Li Yang had quick eyes and quick hands and deployed a defense in an instant, but he knew that this was not enough.

The evil energy surging in Zhang Hui's body was far beyond his expectation. If he allowed it to break out, I'm afraid the entire inn would be razed.

"Ah Fai! Stop!"

Zhang Hongyuan shouted, trying to stop his apprentice.

But Zhang Hui has fallen into madness, his evil spirits are getting stronger and stronger, and he is out of control.

At the critical moment, Li Yang gritted his teeth and formed seals with his hands.

A golden light surged out from his palm and instantly enveloped Zhang Hui.

Li Yang shouted low and used his secret technique with all his strength.

The wall of nuts, wrapped around the Taoist techniques that I had learned, firmly trapped the evil spirit within it.

The golden light and the black energy collided fiercely, making a harsh buzzing sound.

The entire inn was shaking violently, as if it might collapse at any time.

Zhang Hui roared in pain, struggling to break free from these restraints.

But Li Yang remained unmoved, standing firm and maintaining the seal calmly.

"Ah Hui, wake up!" Zhang Hongyuan shouted anxiously, "You are blinded by hatred!"

However, Zhang Hui turned a deaf ear, and the evil spirit in his body became stronger and stronger.

Li Yang frowned slightly and looked at the two men in front of him, almost losing his patience.

At this moment, Zhang Hongyuan suddenly stepped forward and put his hands on Zhang Hui's shoulders.

"I will accompany you as my master!" The old man shouted, and a powerful aura erupted from his body.

A gentle but tough force poured into Zhang Hui's body to contend with the evil energy.

Li Yang suddenly felt the pressure lighten, and then increased his efforts to consolidate the seal.

After a long while, the evil spirit in Zhang Hui's body finally subsided.

The ferocious expression on his face slowly disappeared, replaced by deep exhaustion.

"Huh..." Li Yang took a long breath and slowly withdrew the golden light.

Zhang Hui collapsed and lost consciousness.

Zhang Hongyuan sat on his knees, holding his unconscious apprentice, his eyes full of grief and self-blame.

"Zhang Da그..." Li Yang stopped talking.

Zhang Hongyuan waved his hand: "No need to say more about the National Normal University... It was my dereliction of duty that allowed Ah Hui to reach this point."

Li Yang was silent for a moment and said:

"Now that the matter is over, let's find a way to save him first."

Zhang Hongyuan raised his head and looked at Li Yang: "What good plan does the National Normal University have?"

Li Yang muttered: "Master Zhang has deep evil spirits in his body. If he is suppressed forcefully, it may be counterproductive."

"I suggest taking him back to the Yamen first, and then slowly think of ways to get rid of the evil spirit."

Zhang Hongyuan nodded: "I'll see you at the National Normal University."

"It's just... Ah Fai has committed a serious crime after all, I'm afraid..."

Li Yang said seriously: "Don't worry, I will report this matter to the emperor truthfully."

"Young Master Zhang made a mistake first and will definitely be punished, but after all he was bewitched... As long as he can repent, the Emperor will be lenient."

When Zhang Hongyuan heard this, a glimmer of hope appeared in his eyes: "Thank you so much, National Normal University."

At this moment, there was a sudden noise outside.

Li Yang frowned slightly and said:

"That's all. The noise just now may have alarmed the people. We have to leave here quickly."

With that said, he quickly walked to the door and ordered to his men guarding outside:

"Seal the scene immediately and don't let anyone get close."

"Also, send 그 to prepare. We will take 그 back immediately."

The men took the order and left.

Li Yang turned to Zhang Hongyuan and said, "Zhang Da그, we have to leave quickly."

Zhang Hongyuan nodded and carefully picked up the unconscious Zhang Hui.

꺘그 quickly left the inn and got into the carriage that had been prepared.

The carriage sped away and soon disappeared into the streets of the capital city.

At the same time, people gathered outside the inn to watch the excitement.

They were talking a lot, guessing what had just happened.

But no one noticed that among the group, there was a short figure wearing a gray robe.

The man silently watched the carriage going away, with a strange light flashing in his eyes.

"놋means..." Na그 whispered to himself, "It seems things are getting more interesting."

After saying that, he turned around and left, quickly disappearing into the bustling crowd.


In the Yamen prison, Zhang Hui slowly opened his eyes.

What comes into view is a dark and damp cell.

He tried to move his body, but found himself tightly bound by chains.

"Are you awake?" came a familiar voice.

Zhang Hui turned around and saw Li Yang sitting outside the cell, looking at him quietly.

"Ha..." Zhang Hui sneered, "The National Normal University, a majestic university, actually came to guard the prisoners in person. I'm really flattered."

Li Yang ignored his sarcasm and just said calmly:

"I'm here to tell you that your case has been reported to the Emperor."

A trace of surprise flashed in Zhang Hui's eyes: "So fast?"

Li Yang nodded: "The emperor attaches great importance to this matter."

"Considering your special situation, he decided to give you a chance to atone for your sins."

"Will you atone for your sins?" Zhang Hui sneered, "What do you mean? Do you want me to be a lackey of the court?"

Li Yang shook his head:

"No, your Majesty wants you to help us find out the truth about your father's case."

When Zhang Hui heard this, a complicated look flashed in his eyes.

But soon, he regained his indifference: "Oh, you want to check now? It's too late!"

Li Yang sighed: "I know the resentment in your heart."

"But your father's case is very involved, so it's really a last resort."

"Now that the emperor is willing to reopen the case, it is a good opportunity to give your father justice."

Zhang Hui was silent for a moment and suddenly asked: "Why should I trust you?"

Li Yang said seriously: "Because this is not only related to your father's case, but also related to the safety of Daxing as a whole."

Seeing Zhang Hui's confused expression, Li Yang continued:

"Do you know why you were able to master such powerful evil magic in a short period of time?"

Zhang Hui was stunned: "Isn't this... because I have extraordinary talent?"

Li Yang laughed dumbly, and then shook his head:

"No, it's 놋그 who is manipulating you behind the scenes."

"What?!" Zhang Hui was shocked.

Li Yang said in a deep voice: "According to our investigation, there has been an undercurrent in the DPRK and China in recent years."

"The Poison Dragon Cult that we fought against before was not completely eradicated. Instead, it was operating in secret."

"They don't know what means they use to seduce Bu꿁놋꺳华놅뎃Qing그 and make them go down the wrong path..."

"If nothing else, you are one of them."

"You... mean that I was also used?" Zhang Hui asked in disbelief.

Li Yang nodded:

"That's right, the person who taught you the evil arts, 놅그, is probably a member of the Poison Dragon Cult."

"They take advantage of the hatred in your heart and make you their pawn."

Zhang Hui's face turned extremely ugly when he heard this.

He lowered his head and murmured to himself: "How could it be could I..."

Seeing this, Li Yang softened his tone: "I know it's hard for you to accept it now, but it is the truth."

"The true purpose of the Poison Dragon Sect is still unclear, but it is definitely not a good thing for Daxing."

"If they are allowed to continue to develop, I am afraid that the entire Daxing will be in danger."

Zhang Hui was silent for a long time and finally raised his head: "Then...what do you want me to do?"

Li Yang said seriously: "Help us investigate that mysterious force, and at the same time find out the truth about your father's case."

"Only in this way can we completely eradicate this scourge."

A trace of struggle flashed in Zhang Hui's eyes, and finally he sighed: "Okay...I promise you."

Li Yang smiled slightly: "Choose wisely."

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