The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1424: I never know how to fight in the palace (6)

Hearing this, Hongshe Siqing was really anxious, but before he straightened up to speak back, a person who was kneeling behind him who was dressed differently from the Great Wei State suddenly rushed to Dali. Next to Si Shaoqing, a pair of big hands with black hair... one of them grabbed the neck of Dali Temple Shaoqing, lifted it up, and shook violently like a giant doll.

   "What are you talking about? You old bastard!"

   Dali Shaoqing, who swayed for some years, swayed back and forth like a lotus in the rain, looking very pitiful.

Gu Zheng, who was sitting on the high seat, had one eye. When he was about to wave his hand for the guards on both sides of the hall to stop him, who wanted to lie down behind Shaoqing of Dali Temple, Zheng Xu Benzhao of Dali Temple raised it with one foot. The kneeling posture is a one-legged standing posture, grabbing the wrist of the envoy of Xiyue Kingdom’s envoy in one hand, shifting the strength inward, and pulling the other side to grab the hand of his Shangguan desperately. The son was separated.

Then "Kaka..." Xu Benzhao's left hand twisted and twisted his opponent's shoulder, grabbing his wrist and pressing his shoulder with one hand, and he was eight feet tall. Kong Wu was forcefully pressing it against him. To the ground.

   After struggling for a long time to no avail, he shouted towards the seat of the hall: "Your Majesty of the Great Wei State, is this the way the Great Wei State treats guests?"

   "How can you tolerate the rudeness of a lowly courtier to a country's envoy?"

At this time, Gu Zheng, who was sitting on the throne, leaned out towards His Royal Highness. He stretched out **** and shook the soldiers of His Royal Highness, and signaled them to retreat to their original posts. A finger pointed at Zhengshi and Xu Benzhao's place and tapped twice, then smiled.

   "Xiyue Country, the land bordering the northwestern border of the Great Wei Kingdom."

   "The area of ​​the country is less than half the size of the Great Wei State, and the number of people is no more than the size of my Great Wei State. Who gave you such courage to dare to speak out in the Supreme Harmony Hall of my Great Wei State?"

Having said this, Gu Zheng stood up from the dragon chair, and looked down at the majesty who was glaring at Gu Zheng's contempt with his eyelids down. He raised a three-point volume and said something that made the other party horrified: " Is it because your Xiyue country is hoarding cavalry and 50,000 infantry with the power of the whole country, and you are heading towards Weiyuan City, the garrison town of our Great Wei State?"

   "Or, what about your Xiyue country's fear of being suddenly enveloped by yellow sand in the summer when the water and grass are beautiful?"

   "Or, you just took this opportunity to see behind me, where is the vast territory and beautiful country?"

   "Xiyue country envoy, Borzigi, what is the purpose of your mission this time?"

   Gu Zheng only slightly sneered when he said here, but Borziji, who was still struggling, was scared out of cold sweat by Gu Zheng's words.

   "No! Your Majesty the Emperor Wei, the ministers were wronged, the ministers never..."

"No! You are not wronged!" When the other party tried to argue, Gu Zheng strongly interrupted Borziji's explanation, retracted the finger that pierced the other side's careful thought, and clicked twice on the case before him. The other party continued: "You are testing."

   "You just want to use some small means to create some small troubles before our Ten Thousand Congresses."

   "Through these little troubles to get more information in Kyoto."

   "Although you came here as the messenger of the mission, this is just your appearance."

   "And the identity you want to conceal has another aspect, that is, the most useful military division next to the tribal leader of the West Army of the Xiyue State, and also the first spy unit of the Xiyue State invaded this time."

   "Using the convenience of the Ten Thousand Congresses, connect more princes on the West Road, so that they can provide more convenience in the process of your Xiyue State march."

   "If necessary, it is better to draw in a few alliances for your country to fight the autumn wind together."

   "At the same time, through the National Assembly, we can go deep into the capital and even the imperial palace. From the side, we can understand the defensive strength and the quality of the soldiers in the capital of the Great Wei Kingdom."

"At the end of the day, if we can gather together the Xiyue people who were actually spying on intelligence in the name of studying and investigating in our great Wei state, then at the critical moment, it will play an unexpected role. ."

   "Borzigi, are you right?"

   Every time this Gu Zheng uttered one, the Bolziji who was pressed on the ground was weakened, and Hongxu Siqing, who was kneeling beside him, was shocked a hundredfold.

In the midst of these various forms of sentient beings, Gu Zheng sat back again, downplaying what seemed to be a farce, but it was actually a very serious situation, and made a temporary conclusion: "We are now above the hall. This is not the discussion."

   "The person who kneels under your Highness wants my execution of the murderer."

   "This matter, I think it should be the sole responsibility of Hongfu Temple, and my second responsibility."

   "Because of the prestige and strength of the Great Wei State in the past, those of the vassal kingdom who often live in our country, even if they commit crimes, they are nothing more than petty troubles."

   "But this time, it's different."

   "Because of certain things, because of certain characters, after all, the case was brought to the point where it was in front of me."

   "I still want to thank that young talent from Xiyue Country. No, how can you call him a prodigal?"

