The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1423: Soul Eater Potatoes Reward and More

   Gu Zheng's words kept getting lower and lower, but Situ Jingming, who was moved by Gu Zheng's confession, gradually sank under the pressure of Gu Zheng's technique.

  Actually, he really intends to come and sleep with a woman today.

   It's just that this Zhaochang is really different from others, and she is too relaxed here.

   And her slender jade hand can not only write Juanli's handwriting, but also can comfort his body and mind.

   was so comfortable that his body couldn't control himself, and he fell into a deep sleep, especially naturally.


   Situ Jingming's body limp again.

   Gu Zheng, who was standing behind him, walked out slowly from behind him, crossed a few slender fingers together, and creaked his bones.

   "Mother, my life is so good, I can go to sleep if I want to."

   After saying this, Gu Zheng tapped a few acupuncture points on both sides of the back of Situ Jingming's head, which added a guarantee for this deep sleep, and then opened the alternate time tonight.


   Gu Zheng opened his eyes again, and he took on the tall, handsome face, especially in line with the emperor's husk in the imagination of female frequency writers.

   With this effort, he first put Gu Zheng'er, who was already asleep, on the bed he was used to sleeping.

When Gu Zheng intends to undress and untie, let himself feel comfortable at any rate, and enjoy the comfortable posture of sitting cross-legged, barefoot and legs up, whoever thinks, can only stay at this time The father An outside the door leaned forward and spoke up outside the door.

   "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, the minion has something important to report."

   made Gu Zheng frowned when he heard the sound, walked to the small table next to the bed, lit a pot of incense placed on it, and then opened the door and walked out and asked, "What happened?"

When she passed by her own grand palace girl Caiyu who came over by her voice, she inadvertently exhorted: "Your little master just fell asleep, just wait outside if you have nothing to do." The other party was blocked. After breaking in, under the guidance of Mr. An, he made a big stride towards the outsiders of Cuizhuju.

   A dragon's blade waited outside. After a group of people carried Gu Zheng up, the public security officer briefly explained what had happened.

   This Situ Jing knew about the enclosure of the harem tomorrow morning, and now he doesn't want to see anyone embarrassed anymore. Naturally, Mr. An would not call the emperor out of the harem woman.

   At this time, the Ann Gong Guild appeared, inevitably because of the affairs of the previous dynasty.

According to a report from Shaoqing of Hongyou Temple, three days ago, the National Assembly of Ten Thousands of Peoples should be held every three years. The surrounding countries of the Great Wei State and even some countries far away from the Great Wei State will send envoys from various countries to gather in the capital of Wei State on this day. I met the monarch of Wei in the morning and gave my blessings to the great Wei.

  The closer it is to the celebration of the founding of the Great Wei Kingdom, the more complicated the personnel in this city are.

  Different customs and envoys of different countries have made the capital of the Great Wei state more prosperous, and at the same time it has spawned more criminal cases hidden in the dark.

   If it's just a little bit of trouble.

   But what if all this is done by members of the embassy who rely on state exchanges with confidence?

   Then these cases cannot be simply defined as simple cases. Even the government of Kyoto Prefecture has no right to try them.

   At the end, this matter will still come to your Majesty.

  Because this time, the case has risen to the level of homicide, and the person who killed was the entourage of the Xiyue country's mission, and the person who was killed was a small running hall in a medium-sized restaurant in the capital.

   The identity of the murderer and the slain, which is more serious, can naturally be seen by a discerning person.

However, in the Xiyue Kingdom’s embassy, ​​clamoring that it was not careful, that the other party was running more horizontally than him, the very powerful group of relatives and friends behind the deceased... , The relationship was gradually cleared.

   First of all, this xiaopaotang is a middle-level service staff trained in the restaurant industry under the now-famous Rongfa Trading Group.

   This employee was uniformly trained and assigned to work in this restaurant by the skill training school affiliated to Rongfa Trading Group.

  He is a direct line of the Rongfa training system.

   After the incident, the true owner of Rongfa Trading received the news that the undertaking yamen must handle the case according to law and punish them in accordance with the law. The murderer must not be taken lightly.

   Then who is the owner of Rongfa Trading?

He was the second son of Master Wen, the confidant of Wang Gongzi, who was known as the first gifted man of the Wei Kingdom, the unsuccessful wife of Jin Buhuan, the richest man of the Wei Kingdom, and the younger brother Xiaoyao Wang of the Emperor. The object of longing is the woman who is bound to win the martial arts demon leader today.

   Yes, this person is a woman named Bu Yaolian.

   It was this female general who was supposed to deal with the incident together with the Xie Dali Temple of Hongsheng Temple, and it was stabbed into the hands of his temporary emperor.

   Gu Zheng, who had had the opportunity to exchange fifteen times this evening, had to rush to the Hall of Supreme Harmony where he handles government affairs.

   Looking at the countdown in the sea of ​​divine knowledge, Gu Zheng expelled a gloomy breath from his chest. There were only two hours. This matter must be resolved quickly.

'Da da da……'

   As Gu Zheng went down, more and more attendants followed.

