The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1432: I never know how to fight in the palace (14)

Until the grooming was over, Gu Zheng, who put on the decent court clothes, and after sitting on the dragon... When he was promoted to the first level, he was promoted from a talented person of the sixth rank to a noble person of the sixth rank. Those who followed the emperor realized that this little master was really concerned by the emperor's majesty.

   Look, Zheng Zhaoyi struggled to sleep with him, and called water two or three times a night. This level was like a **** who had eaten a weight, and he was calm at the bottom.

   But this honourable person, telling two stories casually, playing a small tune, can be promoted to the next level.

  Don't look at him, he is a sixth-grade nobleman.

   If it weren't for Sheng Chong, the average low-level concubines would die... they wouldn't be able to rise to a rank.

   While everyone assessed the degree of favor of the upstart and dignified, Gu Zheng also entered the court on time.

   The ministers of His Royal Highness Taihe still discussed the use of troops in the Xiyue Kingdom.

   But after the formulation of the general direction of Gu Zheng and the strong return of Wang Shoufu, the courts of the entire Great Wei State showed a good phenomenon of enthusiasm and work around the war.

   In today's North Korean meeting, Gu Zheng mainly listened to the progress of the work of various departments, and on this basis, he added some trivial incidents that have occurred in various places recently.

   I want to say that the time of this battle is really good, at least in the Great Wei Kingdom, there is a period of calm for the time being.

   Gu Zheng is very satisfied with this appearance.

   This made him less resistant when he needed to visit the back prison of Dali Temple in person because of the need to interrogate key criminals and retrieve files.

  Because Gu Zheng went to Dali Temple Prison in his personal service, his first reaction when he saw this place... was to allocate funds to rebuild the most important prison in the Great Wei State.

   What kind of condition is this?

   The open-air prison is narrow and aggrieved. Because of the personal hygiene of the prisoners, it also exudes bursts of weird smell. It is like the feeling of going to an extremely dilapidated zoo. It is really unspeakable.

   What's more, this is the ground prison with the best conditions. The prisoners are all criminals with shorter sentences and less serious offenses.

When Zheng Xu Benzhao of Dali Temple led Gu Zheng and his party around the ground prison group and opened the door of the lower imprisonment, even the prudent Gu Zheng subconsciously took the silk handkerchief from Father An and took his own She covered her nose and mouth temporarily.

   This is a dark, wet, bloody, rancid smell.

   Coupled with the faint candlelight and the painful groaning sound, it is almost possible to shoot an 18-line bad web drama.

   This kind of condition is worthy of the crime for the criminals, but it is also due to the group of guards stationed here and the officials of Dali Temple who need to try the prisoners from time to time.

Probably because he knew that the emperor who had been pampering him since childhood was afraid he could not stand such an environment, Dali Temple Zheng Xu Benzhao never led Gu Zheng to the depths of the imprisonment. On the contrary, after he was sent to prison, he printed it on his daily interrogation of prisoners. And a temporary office in the imprisonment for handling official documents.

   This is although the staff of Dali Temple used a cell in this prison to transform it.

   But after removing the external fences, replacing them with black lacquered wooden boards, and adding bookshelves and tables, let people go in and have a look. It looks a bit like.

Knowing that the monarch of the Great Wei Kingdom will condescend to come today, from early in the morning, the heads of the prison guarding the prisoners or the small officials responsible for handling the trivial affairs of the cell are to move the entire room up and down. The next cleaned up.

  I retired to the deepest part of the imprisonment only when I was sure that His Majesty the Emperor would not feel any discomfort.

   It's a joke, for a low-level staff like them, you may not be able to see the emperor once in your life.

   There is such an opportunity today, even people who should have been at home should find a reason to be on duty.

   If you can take a look and see what the most respected monarch in their hearts looks like, then this life will be worthwhile.

   So the clerks hiding in the dark spotted the emperor's ritual at the beginning of the black ceremonial battle, and the scarlet guards cleared the way.

   The emperor wearing a black court dress embroidered with gold and silver threads and five-claw golden dragons is still so obvious in such a mighty team.

   He disliked the taste a little bit, but he adapted quite quickly.

When he was surrendered by their immediate boss, Dali Temple Zheng, and sat down behind the brand-new red lacquer table, the handkerchief woven from the cold silk was very expensive. The emperor let it down from his nose and mouth.

   The skin was slightly pale, but his aura was amazing, and the appearance of the young emperor appeared in front of everyone.

   "What a handsome guy!"

   The little official lying on a corner murmured while holding on to the fence.

   He has seen quite a few people in his life, but this is the first time he has seen such a handsome person.

This little official who doesn't have much knowledge doesn't know that if an excellent skin is filled with an extraordinary soul, then with the addition of temperament and aura, this skin will exude double charm. .

   This kind of charm is different from ordinary people, plus the halo of an emperor, I am afraid that it is just a god.

   At this time, this emperor who can be worshipped as a **** by the people, he said to Xu Benzhao who was standing on the side: "Bring them up."

