The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1433: I never know how to fight in the palace (15)

  Because the waiters following the emperor are definitely not missing, and the things they bring out are also the most complete.

   So when An Gonggong trot all the way to bring the border military strategy map most commonly used by Gu Zheng, and put it on the desk flat.

   The clerk who accompanied him had already recorded the locations of several fortresses that stocked food and grass that Borzigi had just told.

   However, when the map was unfolded, the official of the Great Wei Kingdom who wrote the fastest found that the memory of the emperor he headed was even more terrifying than his pen.

   At this time, Gu Zheng, with a few seals on his hand as a banner, accurately marked out the positions mentioned by Borziji.

   The Laughing Forget Book in Gu Zheng’s sea of ​​consciousness quickly collected the data it had collected earlier.

   When the three-dimensional map was transferred to the border of Xiyue Country in the west of the border, it really confirmed the authenticity of Borziji's intelligence in some very hidden camouflage around it.

   This kid is a talent.

   A child who was discriminated against when he was a child, had a mother from the Great Wei Kingdom, even a noble child, she was also a maid without status or status.

   But being able to climb to such a position in the Bor family, which has more than 30 children alone, is really a remarkable figure.

   Just at this point of cruelty, at that bitter hatred, and the touch of warmth that can still be retained in the perverted country, Gu Zheng has already made a decision.

   When he withdrew from the sea of ​​his own consciousness, but after thinking for a moment, he gave an emperor's promise to the Borziji who was still kneeling down in the hall.

   "I think the information you gave is very sincere, and I am willing to rescue the family you value most from Xiyue Country for this bravery and friendship."

"I promise that if a war breaks out, I will do my best to protect your mother and bring it back to the Great Wei Kingdom. When the war is over, I will choose a beautiful place for you, so that your mother will live a happy life. Simple life."

   "What do you think of this deal?"

   After hearing Gu Zheng's solemn opening, Borzigi, who was kneeling down the hall, struggling to knock his forehead into the bluestone slab ground.

   "The Caomin thank you Majesty! The Caomin was originally for your Majesty to serve the dog and horse."

   "Oh by the way, your majesty, you can take advantage of the young people in the mission that came with us."

   "As far as the Caomin knows, two of the Three Route Army who attacked the Great Wei State this time were led by the elders of their family."

   "If these people are escorted to the frontier camp, when the time comes, it might be of great use."

   Gu Zheng was taken aback at first, and then he burst into laughter.

   Sinister enough, mean enough, if Gu Zheng guessed well, these people said that they could not give the Bolziji in front of him, also known as Liu Sixiang, a lot of bitterness when he was in Xiyue Country.

   Even if his current status has surpassed the group of dudes, in the eyes of the group of pedigree Xiyue country's children, Bolziji is still a low-level bug-like existence.

   Just imagine, how can such a person come along this way, how can he not annoy this not simple mission agent?

   Now that people are in the hands of the Great Wei State, how to deal with it is probably the Great Wei State's pot.

   For smart people who can make full use of all resources, Gu is very satisfied.

   He nodded towards Xu Benzhao and gave a rough indication of the follow-up development.

   "To make a beautiful closing statement, after promulgating my foreign laws and regulations, on the surface, the envoys of Xiyue State were temporarily placed under house arrest in Hongshe Temple."

   "The measures to prevent them from improper behavior in the Ten Thousand Congress will not be released until the end of the Ten Thousand Congress.”

   "As for the child of the nobleman who missed and murdered, he made the illusion that the Great Wei State was going to exchange benefits with Xiyue State, and suppressed the signs of continuous spying by various countries."

   "By the time the war on the border officially starts, the Ten Thousand Peoples Congress is over, and the envoys that are already marching to their respective countries will not be able to cause any more trouble to our Dawei."

Speaking of this, Gu Zheng smiled very sarcastically: "These small vampire-like countries will understand from this ten thousand Congress that the celestial state they have been pursuing incessantly will never give free help like two fools. ."

   "How about raising a dog and wagging its tail to please the owner and helping them? Will they turn around and beat their benefactor after making them stronger?"

   "Human nature is the most untestable."

   "Do you want our great Wei country to be in peace for a long time? Then you have to keep your potential enemies from becoming a threat forever."

   After saying this, Gu Zheng felt that today's arraignment could be successfully concluded.

  Because Xu Benzhao must be more proficient than his emperor in terms of fraud.

   Gu Zheng walked by Xu Benzhao and Borziji with a very good mood, and his outstretched palm directly missed Xu Benzhao and patted Liu Sixiang on the shoulder when he left.

   left a sentence that will make this survivor loyal and unforgettable forever.

   "Do it hard, I am waiting for your good news."

   Then the emperor left without any threats or suspicions.

   At the moment the emperor stepped out of this underground prison, a cathartic cry came out from this dark place where there was still hope.

   This is the gratitude of a scholar who has never been recognized by anyone.

   is another wonderful strategy for Gu Zheng.