   "For a talented man like this, I think I must at least give me a dozen to the Great Wei Kingdom!"

   "Where there is or lack, where there are loopholes, this group of people who are often fooled and overwhelmed can find an opportunity to carry out their ridiculous activities."

   "This is great! I am very pleased!"

   "Because that talent reminded me of my omissions on the issue of Fanbang."

   "Come here, decree."

   "Xie Ci assisted Wen Ming, and Hong Tong Temple Shaoqing Wei Bendao jointly formulated the decree. From now on, our great Wei State will lift all privileges for personnel in Wei Fanbang."

   "All foreigners within the territory of the Great Wei Kingdom, regardless of whether they are young or old, no matter how high or low, must act in accordance with the laws of the Great Wei Dynasty."

   "If someone violates the criminal law, all local government offices have the right to deal with things in accordance with the law."

   "From now on, I will abide by my laws when I enter the Great Wei Dynasty."

   "Eating Dawei's rice and drinking Dawei's water, still want to enjoy the privileges of the outer domain?"


   Gu Zheng sneered twice again when he said this, looked into the void, and made a temporary conclusion of the case for tonight's affairs.

   "What are you waiting for, Hongyou Temple Qing didn't hear my will, so I can't go on, so I can quickly implement this matter?"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

After the trembling of the Hongfu Temple Qing bowed his thanks, he didn't even dare to straighten his spine. He kept squatting and withdrew from the hall of Supreme Harmony Hall. Only a few people involved in the case were still lying on the ground. personnel.

   Gu Zheng sighed lightly, and said to Xu Benzhao: "Xu Benzhao, let Borjiji go first."

   "Tomorrow morning, I will allow you to listen, and I need you to take care of the follow-up."

   "As for the person involved in the case of Xiyueguo, they will be handed over to your Dali Temple Yilv detained first. We will discuss the follow-up matters."

   "Get out!"


When answering this sentence, Xu Benzhao, who was still under-age, was already full of stars. For the first time, he felt the style of an emperor at close range. He was also an emperor with raleigh and majestic demeanor. This is simply Great happiness.

  At this moment, Xu Benzhao felt that what he wanted to do for the court and for this country, and those wishes after death, would inevitably be realized in this Mingjun.

He left with excitement, and took away the people who were still full of dignity, but there was only one lonely one left, that is, the agent of Rongfa Trading, who was not mentioned by His Majesty the emperor, the small white face. , Step by step tripod.

   In this hall, there is only one thin figure crawling on the ground, not seeing the person's trembling, but adding a little bit of pity.

Seeing such a figure, Gu Zheng had a headache and pressed his temples. After sighing, he stepped off the high seat step by step, and when he reached the side of the Rongfa agent, he walked his feet. The dragon boots kicked the scribe's crown on the other side's head, and the black hair of the thin and weak person was scattered from the crown.

   "Hehe, what a good show."

   "I will appear after you sing."

   "On top of my temple, there is still a woman who can set foot on it!"

   "Have you guards' minds been eaten by wild dogs on the side of the road?"

   "I spend hundreds of thousands of taels of silver every year to raise your trash, what is it for?"

   "Go! Give me all the guards commanding Zheng Qifeng and the guards of the five gates of the palace!"

   "I want to ask, what do they want to do!!"

Standing in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, Gu Zheng was very agitated. The guards standing on both sides of the main hall felt that they were deterred by the oppressive feeling on Gu Zheng at this time. They actually felt like bowing their heads and bowing their heads. Their legs were stiff. To the point where no one can take a step forward.

   Seeing this scene, Gu Zheng was even more furious: "Counsel! Softcore!"

   "Such a guard, who is protecting whom?!"

   At this time, An Gong Gong's bravery was once again reflected.

In order to conceal the weakness of his legs, he bravely rolled down from the high hall and yelled at the group of guards who were unable to pull their legs: "Why are you still stunned! Go and declare." !"

  Because of the huge and uncontrollable movements, the nasal cavity was repeatedly hit by the column during the rolling process. When he said this, he also hung two ridiculous blood bars.

It was this image that completely awakened the group of guards who were about to follow their Shangguan in a disaster. The guard with the highest rank among them finally woke up and went outside the temple at the fastest speed. Ran in the direction of

   Things are about to have an understanding.

   Regardless of how this counterfeit Rongfa trader entered the Hall of Supreme Harmony, Mr. An knew that those who were named by the emperor tonight, I am afraid that no one will have a good end.

   "Da Da Da Da"

The footsteps of    leaving are so obvious in this hall on this night, the voice spreads farther and farther, but the atmosphere becomes more depressing.

   In this empty hall, Gu Zheng looked at the guards who were going away, but behind him there was a crying, delicate and deceiving female voice.

   "Your Majesty, Minnv knows it was wrong."

   "But Minnv has never committed any crime of deceiving the emperor, because the director of Rongfa Business is Minnv herself."

   "Buyao Ding is the pseudonym of Minnv, Minnv is the real owner of Rongfa Firm, Bu Yaolian."