   After saying these words, he picked up the case confession that had been placed on his right hand, and scanned it at a glance.

When there was no damage to the surface, but after seeing Xu Benzhao, Xiyue Guozheng Boljiji, who started shaking like a sieve, Gu Zheng opened his mouth while flipping through the other party’s statement of closing the case. .

"Borziji, I didn't expect that your life experience is really complicated. You still have half of the blood of the Great Wei Kingdom. I think this is the reason why the emperor of your Xiyue Kingdom sent you to my Great Wei Kingdom. One of them."

   "Use the commonality between bloodlines to integrate into the life of the Great Wei State faster, complete the intelligence collection work faster, and make a contribution to your true motherland."

   "It's a pity that everything went smoothly, but it happened to be messed up by your arrogant and self-righteous son of Xiyue Kingdom."

   "Not only did your mission fail, but also a group of people inside and outside the mission accompanied him into our prison alone."

   "You must be extremely upset in your heart, before you have seen my imprisonment methods, are you still lucky, hoping you can survive this disaster?"

   "It's a pity, you overestimated the character and morals of the gilded dude who was with you who just wanted to come to the Great Wei Kingdom, and you underestimated the methods of our prisoners."

   "Look!" Gu Zheng threw the thick pile of confessions on the table, and then showed a sarcasm: "It only took a few days, and they finished all the explanations."

   Borziji, who took the initiative to kneel on the ground without being escorted in prison, had only a wry smile after hearing these words.

   He sighed lightly, and after looking up at the Xu Benzhao who was staring at him with a gloomy look, he couldn't help but wince, and then turned to Gu Zheng's eyes to bring a bit of survival.

   He asked for forgiveness in a hoarse voice: "Your Majesty the Great Emperor of the Wei Kingdom, Borzigi knows that he has committed an unforgivable sin."

   "But for the sake of Bolziji's mother who is also a citizen of the Great Wei State, this gives Caomin a chance to atone for his sins."

   "If your majesty can rescue Bolziji's relatives from Xiyue Country, Bolziji will not only know everything about this incident, but will also give his majesty an unexpected gift."


Gu Zheng raised his eyebrows and looked at Xu Benzhao who was aside. When the other party frowned and shook his head, he asked with interest, "What kind of gift? How can you still pay under the hands of Mr. Xu, whom I admire most? Hid a secret that only you know?"

   "It seems that I underestimated you from the beginning?"

   "Let's talk about it, what important news made you resist until I personally interrogated it before you say it."

   "What kind of news gave you the confidence to negotiate terms with me?"

   At this point, Gu Zheng also took the paperwork in his hand and patted Xu Benzhao's arm, and chuckled lightly: "When your Master Xu also missed his hand, you mistakenly used a jackal as a house dog."

   said Xu Benzhao hurriedly lowered his head, and the hands that were on the side of his legs were clenched into fists.

   Seeing the emperor above him so jokes, Borziji, kneeling down, knew that what he said had already convinced the young emperor.

Seeing this, Borziji hit the iron while it was hot, no longer pretending to be trembling, but increased the volume a little bit as if to answer the emperor’s question: “Because your Majesty is as precious as the sun in the sky, and as pure as the moon in the sky. , You don’t even know the life of the **** living on the border between Xiyue and Dawei."

   "Yes, bastard, just because of the blood of the two countries, it has become the ultimate original sin."

   "If you live in the Great Wei Kingdom, you will be lucky."

   "Because most of the people living in the Great Wei State are in the family of the two countries."

"They settled in the Great Wei State and they are a member of the Great Wei State. Although there are discrimination and exclusion, if they can be safe and low-key, only a few years or more than a decade, the people of the Great Wei State around them will accept it. ."

   "But in Xiyue."

   Borzigi chuckled slightly when he said this.

   "Because of its wildness and uncivilization, because of its nomadic and mobile nature, the people of the Great Wei Kingdom will never survive in that kind of country."

   "In that country, there is only one reason for the mixed blood of the two countries of Xiyue and Dawei."

   "That was born by a woman who had been abducted in the Great Wei Kingdom, and was regarded as a bloodline of shame by his own mother."

   "Just imagine, a child who doesn't matter to a father, but a child whose mother thinks it is a shame, will live in Xiyue Country."

   When Borzigi was saying this, the huge interrogation room was quiet without the slightest noise.

  Everyone was listening to Borzigi's statement quietly, and a mood called sorrow slowly filled this hall.

   "But I, Borzigi, is lucky, because I have a great mother who gave up hatred for her child and tried her best to protect me."

   "And at first, she was full of hatred for the men of that country, just like the hundreds of looted women of the Great Wei Kingdom."

   "But for me, she put aside her dignity, her pride, and the restraint of a daughter of a wealthy family in a great country in the celestial dynasty, so that my **** can live better in the country of Xiyue."

   "I should be fortunate that my mother is different from the beauty and gentleness of the women of Xiyue country, and I should also be fortunate that she has enough identity to be given to a man with a higher status first."