Just when Gu Zheng got on the horse and was thinking about whether he wanted to stroll around the capital of the Great Wei Kingdom that he hadn't seen before, a group of hurriedly chasing the little yellow gate, they urged Gu Zheng to follow. His schedule was interrupted.

   For those who have already started driving, these little servants certainly dare not stop at will, but they can find their own family members who can pass on the news for them to complete the tasks they should complete at this time.

   Naturally, An Gonggong is their backbone, and the little servant who is responsible for reporting the letter also found this leader who has been following the carriage.

   After Mr. An listened to the news of the panicked little housekeeper, his powerful analysis ability also allowed him to make a judgment in an instant.

   He ran all the way to catch up with Gu Zheng's car, and beside the swaying curtain of the car, he told the news he had just learned.

   "Your Majesty, the Queen brought the young master of Cuizhuju to her Zhengyang Palace for questioning."

   Hearing this news, Gu Zheng, who was leaning in the carriage and intending to relax, opened the curtain suddenly.

   "Isn't it said that the low-level concubines are not qualified to greet the queen? Have I ever been lucky enough to be a distinguished person."

   "Why did the Queen recruit her?"

   The most terrifying thing is that this is bound to make the sleeping Sima Jingming wake up. After seeing the body being replaced, I don't know what kind of storm will be waiting for the harem.

   And just when Gu Zheng was puzzled, Mr. An repeated the description of the little servant.

   "Your Majesty, you have forgotten that on the fifteenth day of every month, the king and the queen have the right to call the concubines of the palaces to visit."

   "If those low-level concubines are named, they are also eligible to enter the Zhengyang Hall."

   "In addition to your rush to leave this morning, there has never been a woman in the Qianqing Palace."

   "Probably it was inconsistent with the rules, and the Queen specially summoned it to call the past admonishment."

   After speaking, Mr. An was very clever and closed his mouth.

  Because at this time the strategizing emperor showed an unspeakable expression.

   This expression is so evil but full of sympathy.

   It is very strange that this sympathy also contains gloating.

Although there was an inexplicable dark refreshing in Gu Zheng's heart at this time, when he thought that he still needed to return to that body for most of the remaining exchanges, in order to avoid suffering, he also needed to return to the palace. , To stop the next tricks the Queen will use.

   Therefore, Gu Zheng quickly made a decision.

   "Turn around and head straight to Zhengyang Palace."

   While trotting all the way, Mr. An, who received the order, confirmed that the weird expression he saw just now must be his illusion.

   Your Majesty really dotes on the honourable man in Cuizhuju.

   Seeing that all those who are worried have already used the speed of the rapid march.

   It's a pity, since Situ Jingming woke up from the sleep that Gu Zheng had constructed, he could no longer use the original trick to replace his body.

   This decent emperor, who was escorted to Zhengyang Palace by a few big-waisted maids by the Queen's side because of a loud noise, felt the horror of the women in his harem for the first time.

   "You let me go! Say! Who used the demon method to make me look like this?"

   "Queen? Queen! Let me go!!"

  ‘Puff! ’

   It's a pity that low-level Zhaogui is not qualified to stand in front of the king and queen.

   The main hall of Zhengyang Palace is full of high-ranking concubines. The concubines of the Mangong Palace are here today to witness the emperor’s new favorite. They are neat and tidy, and there is no one missing.

   They can only find another kind of satisfaction and balance for themselves in terms of identity and status by sitting tall and looking far away.

   Therefore, these rumors of Zhaogui were taken as a response to her dissatisfaction with the Queen’s request.

   And when two rugged court ladies pressed Situ Jingming, who had never bowed to anyone except the late father and empress dowager Zheng, to the ground, the other two told the king and the queen the rebellious words in their mouths.

This seemingly dignified but narrow-minded woman, she was furious, and simply and rudely ordered the female officer beside her to deal with this pitiful and helpless, tender and dignified person like a new lotus after the rain. penalty.

   "Bold and infamous people, disrespectful to the queen, and rants, even dare to use the honorific title of your majesty."

   "Act in wild waves, without shame!"

   "Come on, first palm your mouth for twenty, so as to impress you!"

Just when the female officer next to the Queen was about to pick up the ruler on one side and walk towards the Zhaogui outside the temple, the system of the favored concubine who had first received the instructions from the smile and forget the book was at this time. An unbelievable mission was sent to Zheng Zhaoyi.

  ’To stop the king and queen’s violence, task level (3) task reward, 300 points. ’

'Whether to accept? (whether)'

   The surprised Zheng Zhaoyi who was secretly happy with the tea behind was shivering, and almost spilled a cup of water on the hem of his skirt.

   This is the first time that the stingy concubine system has released a level three or higher mission. Her throat clearing medicine is all points collected from the level seven or eight missions.

   This high-level mission is different. It is 300 points all at once, which is enough for her to buy two products to transform herself.

   Such a generous return is enough to risk being condemned by the Queen and the Queen, to prevent the little nobleman outside the hall from disaster.

   Thinking of Zheng Zhaoyi here, he made a decisive decision, put the teacup in his hand on the table beside him, and yelled out.

