However, the stewing maid has no power and power, and she has to suffer when making trouble, so it's fine.

In the afternoon, Murong Ju went out for a walk, and the two maids didn't come to bother.

When I came out for a walk early the next morning, I didn't meet the two maids again, but they were on their own and did not offend him.

This time the eye-catching white tiger is indeed ferocious. If he hadn't gone in person, it would have been impossible for him to come out with all his tails if he changed.

However, it can be regarded as eradicated now, and it will not harm people in the future.

Because he changed the dressing every day, coupled with his excellent physique, and the nourishment of the soup, the injury was basically no problem after seven days.

It's just that you can't do big moves, and the other things are basically fine.

So Chu Yue said goodbye when Steward He came over that day.

"Are you leaving?" Steward He was taken aback. He didn't expect Chu Yue to leave.

Chu Yue took it for granted: "I just heard the people in the mansion say that the general's injury has recovered. Basically, there is no serious problem. I will naturally leave."

Yao Pozi Chanjuan and others were there, and they couldn't help looking at Steward He.

Steward He asked, "You live in the general's mansion, so unhappy?"

"It's not unhappy. In fact, Sister Yao Auntie Chanjuan takes care of me, but I don't plan to stay in the General's Mansion." Chu Yue shook his head.

"What place do you regard as the General's Mansion? Are you going to enter or leave as long as you want?" Aunt Miao brought people in and hummed while watching Chu Yue.

Chu Yue saw that the main character was coming, but didn't expect it to be such a brainless woman, is there such a stupid woman given by the emperor?

She glanced at Aunt Miao, but she was impatient to serve her, pursed her lips, blessed her, and said: "This noble man, this is what I told the housekeeper when I first entered the mansion, General Killing the white tiger that has caused misfortune, I just came in and tried my best. I don't receive any money. Isn't it because the General Mansion still forces people to be unwilling?"

"Even if you force you, what about you?" Aunt Miao snorted coldly, and said to her.

Chu Yue had a stubborn look, and she was tossed by Chan Juan when she was about to say something.

Mrs. Yao stood up and smiled and said peacefully: "Aunt Miao is admiring you. Seeing that you are doing well in the house and want to keep you, don't you hurry up and thank Aunt Miao. This is a rare and good job. Outsiders think I can't even think about it."

"Auntie Yao, I didn't want to stay longer." Chu Yue pursed her lips: "I can teach you the skill of stewing soup. You can stew it for the general in the future."

"Where can we cook your taste?" Yao Pozi said quickly.

To say that she has a good impression of Chu Yue, there is a reason for this, because this girl is sincerely thinking about the generals, not hiding herself at all.

When the soup is stewed, I will tell them in detail, saying that she will be out of the house in the future, and they will do the same.

So that it was only seven or eight days, no one in the kitchen was malicious to her, even if there were some whispers in private, but on the whole, it was considered passable, and she would not be embarrassed.

But I don't know what's going on. Chu Yue taught and demonstrated by hand, but the soup she stewed was different from the soup they stewed.

Obviously there is no hiding, but I don't know if something is wrong.

And this was the reason why Aunt Miao heard that she was leaving, and immediately brought people over in a hurry.

"I will teach you three more days. If I really can't learn it, then I'll leave." Chu Yue said with a determined look.

Just as Aunt Miao was about to say something, the woman next to her spoke and said, "Three days will be three days. You can teach the cooking ladies well."

With that, she signaled Aunt Miao to go back first.

Aunt Miao returned to the yard, and then said: "What's the matter? It's just a civic girl, why would she dare not make it?"

"Auntie, you heard what the old slave said. The old slave thinks that we can recruit this civilian girl. Soon, the one from the capital will come over. Auntie must make preparations early. This soup, the general I like it very much," said the woman.

The emperor rewarded two beauties to the general. He stayed in the mansion for half a month. When the general came here again, he brought only one.

The general's mansion that stayed in the capital, but he couldn't stand it anymore, but he was thinking of coming over this while, and it was a matter of time.

"But I don't think she wants to stay at all." Aunt Miao said.

She also wants a solid pet, but it is difficult for the general to have something to like. He likes to go to the barracks. Sometimes he stays for ten and a half months. Now it is rare to like soup, she naturally wants to stay Chu Yue.

"What is the general's mansion? When she goes out, she can only find a countryman to marry." The woman turned her eyes and said.

"What do you mean?" Aunt Miao was taken aback, looking at her.

"The unfilial son of the old slave is eighteen this year and he has not married yet. I don't know if the aunt is willing to tell her to the son of the old slave. In this way, she will be her aunt in the future." The woman laughed.

"This is not bad." Aunt Miao's eyes lit up and she agreed without hesitation.

"The old slave is worried that she is unwilling." The woman said with a smile.

"Not happy?" Aunt Miao snorted and looked at her mother-in-law and said, "Can you have no way?"

The woman smiled and said gratefully: "The old slave would like to thank her aunt for her perfection."

Is there any way for a woman to change from being unwilling to marrying to having to marry?

This evening, Chu Yue was called out by another maid. Chu Yue didn't know anyone, but she sneered in her heart. Playing with her this kind of abuse?

If she stayed down with a good voice, everything would be easy to say, and it would be okay to help her get the favor of the general.

But I want to play this kind of yin.

Okay, she wants to see who has played whom!

Chu Yue asked: "Why did Aunt Miao call me so late?"

"Aunt Miao calls you to follow along and asks so much why." said the maid.

Chu Yue didn't say anything, and then came over. When I came to the gate of a courtyard, the maid said: "You go in, my aunt is waiting for you inside."

"Why would Aunt Miao come to wait for me in a place like this?" Chu Yue hesitated, then looked at the maid and said.

At this moment, a man ran out of the corner and grabbed Chu Yue at once. Chu Yue was shocked, but the man covered his mouth.

"Shanzi, I can bring you people, you have to treat your daughter-in-law well." The maid laughed, and then she didn't look back in the desperate eyes of Chu Yue.

"Little lady, don't be afraid. I want to marry you. You followed me. I will take care of you and eat and drink." The wretched man said, and then dragged her into the broken yard.

Chu Yue sneered inwardly, first pressed his elbow on his chest, gave him a painful cry, then turned around immediately, flew under the skirt and swept towards him .

"Ouch!" Shuanzi cried out painfully.

"I didn't mean it, I didn't mean it, don't catch me, don't catch me." Chu Yue is soft and weak like a white rabbit, then wiped his tears and ran outside.

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