"You still dare to run, get me back!" Chuanzi eased for a while, and immediately yelled to catch up.

Chu Yue saw him chasing behind, and was even more frightened, tears streaming down his face, while staggering and fleeing.

The original intention of Chu Yue was to stir up this matter so that it could be brought to the front of the general, but I don't know if this person called Chuan is too unlucky.

In the dead of the night, Chu Yue ran into the backyard and saw a tall and stalwart man on the roof of the backyard. He was watching the moon.

Although Chu Yue had never seen the rumored General Murong, she was sure almost instantly that this man was the general.

Otherwise, who would dare to watch the moon on the roof of the General Mansion in the middle of the night?

Chu Yue said that this is really God's help.

Pretending that she hadn't seen it, and then fell down with an ouch, she stumbled up immediately, and hid in the flowers in fear.

She just hid, Shuanzi came over.

"Jiang Yue, I know you are hiding here. You better come out. This is the General Mansion. Do you think you can escape from the palm of my hand?" Shuanzi was sure that she was hiding here, scanning around and sneer Said.

Although the voice was lowered, these words still clearly fell into the eaves and Murong Ju's ears.

Murong Ju's eyes narrowed.

"You come out, I will treat you well, with your status, can you marry someone better than me when you leave the General's Mansion?" Shuanzi said while looking for people: "If you marry me, in the future I must have a good life."

It would be boring to hide like this. When Chu Yue approached him but didn't find her at all, it would run out like a frightened bird.

Then he was caught by the embolism coming over there.

"I beg you, can you let me go, I'm not a business in the mansion, I only came in for the general, I am not a member of your mansion." Chu Yue said sadly.

"Hey, do you think I didn't know that you came in for the general, but if you are like you, the general will look at you?" Shuan grabbed her wrist and said mockingly.

"I know that the general despises me, and I have never thought about the general. I just went to the mansion to cook some soup for him, thinking about him well. He is the hero in my heart." Chu Yue Said with tears.

"Big hero? I'll show you tonight, who is the big hero." Shuanzi grinned.

"Why, why did you treat me this way? Aunt Miao took my soup and gave it to the general to drink. She said that she made it. I never had any complaints. I just want the general to recover sooner if I drink it, but I will leave the house today. Why did Aunt Miao ruin me like this? Did I provoke her like that?" Chu Yue cried and said, like a lamb that cannot resist being slaughtered, dragged by an embolus and will go into the rockery go with.

"Where is this ruining you? This is a reward for you." Shuanzi said with a triumphant smile when he was about to succeed.

Chu Yue didn't know where the courage came from. After pushing away the embolus forcefully, he pulled out the wooden hairpin on his head and was about to break himself.

A stone bounced out, directly flying the wooden hairpin in her hand.

Chu Yue was astonished, and then looked at Murongju, who turned over from under the eaves.

Shuanzi also saw Murongju, and his face turned pale. He was also clever, and immediately knelt down, swallowing his saliva, and said, "General, it's not what you think, it's...this **** she seduce Mine, yes, she was the one who seduced me, she asked me out in the middle of the night!"

"You...you..." Chu Yue had an expression of shame and grief, so angry that he couldn't speak.

"Do you still want to quibble? It was you who seduce me, you...ah!"


Without seeing how Murongju moved, Chuanzi was kicked into the sky, and after a scream, he slammed into the rockery and fainted directly.

"It's okay." Murong Ju looked at Chu Yue now.

"You... are you a general?" Chu Yue almost looked at him with the eyes of a salvation hero.

But Murong Ju narrowed his eyes for the first time and stared at her.

To be precise, it should be the corner of the forehead that was slightly lifted by the struggle.

Chu Yue seems to have just noticed what he was looking at, and with a touch of his forehead, his face turned pale, this time it was not a pretense!

Hastily turned around to cover up for himself.

"Who are you? What is the purpose of coming to my general mansion?" Murong Ju stared at her back.

"I...I'm a civic girl, don’t worry, General, I...I have no malice, I really have no malice." After putting on a mask, Chu Yue turned around and used a Zhang Ping looked at him with an innocent face, and said cautiously and full of worry.

It was unlucky. Although I wanted to dig a hole for Aunt Miao, I didn't want to hand over all my old friends!

As the so-called official protects each other, she doesn't know if this general and that stinky man know each other!

Even though she looked weak and harmless, Murong Ju didn't move at all, just glanced at her coldly.

With bright eyes and white teeth, just by looking at these eyes, you know that the owner's appearance is not bad.

How could such bright eyes grow on such an ordinary face?

Sure enough, disguise was used.

I don't know how many people have assassinated him over the years, and among them, there are countless ones who have changed their appearance. Moreover, this woman is not very clever in disguising her appearance, and she is a bit stupid, so she has revealed herself.

But what is the purpose of this woman?

Murongju can be sure that this woman does not know martial arts.

If it was to assassinate him, then why not a trace of martial arts.

If it's for other...

There were also other women dressed up specially to approach him.

Therefore, he had some doubts in his heart, not sure whether she was the ones who admired him or the enemy sent her.

Chu Yue looked like he was about to cry, feeling helpless, and said: "General, I...I'm really not a spy, don't...don't look at me like this, I...I'm afraid."

After saying this, a team heard the movement and patrolled over, and saw their general, Chu Yue, and the embolism in a coma. They were all taken aback.

"Go call Steward He." Murong Ju glanced at Chu Yue and waved his hand.

Soon, Steward He hurried over. It was so late, so naturally he was already asleep.

"Isn't this Chuanzi, this...what's going on?" Steward He came over, dumbfounded.

Murongju looked at Chu Yue.

Chu Yue gave him an aggrieved look, then lowered his head, tears falling drop by drop, falling to the ground. It was really hard to bear to see it.

Although Murong Ju was still skeptical, he also put away his cold expression.

Steward He glanced at Shuanzi, and quickly said: "Jiang Yue, don't cry, what is going on? The general is here, and he will definitely be the master for you."

------Off-topic ------

PS: Please book first, little angels, and there are monthly tickets. Every additional 200 monthly tickets will add one more. The upper limit is not capped. Even if you drop it, it will make me blast my liver~

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