princess Kang Min who had just got married back then, Kang Min's appearance is simply unrecognizable now, only from that face, you can vaguely see how it used to be.

Seeing such Princess Kang Min, Wang Li couldn't help but worry.

Naturally, he is not worried about Princess Kangming, but about Changle. Although he will never let Changle become like this, he will care for Changle like snow lotus on the Tianshan Mountains, let alone ask Changle to live Kangmin's life over the years.

If Changle sees Kang Min like this, I am afraid he would not want to marry.

Compared to his youthful and charming appearance, Kang Min now looks like a woman of almost forty years old.

The dress on her body has also been completely transformed into Bei Di, and Kang Min, who has been married to Bei Di for many years, can't even see the fact that she was originally a woman from the Central Plains.

This change is really too great.

Kang Min didn't know that the young king had so many thoughts in her mind when she saw her, so she gave a gift and said, "The king asked me to call me over?"

"Not bad." Li Wang nodded, originally because Kang Min was a woman from the Central Plains, so he called her over, planning to see if his writing was wrong? But now that he saw people, he changed his mind, and he should pay a high price to ask an old Han man to come and teach him to teach him!

"You were the king who went to marry him with Brother Dawang at the beginning. Now that the king is in charge, you can follow your previous lifestyle!" Wang Li said.

Kang Min was stunned when she heard the words. Life had already wiped out her arrogance.

In fact, after marrying the prince that year, her life was very happy. The prince did not care that she was not a virgin before she married, on the contrary, it was very good to her.

After coming here, I learned that water resources are scarce and cannot be wasted, but she wants to bathe the prince and sends people to fetch her water every day.

Although she still feels that Bei Di is far inferior to Dafeng, what else can she do if she is married?

But her good days ended after the prince was murdered and poisoned. After that, she was taken away by the prince's other brothers. During the period, she changed two or three, one is not as good as one.

She doesn't have a good life anymore. After all these years, she is basically used to it. There are not many people she brought over. Now she is about to forget the good life she had before.

But at the moment she heard the King Li say that she can restore her previous days?

Kang Min thought for a while that he had heard it wrong.

"This king and Dafeng are very friendly, and you came from Dafenghe, this king will naturally not treat you badly, live well and restore the image of your former noble girl." Wang Li said in a convenient way.

In case Changle came and ran into him, it would be overwhelming. He felt that his Beidi's terroir was too rough when he saw it, and he forced Kang Min to be like this.

But how does this work? Changle is going to come and accompany him all his life, how can he scare people?

So right now, Wang Li felt that it was more important to let Kang Min go and take care of himself, not to look so shabby than to come over and remind him to practice calligraphy.

But Kang Min directly misunderstood, thinking that this young King Li was interesting to her!

You know that Bei Di is not limited to those, if Li Wang is interested in her, he can ask her directly, and no one will say anything. This is normal in Bei Di.

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