The Consort is Sick, We Must Pamper Her

Chapter 1582: Heart of King Li

The place where the small village is located is considered to belong to Dafeng, but the place is indeed poorer, and the people's life is not easy.

The policy has already given a lot of convenience, but when the year is bad, the elderly will still starve to death in the winter.

Or some children have weak bones and will get sick in the winter without money and disappear.

It's snowing this year, and Lao Li is very worried, but he doesn't want to meet such a kind and good girl.

Not only did they give free medicines to the villagers to treat their illnesses, but when they left, they even gave away a cart of food from the village.

There are not too many people in the village, and each family can only distribute an extra one hundred kilograms of grain, but this one hundred kilograms of grain can give each family an emergency use.

Lao Li was very grateful, so when King Li's people came to inquire about the traces, Lao Li had no reservations when he heard that it was his lady who had come out to help the world.

I praised Qin Weiyang's deeds a lot, and also praised her bodhisattva heart. In the future, good people will be rewarded!

These news were naturally passed to the table of King Li's case.

Seeing what his girl did, Li Wang's cold eyebrows were soft.

His girl is indeed a good person and repays her, and she will marry him and become his princess Beidi. The whole Beidi must listen to her.

When the curtain of the tent moved, Kang Min opened the curtain and entered.

Compared with the last time, Kang Min's appearance has changed a lot now. From the way he looked before, he knew that his life was not easy, but now he has improved a lot.

The temperament and spirit of the whole person have also improved a lot, and it is no longer the dull and numb as before, and the eyes seem to be filled with light.

"His Royal Highness, this is the barbecue I grilled for you. What do you think?" Kang Min brought up a plate of fragrant barbecue and said with a smile.

"My king's tent, when will you come in without a report?" Wang Li was in a good mood, but his brow was frowned. After pressing one hand on the letter, he swept to Kang Min and said.

Although the voice wasn't cold, it made Kang Min pause.

Yes, she did come in boldly today, because it has been so long, but Wang Li still didn't want her.

That's it, her image is indeed not very good, but these days, she has taken good care of herself, and she seems to be much younger.

Of course, the wind here is really devastating, and the skin condition today is not that good.

It's just that she wasn't born and raised here, and compared to those Beidi women, she was gentle and watery.

But His Royal Highness Li did not want her, which made her more anxious, because women thought that she would soon become the woman of His Royal Highness.

I envied her very much, and she did not deny it, but these days, she has not been allowed to come and wait for the bed. No, today she specially roasted the lamb and wanted to automatically throw her into her arms.

It's just that I didn't expect King Li to speak with these cold words.

"His Royal Highness, I just came to give you meat, I..."

Before Kang Min's words were finished, King Li frowned and said: "Go out, if there is nothing else, I will not come to my tent in the future. It will be misunderstood by spreading it out!"

The rumors outside Wang Li didn't know at first, but then his subordinates missed it, and he knew that others had misunderstood.

He didn't have any thoughts about Kang Min at all. Before, he just wanted to learn Chinese characters from her, but then he had already found an old man to teach him.

And let her live a good life and dress herself well, and that's why she didn't want her to look too obedient.

Otherwise, Changle will come over in the future, wouldn't it scare her when she saw it?

But he didn't want his actions to be misunderstood, but he didn't care, but the fact that Kang Min did it today made him unhappy.

Because he can feel it, in them, the meaning of a woman giving meat to a man is obvious.

But how can such a thing be allowed to develop? It's okay to misunderstand others, but if Chang Le misunderstands him, wouldn't it break his way?

Therefore, Wang Li didn't hesitate at all, and directly expressed his attitude.

It is very clear to say that, so Kang Min's face turned pale, and he looked at him in an unbelievable way, but also gave up, and said: "Your Highness does not want me?"

"You are the woman of the big king brother, and this king takes care of you because of the old king's care for this king." Li Wang said in a convenient way.

Although his elder brother was not very good to him, he never treated him harshly.

Kang Min was almost desperate. He didn't expect it to be like this. His Highness never thought of asking her?

"His Royal Highness..."

"Go out, and explain clearly to the people outside that this king is going to marry the princess in the future, so don't let the princess of the king misunderstand him." Wang Li waved his hand and said.

Kang Min didn't know how he got back to his tent.

Her mother-in-law asked in a low voice, "Princess, what's the matter? Didn't your Highness leave the princess to serve?"

"No more talk about this in the future!" Kang Min said with shame.

The mother-in-law was taken aback, and hurriedly asked what was wrong. Kang Min explained two sentences, and the mother-in-law couldn't help but say: "Since your Royal Highness is not for the princess, why does he want to learn Dafeng's culture? He also paid a lot of money for this. The old gentleman came to teach, and the food is all Chinese. He uses chopsticks and eats radish and cabbage. I heard that I will take a bath in three days. This cold weather is also for fear of covering myself!"

How else could Kang Min misunderstand? Because these changes of King Li are all controversial, it seems to be in accordance with the habits and customs of the Han people.

And Bei Di is the only princess and the princess who came here, so who wouldn't think about it?

But I don't want Li Wang to have that meaning at all, but she misunderstood.

"It's not for the princess, is it possible that Wang Li still wants to marry other princesses?" The mother-in-law said.

Kang Min was taken aback, and then he reacted and said immediately: "Then he really dare to think that the Dafeng Dynasty is so strong now, it is not what it was back then, where would he be willing to marry the princess to Beidi? And now a married princess , But there are three princesses, four princesses, five princesses and six princesses. Two of them are from the queen and one is from the imperial concubine. Neither the queen nor the imperial concubine would agree to marry their daughters. This is idiotic!"

"This is also an inaccurate matter. Now Bei Di is about to be put in his hands by His Highness. Even if it takes some more time, I am afraid it will not be long. His Highness will be King Bei Di and want to marry one. Princess, I'm afraid it won't be too difficult." The mother-in-law hesitated.

"The three princesses basically don't need to think about it, unless it's a princess like me." Kang Min snorted coldly: "It's just that he has made these changes now, I am afraid that he really looks at one of the three princesses!"

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