The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1425: I never know how to fight in the palace (7)

   Situ Watching Terrace here saw that his beloved girl was still lying on the ground, so he couldn't bear it, so he hurriedly helped it up without saying it, but gave it a circle of arms, and put it in his arms.

   He raised his eyes carefully and looked at the emperor's brother above, and found that the other party was only looking at him lightly, and he did not object to his behavior... Then he was bolder.

   So Situ Jingtai continued: "Brother Emperor, let's do this, you really can't rely on Girl Bu."

   "Look, the people of Xiyue Country will kill when they understand the killing, under the guise of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, they are doing privileges."

   "Just follow the girl Bu said, that diplomatic immunity, yes, it is the set of immunity."

   "But, our Great Wei State never stipulated this."

   "But that old boy, Na Hongshisiqing, isn't authentic. I just want to get around like that, don't take responsibility, and won't make things big."

   "He thought very well. He felt that a trotter was powerless and in vain."

   "But he doesn't know who owns this person."

   "This is the work of Rongfa Business. People also have family members and are backed by business companies."

   "The girl at this stage is kind and righteous. Since there is no one to support the people of the Great Wei State, then their trade company will support this young man."

   "No, this matter has only been found on the head of the king."

   "This palace guards and guards the three guards are also part of the king's responsibilities."

   "If the emperor sends a sentence, won't the people underneath follow it."

   "Brother Emperor, don't embarrass the girl."

   After speaking, Situ Jingtai, who was protecting the girl, looked towards Situ Jingming on the high platform.

   And when the two brothers looked at each other for a long time, when Xiaoyao King was stared at by Gu Zheng's sharp eyes and couldn't help lowering their heads, Gu Zheng on the dragon chair laughed.


   This is the sound from the chest, the laughter is full of incredible and unreasonable, so that there is only the laughter of the emperor in this hall.

And this kind of profound smile, when it spread to the outside of the temple, the guards who were still kneeling in the ears of the commander of the guards by the door of the hall, they were always beholding the posture of worshipping. The posture of kneeling down was a little lower.

  The power of the emperor, the thunderbolt, no need to scream, no anger.

   This laugh... the laughter is shocked.

   After Gu Zheng finished laughing happily, the Nine Dragons Opera Beads painted bowl teacup beside him was finally thrown under the hall with a lid and a base...

  ‘咣啷啷! ’


   was hitting the feet of Situ Viewing Platform, and the tea and broken porcelain pieces in it bloomed on the sapphire stone road in the hall.

   "Situ Jingtai, you really deserve to be my good brother!"

   "The Imperial Guard, is it your army?"

   "The three guards, tens of thousands of guards, are now all assigned to you?"

   "Then my dear brother, you come to tell me who these Janissaries were handed over to you, and who entrusted you with such an important task out of the new responsibilities between the brothers."

   "I have given you all my trust, King Xiaoyao."

   "But what about you? You use this attitude to repay my trust in you?"

   "My dear brother, today, for a woman, you can vain the heavy responsibility, vain the trust of your brothers and emperors, vain the laws of the court, vain the family rules of your ancestors, and do such ridiculous things."

"Then tomorrow, because of the people and things next to you, will you be on top of this hall? Your emperor brother, who has no weight in your heart, will give you a job. Is it clean?"

   "No, Brother Huang, I..." Hearing Gu Zheng's questioning like this, Situ Jingtai really panicked.

On weekdays, his elder brother, who is eight years older than him, loves him very much. As long as he acts like a spoiled child, how big things are for the brothers of the first-military compatriots, his emperor and eldest brother can make things happen The child just passed.

   But now, Situ Jingtai feels that the man sitting on the stage now might not just let him go.

   just let a woman into the Hall of Supreme Harmony, or there is a reason to say can be considered a trivial matter, his changed normal emperor brother, unexpectedly angered with thunder.

   This, the changes before and after are too great, what happened?

Just when Situ Jingtai was messed up by Gu Zheng's attitude, and he didn't know how to deal with it in a mess, Gu Zheng, who was sitting on the dragon chair unaffected by it at all, continued to ask sternly: " Or, in fact, everything you someone instigated?"

   Gu Zheng, who was talking about this, leaned back, using an almost ethereal voice...bewildered: "After all, who made you do this?"

   "It's our empress dowager who can't be idle anymore and has an endless heart, or is the instigator of Zheng Fuliang, the chief assistant of the great Wei state who is about to become the emperor's in-laws."

   These words were so simply uttered by Gu Zheng, but the group of people kneeling outside the door completely crawled to the ground.

   This line of six people can be selected from such an important position in the Imperial Guard, and everyone has extraordinary skills.

   But just these two short sentences made this group of people tremble with fright, and they didn't dare to look directly at the sky.

   It can be seen that the weight of these words and the amount of information have exceeded the weight that people with their identities should hear in their ears.

   And this kind of weight is also not within the psychological tolerance of Situ Jingtai.