   After Mr. An raised the curtain on the side porch of the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the emperor, who was dressed in black casual clothes with only a black and green robe, stepped onto the seat he used to sit on.

   In the study room at the back of the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the ministers related to the case, the related envoy of Xiyue State, and the agent of Rongfa Business, the group bowed down in the singing of An Gonggong.

   I don't know if it is their illusion, or the night air is relatively depressing.

   They always felt that the emperor sitting on the top seemed to be a different person.

   has become more vigorous, more powerful, more prestigious, and seems to be more difficult to fool.

And the emperor who was temporarily pulled out of the harem must be very unhappy, otherwise, why is the emperor who has always been known for his good temper and forbearance, and why he has been in the hall for such a long time? , Let a gang of people wait and kneel down first?

   There was only a rustling sound of scrolling through the files above their heads.

   In the empty hall, there was no sound, and their hearts sank for a moment.

   After some of the officials shivered involuntarily, the person on the high seat slowly said the first sentence of his arrival.

   "In this case, the evidence is conclusive and the content of the case is simple and straightforward. What is the need to hand it over to my desk? Hand it back to the Hongyu Temple and Dali Temple for a collaborative trial. Whatever is to be done."

   "Could it be that I seem to be idle during the day?"

   "The talents of this big Wei country are so scarce that such a small case should be handed over to me to deal with it?"

   "Is the official salary spent by my household department all in vain?"


   The sound of a file slapped on the table caused most of the officials below to shake.

   As the criminal case took over, the Ministry of Justice and the chief official of Dali Temple were silent at this time, but they all turned their heads to the direction of the Hongyu Temple Qing, trying to kill the person who caused them with angry eyes.

   Amidst the glare of her colleagues, Honghesiqing had to speak tremblingly.

   "Your Majesty, your ministers have special sentiments that require your majesty to make a decision."

   "Oh? Lu Fuqing, let's talk about it."

   "Yes, your majesty Rongzhen, behind the minister is the delegation of Xi Yueguo who visited the mission this time."

   "And behind him are the students from Xiyue State who will stay in Wei State in the Lu Hong Pavilion of the Great Wei State after the end of this time."

"According to past practice, they will leave this group of young students from Xiyue Kingdom to live in our great Wei country after the visit, because they admire the culture, technology, and customs of my celestial dynasty. Many countries have Such a study abroad group has been sent."

   "In their respective countries, they are all rich families or very high-ranking nobles."

   "It is precisely because of the precious status that the minister asked the personnel handling this case to handle it with caution."

   "After all, the person who caused the death this time was the son of the leader of the Gancha tribe of Xiyue State. A series of misunderstandings caused by language barriers caused such serious consequences."

"After the incident, the envoy of the Xiyue country's envoy and two deputy envoys took the people to the station of the Hongyu Temple envoy, and sent a large guard who was on the road during the visit to the east. Some Xiyue State guards guarded him."

   "Your Majesty, logically speaking, in the responsibility of the minister, the Hongfu Temple has its own responsibility to regulate and punish the missions of various countries and foreign travelers in the territory of the Great Wei State."

   "Now that they both the Kyoto Government Office and Dali Temple want to intervene in this case, it would be too difficult for them to put the minister, the Hongyou Temple, in their eyes."

Hearing Hongyousiqing’s self-discrimination, Shaoqing of Dali Temple, who was kneeling on one side, gave a cold snort. The figure of Si Zheng was let out, and he even explained to the emperor the reason why they had to hold on to the Dali Temple.

   "Your What Hongyu Temple Qing said is true, but Lu Fuqing only said one, not two."

   "He wanted to resolve this case in his Hongfu Temple, but if this is the case, in the end, he is afraid that the so-called diplomatic rhetoric will make the major issues smaller and the minor issues eliminated."

“Because of the minister’s subordinates, the Dali Temple Zheng Xu Benzhao who took over the case obtained the definitive news through various inquiries. The Xiyue country’s mission submitted to Lu Fuqing an official notice that non-Wei nationals cannot be sanctioned by Wei’s laws. Attempt to repatriate the perpetrator of this case, the son of the murdered leader, back to Xiyue Country."

"They did not agree to draw their swords and kill people in the Great Wei Kingdom. This is the first crime. It is the time when the Ten Thousand National Congress is approaching, causing great panic for the people of the capital and all parties. This is the second crime. After that, he didn’t surrender, did not surrender, and attempted to use his privileges to offend himself with the intention of running away. This is the third crime, contempt for the laws of the Great Wei State, arguing with cunning words, and no fear of the emperor. This is the fourth crime."

   "Like this posture of contempt for my Great Wei Kingdom, ignoring the contempt of my Great Wei Kingdom law, unscrupulous and extremely arrogant."

   "Your Majesty, if this person has caused such a bad influence, if he is not punished severely, what is the majesty of our great Wei state and what is the prestige of your majesty?!"

   "I implore your majesty to issue an decree and transfer this case to my Dali Temple. It will surely give your majesty a satisfactory explanation."...


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