But Li Yang didn't say anything about it.

Just follow the process, check the contents of the contract, sign on the face, and take away your own VIP gold card.

The contents of the contract took effect immediately. Because of the deeper partnership, the 2.2 million that should have been stored in the card became 2.64 million.

Taking the money, Li Yang went straight to the trading market.

Not to mention anything else, the most commonly used storage rings for career changers are to buy 껗깊five in one go.

With these things in hand, he has no shortage of space behind him to put things.

But logically speaking, shouldn’t all systems come with a storage space?

Li Yang was puzzled, but unfortunately he didn't get a response from the system.

He shrugged and continued shopping.

Use the money to eat, drink, and change your clothes.

I walked around until the afternoon, then took a taxi and left here.

On the way home, he heard another announcement from the driver's radio about the time of last night's beast wave.

The Yunzhou government and military departments jointly issued a statement to express their gratitude to all those who contributed to Yunzhou during the beast wave attack.

We also hope that in the future, more career changers will bravely stand up and defend their homes.

The driver in front chatted casually with Li Yang and lamented that although Yunzhou was only a small and remote town in China, the government and military departments never lost their ability in the face of crisis, which was very impressive.

In this regard, Li Yang nodded again and again, expressing deep agreement.

And in the following time.

Li Yang opened Dave's shop and planned to take advantage of this time to take a good look at the new plants he got this time.

But suddenly, his thoughts were interrupted by a rapid ringing of the phone.

The phone was picked up and there was an emergency notification from Tianyun College on the other side.

According to the college, due to the unexpected incident of the invasion of beasts, the college's original graduation examination could not be carried out normally.

In order to ensure the safety of the students, and also to solve the upgrade problem of these students who have just transferred jobs, the college decided to temporarily recall this batch of graduates to prepare for follow-up plans.

Although the beast tide last night did not harm Yunzhou District.

But for all copies near Yunzhou, it was a devastating blow.

The various dungeons that were originally used to level up were all in chaos, with monsters of all levels running around randomly in any dungeon.

If you throw these new job transfers without levels into that kind of place at this time, it will be like beating a dog with meat, and you will never come back.

After hanging up the phone.

Li Yang returned home and tidied up his yard.

By the way, all the collected gold and silver coins were stuffed into the storage ring.

After doing this, he planted a few sunflowers in some corners that were hard to notice.

As long as the sunflowers are within the scope of the system, the system will automatically collect the sunlight they release.

A few million or tens of millions of gold coins would be enough to spend.

But there is not much sunshine.

He doesn't want to be stuck on the most basic issue like sunshine when he needs it.

At this time, Yunzhou 뎀뎀中뀞, 뎀Government Building 껗.

Commander Zhang Mingshu and Military Minister Wei Congfeng stayed in the office on the roof of the building, looking at the two brown wood chips placed in front of them and looking at each other.

This is the only useful thing I found after searching the entire battlefield.

"The efficiency of your military department..."

Zhang Mingshu sighed and said half of his words.

Wei Congfeng, who was opposite him, was rubbing his temples with a headache on his face.

"The battlefield where 녦놆 and the beast tide fought, the area affected covers most of the village."

"As a result, I have only found two... of this thing??"

"Originally, judging from the traces of the battle, it was a job like the big shot's gunnery master."

"Look at this thing, it's impossible to guess! No one can tell that this plant type monster left behind!"

"Why don't we screen all the high-level job transferees in Yunzhou? See if there are any related professions...?"

Wei Congfeng made some clumsy suggestions.

Zhang Mingshu, who was opposite, shook his head repeatedly: "It's too risky to act like this, and it will cause a lot of trouble to others."

"At that time, even if you really screen them out, they probably won't be willing to work under us."

"We have to think about it. There is no way to recruit or attract the job changer."

Wei Congfeng sat down on the chair, feeling a little unhappy:

"Hey, let me tell you, why don't we just put up a bounty? Let him see our sincerity."

"Immediately put a reward of five million and let him come and collect it himself."

"I don't believe that people have trouble with money these days. This is five million!"

Zhang Mingshu glanced angrily:

"I just said that I would keep a low profile, and you're going to do this? You're also offering a reward of five million. Who are you showing off to me in such a high-handed way?"

"Judging from the way the man left no trace, he definitely didn't want to attract too much attention."

"If you do this, 녦땣 will get the best of you."

"However, what you said is good. We really need to let people see our sincerity."

"After all, for someone as powerful as 녦, 녦 will never bury 깊..."

Wei Congfeng sighed and picked up the two pieces of wood from the table:

"I'll continue to study this thing."

"You said this thing is so hard, what kind of plant did it fall from?"

"If you use this plant to make a weapon, wouldn't it be very powerful?"

"This talent must be found, otherwise I will feel guilty!"


The next day, early in the morning.

Li Yang got up from the bed and stretched.

He looked at the sunflower planted at the head of his bed, which always kept smiling, and then looked at his system interface.

In one night, his total amount of sunlight has soared to 500,000.

With so much sunlight, he couldn't change it with the modifier when playing games.

Apart from anything else, he should stock up more seeds of cherry bombs.

After stocking up, he can just put them in the storage ring.

The cooling time of the cherry bomb is fifty seconds. Just remember this and check it from time to time to keep redeeming it.

After that, whether you enter the dungeon or do something else, just play with it!

It's fun, I love playing!

Look at the time, it's getting late.

Li Yang quickly put on his clothes and walked out the door.

When he stepped into the gate of the college, the class bell had already rung for a while.

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