After hearing what Gu Zheng said, the only panic-stricken Xiaoyao King could not even take care of the **** the side. He moved two steps in the direction where Gu Zheng was in desperation. With an eager look, he intends to defend himself with a few words.

   "No, Brother Huang, no!!!"

   Gu Zheng at this time will never give His Highness Situ Viewing Platform any chance.

   In his opinion, this Situ Jingming has no idea how to be an emperor.

   Gu Zheng would never let this great opportunity right in front of him.

   The military power must not be dismissed, not to mention that what he wants to withdraw now is the military power of the Imperial Guard, which is related to his wealth and life.

   As for why the guards of the imperial palace are in the hands of Situ Jingtai, and how an emperor who can't believe in everything above him dared to give full trust to his younger brother, Gu Zheng was too lazy to explore.

   In this world where all seemingly unreasonable female channels, for an emperor, unreasonable dangers are everywhere.

   Therefore, before he is about to take over this body, he must eliminate all unreasonable existence for Situ Jingming.

   Today, he Gu Zheng has accepted the military power of the Imperial Guard.

   Thinking of Gu Zheng here, he picked up a new teacup that Mr. An had just offered for him, and together with the warm tea in it, he once again fell to the place where his Royal Highness Xiaoyao King was.

   Only this time, Gu Zheng didn't control the direction of the teacup. Instead, he took the whole cup of hot tea onto the head of Situ Viewing Platform.

  ‘Kang Dang! ’

   ‘Clang Cang Cang Cang’

   This cup of tea is not boiling hot, because the tea that enters the mouth of the emperor is absolutely not allowed to be hot.

However, that sturdy and exquisite teacup was literally buckled on the forehead of Situ Jingtai, and the teacup under his feet was broken together with this prince who was extremely high in the Great Wei Kingdom. Forehead.


   The pampered Situ Jingtai has never been treated like this.

   He immediately covered his forehead and squatted on the ground.

   A stream of bright red blood spread from the gap between his fingers, dripping drop by drop on the sapphire floor, like a blooming blood lotus.

   And at this time, Bu Yaolian didn't care about the fear in her heart. She rushed to the side of Situ Jingtai in two or three steps, and immediately hugged the other person in her arms.

Then she picked up the most beautiful posture imaginable after she came into this world, raised her angry and unyielding head high, widened her most beautiful eyes, and used a posture not to bow to power. ... Expressed her heartfelt protest to the emperor sitting high above the head.

   "Your Majesty, how can you do this, the viewing platform is your brother!"

   "Your behavior is wanton framing, and you don't respect human rights at all!!"

"Ha ha!"

   Gu Zheng smiled.

   He looked contemptuously at the awkward drama being performed in the audience, but he clearly gave the will of an emperor to the outside of the hall.

   "It was announced that Fu Chengming, the deputy commander of the Imperial Guard, had an audience. In addition, the captains of the remaining five teams who were also scheduled to patrol the palace today who had not made a mistake this time were called to me."

   "I think it's time for this imperial guard to be led by another person, and the rewards and punishments in this army are clear, and the order is forbidden. Let's officially start tonight."

   "As for the commander Zheng, who is kneeling outside the temple, he is still a distant relative of the empress dowager. I am not young. I understand the difficulty of the old minister. I will take this opportunity to disarm and return to the field and enjoy the good fortune."

   After speaking, Gu Zheng closed his eyes and shook his body slightly, intending to close his eyes and rest his mind.

Just as Bu Yaolian underneath was about to say something to Situ Jingtai, the Ancestor on the side understood His Majesty’s meaning in a timely manner. He waved at the few eunuchs of His Royal Highness and asked him to The apprentice covered Bu Yaolian's utterly vocal mouth tightly.

   "I know what your true intentions are for my brother to come forward."

   "I am too lazy to take care of your careful thoughts."

   "There is one sentence, I still want to advise Bu girl, that is..."

   Gu Zheng stood up straight up and leaned his hands on the dragon chair to shake hands. He showed his domineering all over, and with great power, he said the words that will never be remembered by Shao Lian.

   "In the Great Wei Kingdom, we are human rights. Wherever our territory expands in the future, we are the heaven!"

   "In front of me, there are no brothers, only friends or enemies!"

   "Today, if you didn't look at all of this as borrowing a little bit of your effect, just because you are now in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, it is enough to let your relatives of the three clans and all your relatives die."

   "So, girl Bu, even if you know that the result of speaking out righteously is a dead word, do you still have to speak for my brother?"


   The laugh was very soft.

   but Shao Lian gave in and gave a violent shiver.

Situ Jingtai, who had been smashed by this teacup, came to his senses, and then looked at the strange brother on the stage with very frightened eyes, lest this terrible devil would throw anything at hand casually. Come here, hurt Bu Yaolian who doesn't forget to protect yourself under such circumstances.

   Gu Zheng is called a... Ge Ying in this state.

If it hadn’t been for the deputy commander outside the hall and the other five captains to ask for insight, Gu Zheng might have put the three-pointed tungsten lamp candlestick on the case table... Threw it over.

