The Consort is Sick, We Must Pamper Her

Chapter 1581: Do good and accumulate virtue

The fifth princess was choked by her fourth sister's words, she just couldn't speak, she said after a while: "I'll talk about things in the future, but it's not good now. When will there be a little talk?" Vixen!"

The four princesses didn’t bother to care about her, and said to Xiao Yuluo: "No matter your background or appearance, you are not bad, not to mention any sense of crisis. Since you want to take this path, now this is just the beginning. There is still a long way back, so I can’t stand it anymore, so I can leave the palace early and give up this idea.”

"The fourth cousin is serious, I just thought a little bit more, but this meeting has calmed down." Xiao Yuluo said in a detour.

The fourth princess didn't say anything else, and nodded before taking people away.

"The Fourth Sister is also true, such a big thing seems to her to be the same as an insignificant little sesame thing." The fifth princess couldn't help but muttered.

"Don't worry about my fifth cousin. I was also angry yesterday, but thinking about it today, I don't think I need to take Chen Shuangzhu too seriously, or I would really praise her." Xiao Yulao mocked.

The fifth princess frowned and said, "I really don't care about her, let her live in the palace and then wait to get close to the old nine?"

"Cousin Nine is so accessible." Xiao Yuluo didn't know whether to be happy or sigh.

The Nine Princes rarely come to the harem, unless they come to the Weiyang Palace to ask for peace, or when they come to Fengqi Palace to ask for peace on the fifteenth day of the new year, they will basically not see anyone.

Although he had been looking for him at the prince's office before, it was okay to go there once in a while, and it would be too ugly to go there often.

But apart from this, there are not many other opportunities to meet.

What's more, what her fourth cousin said was correct. When is this time, it's just that Chen Shuangzhu is here, she is like a big enemy, what about the future?

In the future, the Nine Princes really sit in that position, and there will never be fewer concubines in the harem, so how should she deal with herself?

"Since you can see it well, then I have nothing to say, but Concubine De is indeed restless and ambitious. She even called her niece into the palace when she saw you enter the palace. If the concubine and others have learned how to learn So, can this palace stop?" The fifth princess snorted coldly.

"If that's the case, then it's just right, it's also lively and interesting." Xiao Yulao said in a detour.

The fifth princess didn't tell her this, and said: "You have to go over to please the imperial concubine, don't always stare at Lao Jiu, if you can get the imperial concubine's approval, you and Lao Jiu will be half done!"

She has experience with this five princess, because she and her kind cousin have been very satisfied with her from the beginning, and her aunt Xiyang has always taken her out of the palace to play at the princess mansion. This is how she and her Good cousin's.

Just as winter entered this year, her kind cousin ordered someone to find a lot of good things for her, let alone her heart-warming.

Xiao Yulao felt that although this fifth cousin could be used for one purpose, it was a idiot to make facts, and said: "What happened before, what will do in the future? Where is it necessary to pass more specifically? This is what makes people look like me, but it becomes me. Can’t wait to get over there."

Although it is indeed flattering to please, but it has to be done seamlessly, so that it is easy to pass.

The fifth princess sighed and said with some regret: "It would be fine if the sixth sister is still in the palace now. If she is in the palace, I will often take you to visit there, so it won’t take a long time to go there. !"

"Six princesses are so good, let the fifth cousin care so much." Xiao Yulao said.

The fifth princess waved her hand: "If it is good or not, we can only say that it is cheaper to marry Young Master Feng."

And it's a pity. If you marry in the capital, you can have more contacts in the future. If you marry the Feng clan, you will see only a handful of times in the future.

"However, Mrs. Feng is extremely satisfied with her. She was brought up since she was a child. It is also good to marry. At least there will be no conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law," the fifth princess said.

At this time, Qin Weiyang didn't know that her fifth sister was talking about her. Now winter is coming, and the weather is cold. Even if there is no snow in the village where she is now, it was freezing after a winter rain a few days ago.

"Yang Yang, do you want to go to Feng clan?" Bing Ye asked.

"Slowly, the situation of several patients in the village has not stabilized yet, and they will wait until the time is stable." Qin Weiyang said.

Bingye also nodded.

It's just that the weather is not beautiful, because it is snowing in the villages where it rarely snows in two days.

"It hasn't snowed for many years, but I don't want to snow this year. I'm afraid that many people will freeze to death." The old man in the village said with emotion.

"Prepare food and firewood, and you will be fine in winter," Qin Weiyang said.

She has been used to seeing snow since she was a child, and naturally she didn't feel anything to worry about.

"Girls don't know something. The harvest in the village this year is not good. After paying taxes, there is not much left. Even if the belt is tightened, it is not easy to live. Otherwise, the girl will not be treated for nothing, but we can't afford it. What kind of consultation fee." The old man sighed.

This is Lizheng of this village. This village is indeed very poor. When Qin Weiyang first came, they all said that they did not need medical treatment.

There was still a child who had a cold illness. His mother secretly took him over and healed it without receiving any money. This made other villagers dare to come over.

"The situation in the village is so difficult this year?" Qin Weiyang asked her Aunt Ye after Lao Li was returning.

Bingye will find out wherever he goes, so he knows a little bit, and nodded: "If you don't get rich, you can still survive."

After following Qin Weiyang for so many years, Bing Ye has naturally seen a lot. This village is poor, but they have not seen such a village before.

"Tomorrow, go to the town to buy some grain and distribute it." Qin Weiyang shook his head and said.

"Okay." Bingye didn't say anything, this is what her princess often does, and she won't ignore it when she encounters it.

So the next day Bingye took her princess in a carriage into the town to buy food. After buying a kind of coarse grains like sweet potatoes, Bingye transported the whole carriage back.

Lao Lizheng almost knelt down to Bingye, but Bingye ignored it and told the village man to drive away in a carriage after unloading the goods. It was Lao Lizheng's business how to distribute these sweet potato brown rice.

But after living for so many days, I also know that Lao Li is a good one, so don't worry anymore.

"Aunt, let's rest for one night, and we will return to Feng's family tomorrow." Qin Weiyang waited for her Aunt Ye in the wing of the restaurant in the town.

"Good." Bingye nodded.

After taking a rest for the whole night, I had breakfast the next day and set off.

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