   "Oh my god, is the empress going to torture publicly?"

   "The concubine's courage is too small, but she can't stand such a **** scene."

   "Twenty times, this charming little beauty, when the palm is over, I am afraid that it will be full of teeth?"

   "If that's not the case, Empress, how about you first finish the visit of our sisters, and then take care of this honourable person?"

   "Or, the empress empress seems to be punishing the nobles, but in fact she is showing the queen's majesty, so that our sisters should be obedient?"

   Speaking of Zheng Zhaoyi here, it was a purely authentic performance. She put her hands in and turned her head towards the Queen and Queen.

   "No matter what, Queen Mother, even the empress dowager knows that I, Zheng Tian'er, have not seen blood since childhood. If you startled me, please go to the empress dowager to explain."

   "Furthermore, don't you just watch your Majesty enter the harem for seven or eight nights in a row? You haven't entered the Zhengyang Palace for one night. Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

   "But if you really want to be favored? My cousin has been with me for most of these seven or eight days, why? What dissatisfaction does the queen have with her sister?"

   "Could it be said, who wants your Queen to approve if your Majesty wants to be trusted?"

"This is really fun. Everyone will send their green head sign to the Queen's hands in the future. Your Majesty, the emperor of the Great Wei Kingdom, wants to sleep with a sweet concubine, but the Queen's empress also needs to nod her head. ."

   Hearing that the queen was suffocated for a while, she slapped her palm on her armrest with a snap.

   "Bold! Didn't you hear the woman outside the temple, who kept calling herself crazy and crazy?"

   "With this title alone, this palace is enough to keep him from turning over for the rest of his life."

   "Why, Zheng Zhaoyi, are you planning to speak for her?"

   The condescending Queen and Queen couldn’t think of the reason why Zheng Zhaoyi would stand up and speak.

   Last night, this man of honor robbed Zheng Zhaoyi's chance to attend the bed.

   According to what she knows about this mindless woman, she should be happy to see her enemy punished.

   It's weird, it's so weird.

   Just when the queen was puzzled, the Situ Jingming who was pinned to the ground was moved by Zheng Zhaoyi's outspoken words.

   Now that he was pressed so by a few rough maids, the mind that had just woke up and was a little bewildered instantly came to his senses.

   And his so-called wife who is sitting on the throne of the queen in the temple is now using the rights he has given to him to beat his concubine, which is now his mouth.

   Even though they were far apart, Situ Jingming felt the malice in this.

   The trivial things he ignored because he didn't take it to heart, as a bystander, immediately became the top priority when he changed his angle and became the torturer.

   Situ Jingming, who has experienced the body of Zhaogui, is very clear about the consequences if the hard ruler is drawn to his mouth.

   Loose teeth, swollen cheeks, cracked corners of the mouth.

   With bad luck, his teeth were knocked out and his appearance was disfigured. In the end, he was ruthlessly abandoned by himself who paid great attention to the skin.

   shuddered when thinking of Situ Jingming here.

  At this moment, he also thought of a crucial question. He is now in Zhaogui's body, and the calm and waves in this harem are calm, then the question is, where is the emperor who made everything calm and calm.

   Has the soul of this emperor been replaced by the Zhaogui that he is most interested in? If so, what is Zhaogui doing with his body?

   The thought of Situ Jingming here is even more horrified.

  Look at this weather, this time, that is the time when the early dynasties should end.

no! He must see Zhaogui immediately, oh, that is himself.

   figure out what happened, and find a way to solve the problem.

   It's just that I can't do it recklessly now.

   Situ Jingming, who was pressed on the ground, forced himself to calm down and think about countermeasures.

   When he realized that he was a poor worm without resistance, suddenly, he saw a dark shadow slowly appearing in the flowers beside him.

   This is the little palace lady who always follows Zhaogui. When she was held by the people of the queen and queen, she took advantage of the chaos to escape from the master?

   Just when Situ Jingming glared at, he saw the little palace lady behind the flowers and gave him a gesture that he couldn't understand desperately.

What does    mean?

   I am not your little master, and I have no clue about the dumb riddles you typed.

   Caiyu, who squatted among the flowers, was also full of sympathy for the reaction of her young master.

   How clever the usual Zhaogui is, one look can understand her thoughts.

   Why don't you know how to delay for herself now, she has already found someone to notify your majesty, and when your majesty comes back, she will definitely be able to save the little master.

Caiyu, who was troubled by her master’s sudden stupidity, watched Zheng Zhaoyi’s proposal rudely rejected by the Queen. The female officer holding a long ruler is now approaching her beautiful and incomparable little master step by step. The master cannot save herself, and she can only sacrifice herself and protect her faithfully.

   "Menniang, please forgive me!!"

Just when Caiyu screamed out of the flowers and knelt in front of Zhaogui, trying to block the punishment of the other party, who would have thought that Zheng Zhaoyi, who had always seen her little master unpleasant, was carrying her skirt. Without an image, he stood in front of his little lord, and shouted at the approaching female officer with the attitude of a hen guarding her cubs: "Let me see who dares to move her!!"...


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