   Now, it's important to get things done. These two people will have time to clean up in the future.

"come in."

   "Mao Shaoming, I remember that you were born in the 27th year of Wei Cheng, and now you are only going to be twenty-six years old."

   "At this age, he has achieved the deputy commander of the three guards. In this group of noble children's guards, you can still contend with my cousin who doesn't know how many miles away."

   "It's really a talent."

   "I know what you are doing so hard for. Today, I only ask you one sentence. From now on, you are about to take over the position of Chief Zheng, do you dare or dare not."

   "If you dare, can you protect me this imperial palace and the huge city of Kyoto?"

   "No more ridiculous things like today?"

   Gu Zheng asked very slowly, but the group of people standing under His Highness knelt down with Mao Shaoming's bow.

   The eyes of the young man kneeling under his Highness were full of firmness and loyalty to the joy of being valued by a king.

  He sincerely cast his five bodies on the ground, and with the most pious heart he expressed his promise to the supreme leader of the Great Wei Kingdom: "Chen, follow your Majesty to the death!"

   "From now on, only the holy decrees will be honored, and we will make our Great Wei Kingdom Kyoto the most reliable fortress!"

   "Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

   Hearing the joy of Gu Zhenglong with this, he patted the armrest, stood up, and gave Mao Shaoming his first order after taking office.

   "Leader Mao, escorted Xiaoyao King to his residence, and sent his confidante out of the palace."

   "The appointment of the five captains standing outside the main hall is to withdraw or stay, and I will leave it to you in accordance with the rules."

   "As for your former boss, you must know when you enter the hall. He has retired gloriously. I hope you can use the shortest time to adjust the remaining guards."

   "If there are any questions, I will discuss them in the hall until tomorrow morning."

   "Okay, I'm tired too, you wait for me to retreat."

   "Follow the purpose!"


   Mao Shaoming and his party, who got permission to get up, quit quickly.

   They surrounded Xiaoyao King and Bu Yaolian like a coercion, and left the hall silently.

   Gu Zheng, who was standing in front of the throne, looked at the countdown with less than half an hour left, and turned his head to the Ancestor on the side and said, "Go to Cuizhuju. What's going on tonight..."

  , who knew the meaning of the emperor in seconds, immediately lowered his head: "The slave must do his best to delay the time for the empress dowager to learn the news."

very good.


Two or three steps away from the Hall of Supreme Harmony, Gu Zheng, who had already prepared the dragon blade, nodded, and expressed his extreme satisfaction with the attitude of the great **** who is very familiar with Situ Jingming’s temperament towards the order he issued today. satisfy.

   This is a smart man.

   His Majesty the Emperor said what he said.

   Don't ask, don't want to, treat yourself as a tool, not a person with his own careful thinking.

   is the trick to live longer in this deep palace.

   Gu Zheng swayed back to his temporary residence, and when he ordered everyone in his dormitory to go down, he opened the curtain and carefully looked at the body that might be abandoned in a short time.

   What a pity.

   The way of heaven in this world is simply a god's hand, creating a pair of women for Gu Zheng. Women will scream crazy for it, if they are generated like this, they will die without regrets.

   It's a pity that the goods are wrong, but the soul in the middle is completely twisted.

Even a determined man like him has been admiring himself for so long. Anyone who has experienced all things like bathing, going to the toilet, coming to Kwaishui, embarrassment or not, will be affected by this one when he is observing in another position. The body inspired the man's physiological characteristics to the fascinating, and it was a boost to the sky.

   It's such a waste, it's a pity.

   But I’m not afraid. You have to eat one bite at a time, and you have to do things one by one. Once he takes the initiative, everything will be easier.


Feeling exhausted, Gu Zheng looked at the sky outside the window, and when he lifted the curtain on the side of the bed, he lay down on the side of Gu Zhenger, closed his eyes, and proceeded with the subsequent exchange work. .

   After completing the next seven exchanges, he temporarily stopped.

In order to prevent the awakened emperor from being suspicious of what happened last, with the help of this soul system and Laughing Forgetting Book, he left a section that belongs exclusively to this in Situ Jingming’s body. Fragments of memories of important events at night.

   When Situ Jingming woke up, he would only wonder how he became so iron-blooded because of his ghostly obsession, instead of putting his doubts on Gu Zheng'er, who Gu Zheng lived temporarily.

   As for why nothing happened tonight?

   This is simply God's help.

   Both the emperor and the concubine in the palace would only think that this hapless Zhaochang is really too lucky.

   The emperor who wakes up again will do the follow-up treatment, but when dealing with the poor and innocent Zhaochang, Situ Jingming is only left with guilt and a trace of intolerance.

   In the end, it was Gu Zheng himself who really benefited.

   Reward is not only about money, there may be unexpected gains.

   Gu Zheng who thought of this place slowly closed his eyes.

When he was awake in a daze by the movement of Situ Jingming getting up next to him, the emperor who had already cleaned up, looked at him lying on the bed aggrieved and aggrieved with an apologetic expression. Woman.



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