Hearing this voice, Gu Zheng laughed. He slowly turned around and looked at the guy who was already very bold at this moment and straightened up. Although he was kneeling on the ground, he had already raised his face completely and was very bold. Looking directly at him, the emperor's woman, she said word by word: "So? Or is it mine?"

This playful woman with black hair hanging down her shoulders, big eyes, and pink cheeks turned her head to ponder very seriously, and nodded very firmly: "Yes, your majesty, the interrogator. It is your majesty’s subordinate official, and the person who delivers the decree is your majesty’s servant."

   "The girl was just taken to this hall in a daze, so what's wrong?"

   After saying this, the girl blinked at Gu Zheng playfully, her big wet eyes were full of innocence.

   Gu Zheng shrugged his shoulders and smiled.

   seduce, seduce naked.

   Gu Zheng didn't believe the information originally given by Xiao Wangshu.

   But after seeing this girl, Gu Zheng completely believed it.

   This woman named Bu Yaolian will definitely not be a lady born and raised in the Great Wei Kingdom. No, the word "girl" is still going to Gaoli.

   is the wild folk customs, and the frontier woman who doesn't restrain women much will not be as shameless as the woman in front of him now.

   This kind of pretending innocent eyes, Gu Zheng sees more in modern times.

   I think when he swept Sanlitun and stepped on Xueyuan Road, he saw a lot of such girls.

   What does this blinking eye mean?


  What to invite?


   One-night stand, Xiao Langjun, I fell in love with you.

   Subconsciously, Gu Zheng glanced at his own figure.

   A big man about eight meters tall, with a wide shoulders, a long waist, slender legs, six abdominal muscles, and half a catty under the crotch.

  Don't ask why TM is so stalwart, isn't it all written under the pen of those old ladies?

   Such a figure, coupled with the identity of this great Wei country that no one can get past, plus this royal high-definition dragon robe made by the power of a country.

   Niang, I ask, which foreign woman can bear it, and which woman who wears clothes for reality can bear it?

   As long as this supreme person is dealt with, all those little princes, martial arts people, and wealthy people in shopping malls can all be thrown aside.

   The emperor’s blood, white moonlight, is enough for a woman to show off to grandma's home.

   It is not difficult to see from the woman's behavior that she really has two brushes.

   Don't care about the purpose of the men surrounding her, but it can be surrounded by people, like a wolf seeing meat, that is the ability of this Bu Yaolian.

   It's a pity that the wild goose is pecked by the **** of his hometown all day long, and the man who Step Yaolian is trying to seduce is got a core at this time.

   Gu Zheng who thought of this place showed a just right smile, and his gaze revealed just the right interest.

  While Bu Yaolian stared directly at the emperor boldly, the emperor's footsteps finally turned to her because of his bold behavior.

   "So, what do you mean? Did I blame you?"

   "Or do you expect me to say that all the mistakes are my fault?"

   While saying this, Gu Zheng slowly bends his waist and put a hand in front of Bu Yaolian. With a finger hook, he picked up the opponent's chin.

   Under the bright candlelight of the main hall, the face of that unpopular country and the city, it can only be said that the smart lady's face is reflected in front of each other.

   "No, what abacus you are doing, I know it in my heart."

   "I also understand how much energy is behind you, but I want to warn you that some people are not something you should think about, because even if you think about it a thousand times, you can't afford it."

   After speaking, Gu Zheng shook his big robe, and threw the beautiful lady's cheek aside.

He gave a wink at the Minister An who was still crawling on the ground. After the other party handed out a white silk handkerchief to Gu Zheng, he slowly used the silk handkerchief to touch the one that had touched Bu Yaolian. The fingers of his face were wiped up and down, and as soon as he let go, he threw the untainted veil on the ground.

   "Gong Gong!"

Gu Zheng, who stepped onto the dragon chair again, looked at His Royal Highness who had been stunned by the woman because of his actions, and urged: "When has the efficiency of the Imperial Guard of the Great Wei State become so inferior!! "

   "I have given orders for more than half an hour. Who do I want to meet?"

   Just when Gu Zheng raised the warm teacup on the side of his hand and planned to smash it at the people of His Royal suddenly an anxious sound of blocking came from outside the hall.

   "Emperor brother Rongzi!"

   After this voice, a young man wearing a vermillion four-clawed dragon suit broke into the hall where the pressure had already bottomed out like a gust of wind.

   is Xiaoyao King, Situ Jingtai, the younger brother of Situ Jingming.

   At this time, where does the Xiaoyao King still look like a foolish man in the daytime? He looked at the emperor who was aloft, and the courage with the strongest bones made excuses for the sweetheart beside him.

   "Brother Emperor, the people you want to meet were intercepted by me on the way..."

   Gu Zheng didn't believe a word of this statement. Since the appearance of Situ Jingtai, Gu Zheng has understood what role his younger brother played in this incident.

   Under Gu Zhengruju's gaze, Situ Jingming's words of trying to defeat him could not continue.

   "No, the emperor brother, what, okay, I didn't cut off the people halfway, mine, I stayed with these people originally, okay."

   "I'm telling the truth, is this the head office?"

   "Brother emperor, things are like this. Girl Bu, this is the one next to this king."...


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