The country asked you to farm, you planted corn cannons

Chapter 10: Damn, does your family own a gold mine?

The bank manager in front of me was tall and thin, wearing a crisp suit and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses.

He looks like the kind of person that ordinary people think of as a successful person.

After saying the above words, the manager immediately gave instructions to the sister at the front desk:

"Put all these gold coins away, weigh them and keep them well."

"Apply a blank gold card for this person first, and the information will be sent to you later."

After giving all the instructions, he nodded to Li Yang very politely.

This guy is quite good at getting things done.

Li Yang raised his eyebrows but said nothing.

Follow the manager around the corner and arrive at the VIP exclusive hall.

The layout here is very luxurious, and it is specially used to serve some distinguished guests.

The manager took Li Yang to sit on a soft sofa, and then called two young and beautiful waitresses in formal attire.

"This distinguished customer, please allow me to introduce myself first..."

"My name is Liu Xuan, the manager of this bank."

His voice was very calm, but through the corners of his mouth that kept rising, Li Yang could feel the suppressed ecstasy in this guy's heart.

Li Yang nodded and said, "My name is Li Yang, from Tianyun College."

Tianyun College?

Hearing this, Liu Xuan was stunned for a moment.

You know, his sweet son Liu Xing happens to be attending Tianyun College!

How could he remember that Liu Xing mentioned that there were such wealthy people in Tianyun College?

Doubts aside, he is a very professional person and will not interfere with the privacy of this kind of customer unless necessary.

"Then... Mr. Li Yang, in order to prevent unexpected situations, can you reveal the source of your gold coins?"

"Nowadays, it is easy to be able to come up with such a large amount of gold coins in such a batch..."

Liu Xuan said respectfully, and at the same time stood up and helped Li Yang make tea.

Seeing this, Li Yang took the tea, took a sip, and said calmly: "It's a family heirloom."

Liu Xuan was stunned for a moment. Faced with a seemingly outrageous answer, he resolutely chose to believe it.

In today's Blue Star, due to the existence of dungeons, priceless equipment and props that are worth millions or even more are often seen.

The amount of money circulating in the market has become huge, and the gold and silver reserves, which are the backbone of the monetary system, are mostly stored in a few people, and are relatively less and less in the market.

Therefore, while the job changers are frantically pursuing power.

Banks and chambers of commerce are also constantly chasing something more essential like gold.

There is even a saying among businessmen -

"Since ancient times, money has been like running water, but gold has won the hearts of the people."

The more gold a bank stores, the easier it is to store it stably in the ever-changing world market.

People are also more willing to choose banks with a lower probability of bankruptcy for savings and transactions...

Of course, there are so many reasons and they seem so complicated, but they can actually be summed up in one sentence.

Banks need gold.

Li Yang needs money.

Then just exchange.

Everything else is important.

How could he pay attention to the kind of care that Li Yang brought to his doorstep?

Although this batch of gold sent by Li Yang is considered property that can change the situation.

But for Yunzhou Bank, it is also very precious.

After the sister at the front desk just weighed the gold, the information was sent to Liu Xuan as soon as possible.

Liu Xuan held the computer and calculated for a long time, and finally stood up and bowed to Li Yang:

"According to the current gold price, the gold you brought is worth 2.2 million."

"If you think it's acceptable, I'll draw up a contract now and help you apply for a VIP gold card."

"With our bank's gold card, all your future purchases in this trading market can be paid at a discount."

Li Yang nodded and accepted it happily.

Unexpectedly, I saved some money and got an unexpected gain.

Liu Xuan helped Li Yang handle these matters very quickly.

When Liu Xuan was printing the contract, Li Yang, who was sitting here, suddenly asked coldly:

"If I have a chance in the future, I may come to you a few more times to exchange money."

"The amount is too high, your bank should open it, right?"

Upon hearing this, Liu Xuan, who was standing in front of the printer, lost his legs and almost fell down.

ah? ? ?

Still! ! ?

And also worried about whether the bank can be found?

The gold Li Yang brought this time was considered extremely rare.

The result is this…

His family knows how to open a gold mine, right?

It’s simply too scary!

"Of course we can find it! We can find it in any number!"

"What a handsome person! Li Yang first!"

"You are young and have such a wealthy family background. You must be from a noble family, right?"

"Ahem, let's get down to business! If your total gold reserves are indeed large enough, I actually have a suggestion."

"We might be able to sign an agreement..."

"From now on, your gold will only be collected by us, and the price we charge for gold will be 20% higher than the market price!!"

"놊Zhi, what do you think?"

Liu Xuan quickly made a suggestion.

From Li Yang's tone, the gold reserves in his pocket must be much more than people can imagine.

If he can seize this opportunity and get enough gold through Li Yang...

Using this gold as a bargaining chip, he can make a fortune...

Even the opportunity to be transferred directly to the headquarters, how can it be caught?

Thinking of this, he became more and more excited.

Although his expression was still trying to remain calm, his red cheeks said it all.

Li Yang did not refuse the opportunity to get more money.

Compared with the gold coins collected last night, what he brought to the bank this time can even be considered a drop in the bucket.

Even if he plans to defect to the country in the future, why not take this opportunity to earn extra money steadily?

Seeing Li Yang agree, Liu Xuan quickly tore up the contract in his pocket and drafted another one.

While printing, he was still happily chatting with Li Yang.

"Speaking of which, my son also goes to Tianyun College."

"His name is Liu Xing, and he will graduate this year. Maybe Li Yang has met him before?"

Hearing this familiar name, Li Yang couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Liu Xing?

Yes, a Liu Xing and a Liu Xuan, you can tell they are related.

Then they have more than just met...

They are so familiar with each other.

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