   "And I should be even more grateful that my father has a high enough position and power in Xiyue country, so that I can appear in front of your majesty as an envoy of the mission today."

   "This is my Borzigi. It shouldn't be said that Liu Sixiang paid more than others to get the position that is not easy."

   "The reason is that one day, I can take my mother upright and return to this land that makes her dream."

   "So your Majesty, Liu Sixiang, a native of Fanbang, when I saw the first side of his Majesty, it was confirmed that you are the only one who can help me."

   "And the second aspect of today made me confirm that everything I did for it was not in vain."

   "Your Majesty, please stand back and forth. If my mother can be rescued, the minister will make everything clear."

   This is a ruthless person.

   Just a few words, let Gu Zheng explain clearly the last question about this matter.

  The army of the Ming Dynasty Xiyue State was thinking of a sneak attack, so how could they start to stun the snake before the Ten Thousand Congresses?

   If you say that all this is Bolzigi's warning and effect, then all this is clearly stated.

   So at this time, it is necessary to do something about the screen back and forth.

   But this retreat is just to let the idlers in the prison wait to push to the outside, and the emperor's heirs and guards gathered together.

   It's just that the people who can really stay in this room have been compressed into the essence.

   As the presiding officer of Borziji, Xu Benzhao personally stood by the side of the shackled prisoner in order to prevent some **** violence from hurting the owner.

   And Gong Gong An is leading the guard who was promoted just now, standing next to Gu Zheng, guarding the safety of the emperor of this country.

   "It's alright." Seeing that the clearing was over, Gu Zheng spoke: "You can talk to me about the terms of your exchange."

   "If it is some insignificant information, it can't be exchanged for the life of an ordinary big Wei mother in the hinterland of Xiyue country."

   This should have been a cold word, but after hearing Gu Zheng say this, Borziji showed a relieved smile.

   A very prestigious emperor can think of where his mother is now, which shows that the other party has really considered the proposition of saving his mother.

   Then he doesn't need to hide it anymore.

   was originally dancing on the steel wire, and only for a stroke, Borzigi told the news that he could be used to save his life.

   "Weichen, no, when Caomin was envoy to Wei, the mission he received was real."

   "Because of the long distance, I don't pass news frequently with people on the border of Xiyue Country."

   "So, this is the first thing that Caomin can do for His Majesty, and that is, under certain circumstances, to pass on the false news that the Great Wei State needs Xiyue State to know."

"This is just the effort of the Caomin, who can't exchange his mother's life, but if the Caomin exchanges his mother's everything with the list of secret agents sent by Xiyue State to the border of Great Wei State in the past ten years and the list of nails who lived in Great Wei State as citizens of Great Wei State. Ankang, I wonder if your majesty can accept it?"

Hearing this news, neither Gu Zheng nor Xu Benzhao showed a surprised expression. But in any country where there is friction, such as the spies dictated by Borziji, the Great Wei Kingdom also has it in the other country. of.

   There are some businesses and horse teams, as well as double or even seven or eight identities.

   Those frontier generals and the secret agents who belong to the emperor are inextricably linked to him.

   A specific list with detailed content and clear goals is rare.

   However, this Xiyue country's envoy was an extremely smart person, because he provided this list, not only for the benefit of Wei Guo, but also for him to solve a huge problem for himself.

  Because of this, it can slow down the news of his treason to Xiyue. If you do something smarter, for example, if you find a man with a pot back, you might be able to retreat in Xiyue country.

   When he took out the list, he also saved himself.

   If only relying on this list, it is far from enough.

   So after Borzigi said these words, Gu Zheng was silent the whole time.

   He felt that since the person on the other side had struggled to walk in front of him, then he must have a second step.

   Yes, in Gu Zheng's silence, Bolziji did not stop his narration.

   It was only after a list of suggestions that he revealed the heavy news about this war.

   "Your Majesty, the minister knows the military supply route of the Third Route Army secretly dispatched by Xiyue Kingdom and the location of temporary storage."

   With just this sentence, Gu Zheng, who was sitting at the top, jumped his eyes, knowing that the highlight of the interrogation was finally here.

   For an ordinary emperor, it is more troublesome to confirm that this is enough to change the progress of the entire battle, and even the authenticity of the news about the survival of a country.

   Suspicious emperors often have great doubts about this kind of surrender.

   But confirming the authenticity of this matter is the easiest thing for Gu Zheng.

   In terms of map confirmation, Xiao Wang Shu does have its own uniqueness.

   Therefore, now Gu Zheng showed a good face for the first time.

   He looked at the Minister An on the side, and the other party dropped his hand, and retreated back to the group of waiters who were still on the ground waiting to serve the emperor.

   The emperor goes out of the palace, regardless of how close the Dali Temple is to the palace, once the application is applied, the emperor is always ready, it will never be indispensable.


  Ps: I recommend a book "Datang Salted Fish", a book about shredded perch. Those who like history can go and take a look...


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